On January 27, 2010 marks the day of remembrance for the tenth time since its establishment in Italy, in memories of what happened January 27, 1945, the day when the gates were opened at Auschwitz.
the Soviet soldiers who liberated the camp appeared to all the horrors that could evoke images seen for the extermination and crimes of unbelievable cruelty made therein.
Humanity itself, together with the Jews tortured and killed, wounded in an irreversible way by drawing a crowd of total annihilation in the name of an Aryan master race.
The thought I am overcome by nausea and horror, for as the Nazis were able to safely develop their pious no criminal, without any conscience they all are on opposite sides at once.
E 'have happened that have been sacrificed six million human beings on the altar of a bloodthirsty deity and feted by the Nazis, the one which referred to its greatest prophet, Adolf Hitler, before the civilized nations to bring to an end a catastrophe without precedent.
Russian soldiers who took part in the liberation from the Nazis were driven from power, the Soviet era, in that country also persecuted and deported millions of human beings, torture, rape, annihilation, using the work in labor camps, to the ultimate sacrifice, in a drawing as criminal.
the Armenian people have known before, the ferocity of the Turkish persecutors and their determination to erase from the face of the earth, resulting in a genocide of two million people.
the Armenian people have known before, the ferocity of the Turkish persecutors and their determination to erase from the face of the earth, resulting in a genocide of two million people.
All these victims, killed in a different way, in my opinion are bound in brotherhood by the same fate, the same destructive and evil force that has tried in every way to take possession of their souls, even before the their lives.
the gas chambers, as well as deportations, concentration camps such as the gulag, the chemical gas and mutilation, they manifest with a same sadistic criminal activity, contrary to the very life of humanity, playing a role satanic and evil that seems to come from the pages of a horror story.
Yes, because it is with horror that it is, of awe in front of private mothers of children torn from their arms, killed and maimed in front of them, or a glorification of suicide bombers in paroxysmal become blow up buses full of innocent people , spreading bits of mangled flesh and blood all around.
Horror, before experiments implemented by the scientists to Hitler, on human guinea pigs, devastated by some kind of speculations born of the madness of their abusers.
Orrore anche davanti al silenzio che per troppo tempo ha calato un colpevole sipario per nascondere tutto ciò, e per le teorie negazioniste che ancora oggi, a volte, cercano di falsare la storia e il ricordo di quanto è avvenuto.

Horror, before experiments implemented by the scientists to Hitler, on human guinea pigs, devastated by some kind of speculations born of the madness of their abusers.
Orrore anche davanti al silenzio che per troppo tempo ha calato un colpevole sipario per nascondere tutto ciò, e per le teorie negazioniste che ancora oggi, a volte, cercano di falsare la storia e il ricordo di quanto è avvenuto.
Ecco perché è importante ricordare, testimoniare, ascoltare, diffondere la verità.
Perché si corre il rischio che il Male, sempre in agguato, riprenda il sopravvento e che i nostri figli possano cadere nuovamente in balia di esseri mostruosi privi della più piccola umanità.
Vorrei però che la memoria non fosse dedicata solo ai nostri fratelli ebrei, ma a tutti coloro che ne hanno condiviso the same torture, even in earlier times or later.
Perché si corre il rischio che il Male, sempre in agguato, riprenda il sopravvento e che i nostri figli possano cadere nuovamente in balia di esseri mostruosi privi della più piccola umanità.
Vorrei però che la memoria non fosse dedicata solo ai nostri fratelli ebrei, ma a tutti coloro che ne hanno condiviso the same torture, even in earlier times or later.
This not to belittle the tragedy that has characterized their race and their religion above all, but only to avoid depriving so many innocent victims of a just recognition and a memory that , just thinking about moving to me.
Who would not shed a tear wells up in seeing, in fact, maybe a picture of a black child, malnourished, wide-eyed, helpless, alone, who have been torn from their parents by guerrillas opposed to ethnicity, in some conflict between developed in many African territory?
Or, who is not moved at the thought of the Tibetan people, whose culture, religion, tradition and personality, is routinely eradicated from the Chinese juggernaut in a constant attempt to total subjugation, to the physical elimination of opponents of the bravest?
Who would not shed a tear wells up in seeing, in fact, maybe a picture of a black child, malnourished, wide-eyed, helpless, alone, who have been torn from their parents by guerrillas opposed to ethnicity, in some conflict between developed in many African territory?
Or, who is not moved at the thought of the Tibetan people, whose culture, religion, tradition and personality, is routinely eradicated from the Chinese juggernaut in a constant attempt to total subjugation, to the physical elimination of opponents of the bravest?
The examples are many, such as those that may be related to the victims dell'holomodor, famine caused by Stalin in the pursuit of its policy of terror and his plan of extermination on the basis of ethnicity and social .
all know the names of the most heinous Nazi, responsible for torture and sadism uncontrolled concentration camps, of mass shootings, the terrible reprisals on entire populations in war zones, and many of them eventually dropped the hand of human justice, which will be added sooner or later the Divine.
Names like Herbert Kappler, Hermann Goering, Joseph Goebbels, Adolf Eichmann, Rudolf Hess, Josef Mengele, or acronyms such as Gestapo, SS, are all generally related to the universe immediately Nazi sentiment, causing an immediate right, the only naming them, of horror and revulsion.
But who are usually at the level of knowledge of mass, can say about who is Varlam Shalamov, or Gustaw Herling, or meaning of the Katyn massacre, or the Kolyma?
Anyone familiar names such as Yezhov, cha an era of terror that took its name in the Soviet Union or those of Felix Dzerzhinsky and Beria Laurentij?
all know the names of the most heinous Nazi, responsible for torture and sadism uncontrolled concentration camps, of mass shootings, the terrible reprisals on entire populations in war zones, and many of them eventually dropped the hand of human justice, which will be added sooner or later the Divine.
Names like Herbert Kappler, Hermann Goering, Joseph Goebbels, Adolf Eichmann, Rudolf Hess, Josef Mengele, or acronyms such as Gestapo, SS, are all generally related to the universe immediately Nazi sentiment, causing an immediate right, the only naming them, of horror and revulsion.
But who are usually at the level of knowledge of mass, can say about who is Varlam Shalamov, or Gustaw Herling, or meaning of the Katyn massacre, or the Kolyma?
Anyone familiar names such as Yezhov, cha an era of terror that took its name in the Soviet Union or those of Felix Dzerzhinsky and Beria Laurentij?
memory can not 'be addressed one way.
Non si può ricordare l'olocausto causato dal nazismo, senza ricordare anche i milioni di morti prodotti dal comunismo.
Le due cose non devono essere in contrapposizione, come se il citarne una minimizzasse l’importanza dell’altra.
Occorre prendere atto che accanto ai fratelli ebrei, che ancora oggi subiscono devastanti attacchi nelle loro stesse città, esistono altri fratelli che devono essere ricordati insieme, per evitare che ci siano radici dello stesso male che si possano spread to separate entities, according to the importance attributed to them.
Occorre prendere atto che accanto ai fratelli ebrei, che ancora oggi subiscono devastanti attacchi nelle loro stesse città, esistono altri fratelli che devono essere ricordati insieme, per evitare che ci siano radici dello stesso male che si possano spread to separate entities, according to the importance attributed to them.
Schools should lead to students' knowledge of the universe history of the last century, highlighting all aspects of the evil that has characterized the course.
Until a few years ago no one mentioned the Foibe, and the plight of thousands of innocent people buried alive by the fury of the murderous communist Tito.
Can I also ask why, but I already know the answer, which is actually granted.
E 'quite clear who was behind the guilty silence, a pattern of manipulation of reality that has begun at the time of Togliatti, primarily responsible for its implementation, and that has continued until today at the hands of his chameleon-like followers.
still leave the controversy to dedicate ourselves, as it should, at the memory, the memory of the victims, and their sacrifice.
Until a few years ago no one mentioned the Foibe, and the plight of thousands of innocent people buried alive by the fury of the murderous communist Tito.
Can I also ask why, but I already know the answer, which is actually granted.
E 'quite clear who was behind the guilty silence, a pattern of manipulation of reality that has begun at the time of Togliatti, primarily responsible for its implementation, and that has continued until today at the hands of his chameleon-like followers.
still leave the controversy to dedicate ourselves, as it should, at the memory, the memory of the victims, and their sacrifice.

ideally embrace the brothers together with those Soviet Jews, and all citizens of the world that were, despite themselves, performers of a tragic representation.
fight at their side because the seed of Nazism, communism, and totalitarianism are all forever eradicated from society.
We want a world where the oppression and hatred have been wiped out ... a world in which love is the fundamental prerogative of the existence and coexistence, over and above personal interests, logic of economic or religious, and in which our children and grandchildren can live their lives.
. שלום (Hebrew)
Frieden (German)
мир (Russian)
peace (English)
paz (English)
peace (Italian)
Frieden (German)
мир (Russian)
peace (English)
paz (English)
peace (Italian)
This little word, simple but so important, should be the pivot of any initiative which can rotate through the mechanisms of mutual comparison of the peoples.
try to work for you ... in his name ... because it does not happen in the future it is necessary to establish a new day of remembrance ...
try to work for you ... in his name ... because it does not happen in the future it is necessary to establish a new day of remembrance ...
~ ~ ~
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