Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Where Are Torontos Cruising Spots


Zhang Xianliang è nato a Nanchino, in Cina, nel 1936, da una famiglia della media borghesia.
Suo padre era un funzionario del Kuomintang, nonché un industriale di grosso calibro che gestiva grandi imprese, tra cui anche una compagnia di navigazione.
Fu accusato di spionaggio e arrestato.
Morì in carcere, in una prigione Maoist, following the fate of hundreds of thousands of people who, by order Mao, were physically removed.
After the death of his father, Zhang moved to Beijing, where he attended the Middle School, and joined a group called "Qi Xiondi.
He was expelled from school in 1954.
moved to the north-western region of Ningxia to work as a farmhand.
In 1956 he was given the task of a teacher in a school.
In 1957 was published a poem entitled "Son of the great wind" which was a huge success.
When Mao launched the plan " Cultural Revolution" that was not allowed to write anything on a personal basis, as a sign and symptom of bourgeoisie belongs to the followers of capitalism and the right or Kuomintang, were persecuted writers, poets, writers, teachers and intellectuals.
Even the students were encouraged to rebel against teachers and school managers, who were held up to public scorn as representatives of an unjust power, diverted, not in tune with communism, with the peasants and the people. This policy, which
Mao pointed to the Chinese people as the way forward, sparked a period of terror that led students to meet in organized gangs who rage against their own former teachers, forcing them to humiliating sessions self-criticism, and making them subject to beatings, torture, segregation and humiliation of all kinds.
Zhang was not lost on this witch hunt and, being a poet, a scholar, an intellectual, and therefore an 'enemy of the people', was sent to a "reeducation camp through work" as they were euphemistically called the lager del regime comunista di Mao, i famigerati " laogai ".
A ventuno anni di età Zhang entrò quindi a contatto con la realtà più subdola della politica di Mao , e cioè il tentativo e la volontà del regime di voler annullare la persona in quanto tale.
Per ventidue anni rimase prigioniero di aguzzini che, per volere di Mao, cercavano in tutti i modi di imporgli di pensare non come essere umano in quanto tale, ma come propaggine di un unico ragionamento, quello statale, che coincideva con il pensiero di Mao.
La carestia intanto, effetto delle disastrose pianificazioni produttive degli fifties, was killed millions of people across the country.
agricultural policies of Mao , devoid of any kind of entrepreneurship, in China caused the deaths of thirty million people.
E 'in those years that Zhang found the strength to write a diary during his imprisonment.

Zhang has written and published, once free, " grass soup", an extended version of his diary, to remind the Chinese young people what can happen in an authoritarian system.

" I used the pen to survive.
I wrote in the interstices, in the cracks of time, when not working in the fields.
typing, the first thing I thought was not what had happened in a given day, no thoughts worthy of note.
the contrary, I thought first of all the events and thoughts that I had absolutely no record
. "

Those meager notes, thoroughly self-censorship, helped the author to survive in the midst of including common criminals had been thrown in hell no bars, where the instruments of torture were hungry, self-criticism, and spying.
After twenty-two years of captivity, Zhang Xiangliang has been 'rehabilitated' in 1979.
Since then it has established itself as one of the most original voices in Chinese literature.
Today, the author was able to tell everything, then, had left between the lines.
have been translated in English "man is a woman Half" and "Used to Dying geeting.

" grass soup" was given to the press by Baldini & Castoldi in 1966.
This is just a diary, in which the author, interned in a "farm " to be "re-educated ," wrote of how you can fall down, physically and spiritually, by continuing to same time to live.
The horror, pity, irony, and the desperate strength of the story is such that the reading refers to such classics as "Memories from House of the Dead" Dostoevsky, or as "A day of Ivan Denisovich "by Solzhenitsyn.
The testimony of grass soup is unique, because one of the most subtle to describe the horrors that man is able to imagine: brainwashed .
The horror of laogai is a hell from which no one dares to escape because he has so internalized the guilt that it deserves to be believed living conditions beyond imagination.

The practice everyday are: off thirty for a bed to sleep, exhausting work from dawn to evening, insults and humiliations such as rehabilitation therapy, and the loss of any individual, such as food, a cup of soup of grass fields, watered down.

tells the author:

" everything I saw around me was different from what I read in books.
man exalted by poets, writers, ethicists, educators, philosophers, historians, seemed to have reduced to a state not much different from that of the toads which it fed.
All animals in the world, even the lowest, seemed to conform to the natural laws of its kind.
There was nothing incomprehensible in it.
Only, it was difficult to understand why the man should live a life like that.
In reality I had no desire to understand.
I would just survive, from morning to evening with a kind of inexpressible wonder what was happening
that he might live, that still did not want to die, who still demanded from myself to become a better person - this means that surprising . "

~ ~ ~

Let me remind you that today the Chinese communist regime makes extensive use of laogai , real lager, in which people are exploited for their work, often in inhumane conditions, with the threat of torture, or extreme.
The Laogai is the same horrendous repressive instruments also used by Mao to annihilate those who dare deviate from his "divine" thought, written and posted on the famous little red book that, in the West, was praised by many findings in the crowds Communist youth indoctrinated by prophets of Chinese communism.
I “ campi di correzione attraverso il lavoro ” hanno sempre continuato la loro pratica distruttrice delle personalità e delle concezioni individuali, in un crescendo di parossismo e di furore tesi alla manipolazione totale di ogni coscienza, e di ogni persona.
Nonostante ciò, noi Occidentali siamo stati capaci di chiudere gli occhi, e di portare la più recente manifestazione Olimpica in terra cinese.
Parimenti, il nostro Presidente del Consiglio si è compiaciuto recentemente di aver stretto “importanti relazioni commerciali” con Pechino.
Non aggiungo altro.
I can only consider the fact that in this way we have become accomplices of the Chinese Communist regime, ignoring the martyrs who every day are killed with impunity.
I bow before them and I pay tribute to the memory of those who, like them, opposed to tyranny.
remember the Tiananmen Square uprising and the thousands of victims of repression that followed.
I recall the courage of the anonymous rebel who is completely unarmed and alone, opposed the advancing tank, ponendovisi front to stop, risking his own life.
is not uncommon to see that our politicians shake hands stained with blood of those representatives di regimi che, con violenza e sopraffazione, si servono della vita umana come ostaggio per il raggiungimento di un potere dittatoriale e assoluto.
Con questi individui si stringono accordi commerciali, si sorride, si organizzano convegni, si indicono conferenze stampa, come è avvenuto per dittatori del calibro di Gheddafi, di Putin, o di Hu Jintao.
L’occidente è testimone e allo stesso tempo complice di un sistematico piano di distruzione delle coscienze in atto oggi in Cina, così come del genocidio della popolazione di etnia tibetana.
Il fantasma degli orrori dell’olocausto, e del gulag, ricompare oggi, mai sopito, incredibilmente attuale, senza che i massimi esponenti politicians at the helm of the world's nations to take clear positions and decided against it.


Celebrate the Day of the Holocaust on the one hand, and sneakily silent on other Chinese Laogai, who plays this role puts up positions at the very least questionable.
seems fake and culpable accomplice who is subject to the charm of trade relations with those who embody the spiritual heirs of the facts in a sinister Communism for decades to replenish itself with the flesh of innocent victims.


The human being is, in its identity, a link in a long chain, where everyone follows or continues its connection with other human beings, in a strict symbiosis that characterizes its existence. Breaking
a ring in any position implies a weakening of the entire chain.
rupture that causes not only a continuation of a mere physical separation from a reality prior to direct contact, but also the loss of mental baggage, cultural, psychological, social, and intellectual, which is irreversibly must be dissociated from that 'intersection of culture and symbiosis of intent painstakingly achieved in millennia of coexistence.
The Holocaust is an example, as the universe of the Gulag, the Laogai, and unfortunately even today.

Zhang Xianliang Thanks for letting us witness to the fact that he lived in China, and for giving us a way of knowing how, for twenty-two years, has been persecuted by the communist regime. A life

... The years of youth to maturity, for twenty-two years, after eating grass soup almost always watered down ...
beatings, torture ....
And above all, self-criticism meetings, to mend, to repent ... to become a good communist ...

~ ~ ~


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