Saturday, February 6, 2010

Milena Velba And Isabella


February 10 marks the day of remembrance the , in commemoration of the victims of "sinkholes", are identified as the thousands of victims of the fury of Tito's communist police at the end and during the Second World War, in the land of Istria and Dalmatia, Trieste and Gorizia. The so-called
sinkholes are natural cavities of the land, with access to precipice, some tens of meters deep, typical of karst landscape in which they were thrown alive people of Italian nationality, because of the drawing crowds of hatred, which is implemented by the army Tito, who has led to the genocide of innocent Italians.
For decades, the silence has shrouded, to cover art, this sad and grim reality, counting among the skeletons in the closet of a growing community identifier, but a lucid interpretation of ferocious persecution of human beings desire.
The stereotype is the same as common to all crimes against humanity committed in this case, as in many others, by a communist regime on the one hand perpetrated atrocities of unprecedented ferocity, and the other hiding the traces of his work , with the complicity of people like, for example, Togliatti and his party colleagues. They have been complicit in
a silence that united them as the material responsible of the massacres, becoming accomplices in subtle endorsement of a moral and ideological strategy of terror that is the focal point of strength.

why February 10th we celebrate the day of remembrance.
memory we must turn back in time to relive the tragic reality suffered by thousands of our brothers and sisters, brutally torn from life, murdered by the communist regime. A comprehensive study
denied the massacres of Italians from Istria and Venezia Giulia, was made by Gianni Oliva went to press the findings of his research work, publishing the book "The sinkholes.
from the first page shows the specific responsibility of the political project of Yugoslavia, Tito and Kardely explained by early autumn 1943.
The uniformity of purpose of the Communists headed to Belgrade, highlights the need to eliminate all forms of opposition intended to take sides in favor of an anti-annexation of the occupied territories to Yugoslavia.
The extermination of any voice of dissent was considered a prerogative of Tito essential then to sit at the negotiating table for peace, and see recognized Belgrade's sovereignty in the territory Julian.
serious misconceptions of Togliatti (number two of the Comintern) and the leader of the PCI group compared with the definitions of the eastern borders, and the expansionist policies of what was, at that time, a communist regime, led to a climate of spreading terror in those territories. The reality that has emerged so
overlapped to a configuration with perceived and interpreted the dynamics of assimilation based on a variety of facets.
First and foremost the historical truth has revealed that the massacres of sinkholes were part of a plan of systematic elimination of the anti against the annexation.
The Italian side is felt with the impression of being in front of a national genocide, a true ethnic cleansing, aimed at the destruction of all that was Italian.
the Yugoslav thesis that of a smuggler and political justice against Nazi fascism.
The radical opposition of these interpretations are reflected in the computation of the victims.
The difficulty of counting the "infoibati" is the multiplicity of variables involved when considering the various factors.
In many cases, for example, it was impossible to recover and count the bodies hidden in karst sinkholes.
E 'must also consider as victims of the same wave of persecution of the prisoners died in the camps in Slovenia and Croatia, including those who have lost their lives during the tragic speed of transfer.
The number indicates the most common figure today as opinion to identify the victims of the current approaches foibe twelve thousand units, and includes, however, even the dead and missing in action during the period 1943-45.
infoibati If you count only the number would drop to 5,000 units, while also there are those who still speak of 20-30 thousand dead.
should be considered, however, that despite the specific character of ethnic cleansing purges Titine taken from the practice followed by the Yugoslav army in all the territories they "liberated" the crackdown as an end to all those who opposed them, without distinction of nationality or political affiliation.
were also affect the people of Slavic nationality population in Istria.
As a result of all these considerations, the estimation of reference therefore considered more valid frames in the size dell'eccidio about 10,000 victims.
The way the murders were executed, are modeled on systems that are based on an interpretation of the tragic terror mercilessly.
Often people were thrown alive, or injured, in the deep hollows of ravines, in quali si accumulavano corpi di feriti agonizzanti, insieme a cadaveri in decomposizione precedentemente uccisi.
L’orrore era la prassi, indice di una crudeltà fine a sé stessa che solo gli esseri umani sono in grado di sfoggiare, come elemento distintivo della sua inspiegabile ferocia.
Ne è stato testimone Graziano Udovisi, unico sopravvissuto, miracolosamente risparmiato da un destino tragicamente benevolo.
I soldati di Tito nel 1945 gli hanno spaccato i timpani a furia di percosse, dopo averlo legato così stretto con il filo di ferro da farlo sanguinare.
Insieme ad altri sventurati è stato condotto, facendolo marciare scalzo, sul ciglio di una foiba, dove lo aspettava una mitragliata final.
Udovisi Graziano did not wait for the fatal blows, but bravely threw himself into the void and made a long and endless flight of about twenty meters, falling unconscious in the water that filled the bottom of foiba.
Kicking in the liquid and trying not to drink squirmed groped for the slope, holding her breath, managed to free one hand from the grip of the wire.
He felt something under his foot, which could be a stone on which to support, but realized that it was instead the head of one of his companions in misfortune.
Now, with his free hand grabbed him, pulling him up with force, and allowing them to escape.
still Udovisi Graziano, a volte, la notte ha degli incubi, che rievocano le tragiche giornate vissute.

Ricorda e parla di 20.000 vittime, e del silenzio totale in cui le ha avvolte lo Stato italiano negli anni successivi
Dove erano Enzo Biagi (il “grande vecchio” del giornalismo italiano), o Giorgio Bocca (a cui danno tanto fastidio le commemorazioni delle foibe e non quelle della risiera di San Sabba) , o Sandro Curzi (ex direttore di “Liberazione” organo di Rifondazione comunista), o Furio Colombo (alla direzione de l’Unità)….?
Per sessant’anni hanno taciuto, following the instructions of the party, depriving Italians of a truth which then exploded, however
... They are nothing but manipulators of information, accustomed to the use and exploitation of silence, of metamorphosis, guilty of ambiguity, which cleverly interposed between their readers and the naked truth.
Their "journalistic practice" has been fortunately enough to reach the sinister goal they had set the communists in our house, that is, hide the misdeeds committed by their classmates, their massacres, the killings and lies, and to highlight only , false, a complacent and idyllic aspect of each situation.

I remember also the reader, as is sometimes the fate, in its inevitability, is tragically perverse and disrespectful of the memory of those who, in fact, played the role of victim.
The route follows the fate that may follow roads that lead back to the handling and ideological subordination of characters that instead they should be immune because engaged courts as servants of the State and Justice.
in 1996 were investigated at the Court of Rome, after more than 50 years after the events of sinkholes, some Slavs, identified as perpetrators of massacres of thousands of Italians.
Croatian citizens Piskulic Oskar Motiva and Ivan were in fact charged with the crime of genocide for having, between 1943 and 1947, wiped out thousands of people while living in Istria and Dalmatia, were the fault of being ethnic Italian.
seems absurd, but the results of the proceedings brought Roman judges to consider the competence Italian lapsed since the events took place in a territory already taken over by Yugoslavia.
Victims of sinkholes have been killed so twice, first from the vicious perpetrators of Marshal Tito, and the second from the shameful statement promulgated by the courts of Rome.
My question in this regard is a must ...
There have been influenced by highbrow moved to the left, in high places judicial rulings have addressed these shameful?
Why is shame that it is, and I say without fear of contradiction.
However, do not argue back to life the victims of a criminal design desk study, and that we have an obligation not to forget.

remember then as we did for the Holocaust victims as well of sinkholes in a single embrace the ideal, giving them a prayer ... a simple thought of peace and love.
Think of them, if only for a moment, and try to reflect
... We have to spread messages of love, brotherhood, non-violence.
Do not let evil succeed a fare breccia di nuovo, spietatamente…
Per noi, i nostri figli, e i nostri nipoti…ma non solo…

~ ~ ~


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