I would like to report a book written a set of authors, scholars of Soviet dissent, entitled "Stories of righteous men in the Gulag."
In the literary scene like that is definitely a text to be known, not only because of the multiplicity of actions and testimony, being written by leading experts on the subject, but also the reflections that leads us to do in the aftermath of the massacres and genocide carried out in 1900 by two opposing worlds idelogicamente but equally devastating to democracy, the Nazi and Soviet.
would be fair that texts like this were adopted as part of school study in schools across Europe, not being frustrated because the sacrifice of millions of innocent people, and to draw from these writings an awareness of the roots of evil: the annihilation of the individual.
In the literary scene like that is definitely a text to be known, not only because of the multiplicity of actions and testimony, being written by leading experts on the subject, but also the reflections that leads us to do in the aftermath of the massacres and genocide carried out in 1900 by two opposing worlds idelogicamente but equally devastating to democracy, the Nazi and Soviet.
would be fair that texts like this were adopted as part of school study in schools across Europe, not being frustrated because the sacrifice of millions of innocent people, and to draw from these writings an awareness of the roots of evil: the annihilation of the individual.
~ ~ ~ ~
The book presents the evidence and ways of life of countless people who have crossed the century of genocides ethnic and social characteristics of the twentieth century, and reflects their views on the crimes of totalitarianism.
as it is defined, a new category, alive and present, to be placed alongside that of well known Giusti the Holocaust, namely that of Giusti the Gulag, composed of people who have given an example of moral resistance to extreme evil, without being celebrities, and who opposed the persecution of man as a barrier in the former Soviet Union.
as it is defined, a new category, alive and present, to be placed alongside that of well known Giusti the Holocaust, namely that of Giusti the Gulag, composed of people who have given an example of moral resistance to extreme evil, without being celebrities, and who opposed the persecution of man as a barrier in the former Soviet Union.
Remember these examples is a good memory that has a value of specific resonances in an attempt not to limit its acquisition to compartmentalize research on genocides of the cross twentieth century.
This memory is not an automatism spontaneous but the result of a collaboration with institutions that allow the development of research and its enclosure.
The introduction of Gabriele Nissim, while the number of authors who have contributed to this work consists of names such as:
This memory is not an automatism spontaneous but the result of a collaboration with institutions that allow the development of research and its enclosure.
The introduction of Gabriele Nissim, while the number of authors who have contributed to this work consists of names such as:
Pierluigi Battista, Francesco Bigazzi, Elena Bonner Sakharov Slavy Boyanova, Francis M. Catalucci, Sergei Chodorovic, Elena Chukovskaya, Alexander Daniel, 'Elena Dundovich, Arina Ginburg, Didi Gnocchi, Natalija Gorbanevskaja, John Guaita, Sergei Kovalev, Peter Kuciukian, Yuri Mal'cev, Armenak Manukyan, the same Gabriele Nissim, Sergio Rapetti, Anatoly Razumov, Arseny Roginskij, Irina Sirotinskaja, Viktor Smyrov, Vittorio Strada, Nikita Struve, Vladimir Tol'c and Amatuni Virabyan .
The texts collected in this book were presented at the International Conference:
"The righteous in the Gulag. The value of the resistance to Soviet totalitarianism, "held in Milan the first half of December 2003.
I wanted to bring significant excerpts of the deeper meaning of being mentioned in the work, but this was not possible due to the confidentiality of the publishing rights, so I will express my personal review, as much as possible devoid of intellectual influences.
The texts collected in this book were presented at the International Conference:
"The righteous in the Gulag. The value of the resistance to Soviet totalitarianism, "held in Milan the first half of December 2003.
I wanted to bring significant excerpts of the deeper meaning of being mentioned in the work, but this was not possible due to the confidentiality of the publishing rights, so I will express my personal review, as much as possible devoid of intellectual influences.

The preface of Gabriele Nissim sull'equivocità dissertation opens with a definition of "right man" under which it is clear that there are different ways of thinking about it.
On the one hand is to identify persons who have pursued the ideals of upright life and pure, perhaps martyrs of the Church, dedicated to serving God and love toward human beings and to prayer.
the other side is the figure who always conduct was upright and coherent throughout its existence, in harmony with their principles.
A further definition of membership a “ uomo giusto ” è delineata dall’assunzione personale di responsabilità di coloro che si sono fatti carico di una scelta etica di fronte ad un crimine, evitando di farsi alibi e scudo di una ineluttabilità generale.
E’ questa ultima figura ad emergere tra quelle esaminate .
Ne sono interpreti coloro che anche in situazioni paradossali, in cui il genocidio è accettato e giustificato, si ergono a difesa della civiltà umana.
Il dibattito sull’accettazione della definizione di giusto si è sviluppato a Gerusalemme durante la prima istituzione mondiale di una commissione sulla definizione di questa categoria di uomini, dopo l’Olocausto.
Diverse filosofie di pensiero divergono sulla gerarchia dei valori di riferimento.
Per alcuni vanno privilegiati nella memoria coloro che hanno sempre tenuto comportamenti esemplari, di alto valore morale, mentre per altri non è determinante il comportamento generico dell’uomo, o la sua rispettabilità, bensì colui che non aveva voluto rinunciare alla sua qualità di essere umano.
La definizione di “uomo giusto” è ristretta comunque a coloro che, coincidendo con i parametri di riferimento, si sono resi interpreti di tale riconoscimento, nel periodo che ha visto il nazismo imperversare e proliferare.
La stessa definizione non è applicata, secondo quanto emerge dagli studi di Nissim, a coloro che, magari con gli stessi parametri di riferimento, abbiano una collocazione storica che li veda immersi nell’universo socialista sovietico negli anni del Terrore staliniano.
Questo perché l’orientamento pilotato dei grandi manipolatori dell’opinione pubblica ha condotto il pensiero dominante su concetti che vedono le vittime del sistema dei Gulag come risultato del tentativo fallito trovare un’alternativa all’economia di mercato, per migliorare la condizione umana.
Scrittori come Jean-Paul Sartre , alfiere della cultura progressista degli anni sessanta, sintetizzavano il pensiero dominante recommending to remain silent about the horrors of the Gulag, in order not to break the hopes of workers in the struggle against capitalism.
The Communist totalitarianism and the project of "creative destruction" aimed at reaching a new social order, are designed in a manner not unlike the Nazi delusion mechanism, but the approach of the European cultural front of the two phenomena still identifies the first as if contains a trap for the marginalized and their rights, while the latter always leads to an instinctive movement of indignation instantly.
According to the communist society was compared to a big field, not to annihilate and destroy but which weed and weed, in order to encourage the birth of a flourishing garden and extraordinary.
Margarete Buber-Neumann wrote in "Le Figaro litteraire " in 1950:
" The fundamental difference between Nazism and Communism was in the way of the elimination of beings regarded as harmful to society.
If it happened in the first system to aid route in the gas chambers, in accordance with the chekists rely on natural selection and conscious activation of the worst human instincts, so that the weakest slowly succumb to cold and hunger, under the conditions of slave labor which required the mechanism of the ruthless competition for survival among the prisoners . "
On the one hand is to identify persons who have pursued the ideals of upright life and pure, perhaps martyrs of the Church, dedicated to serving God and love toward human beings and to prayer.
the other side is the figure who always conduct was upright and coherent throughout its existence, in harmony with their principles.
A further definition of membership a “ uomo giusto ” è delineata dall’assunzione personale di responsabilità di coloro che si sono fatti carico di una scelta etica di fronte ad un crimine, evitando di farsi alibi e scudo di una ineluttabilità generale.
E’ questa ultima figura ad emergere tra quelle esaminate .
Ne sono interpreti coloro che anche in situazioni paradossali, in cui il genocidio è accettato e giustificato, si ergono a difesa della civiltà umana.
Il dibattito sull’accettazione della definizione di giusto si è sviluppato a Gerusalemme durante la prima istituzione mondiale di una commissione sulla definizione di questa categoria di uomini, dopo l’Olocausto.
Diverse filosofie di pensiero divergono sulla gerarchia dei valori di riferimento.
Per alcuni vanno privilegiati nella memoria coloro che hanno sempre tenuto comportamenti esemplari, di alto valore morale, mentre per altri non è determinante il comportamento generico dell’uomo, o la sua rispettabilità, bensì colui che non aveva voluto rinunciare alla sua qualità di essere umano.
La definizione di “uomo giusto” è ristretta comunque a coloro che, coincidendo con i parametri di riferimento, si sono resi interpreti di tale riconoscimento, nel periodo che ha visto il nazismo imperversare e proliferare.
La stessa definizione non è applicata, secondo quanto emerge dagli studi di Nissim, a coloro che, magari con gli stessi parametri di riferimento, abbiano una collocazione storica che li veda immersi nell’universo socialista sovietico negli anni del Terrore staliniano.
Questo perché l’orientamento pilotato dei grandi manipolatori dell’opinione pubblica ha condotto il pensiero dominante su concetti che vedono le vittime del sistema dei Gulag come risultato del tentativo fallito trovare un’alternativa all’economia di mercato, per migliorare la condizione umana.
Scrittori come Jean-Paul Sartre , alfiere della cultura progressista degli anni sessanta, sintetizzavano il pensiero dominante recommending to remain silent about the horrors of the Gulag, in order not to break the hopes of workers in the struggle against capitalism.
The Communist totalitarianism and the project of "creative destruction" aimed at reaching a new social order, are designed in a manner not unlike the Nazi delusion mechanism, but the approach of the European cultural front of the two phenomena still identifies the first as if contains a trap for the marginalized and their rights, while the latter always leads to an instinctive movement of indignation instantly.
According to the communist society was compared to a big field, not to annihilate and destroy but which weed and weed, in order to encourage the birth of a flourishing garden and extraordinary.
Margarete Buber-Neumann wrote in "Le Figaro litteraire " in 1950:
" The fundamental difference between Nazism and Communism was in the way of the elimination of beings regarded as harmful to society.
If it happened in the first system to aid route in the gas chambers, in accordance with the chekists rely on natural selection and conscious activation of the worst human instincts, so that the weakest slowly succumb to cold and hunger, under the conditions of slave labor which required the mechanism of the ruthless competition for survival among the prisoners . "
Gabriele Nissim, in continuation of the preface hopes that the future will provide us a reality of cultural diffusion, in schools, requiring the teaching of what was the Soviet Communist experience, which tells the story of Kolyma, in addition to that of Auschwitz, and that studies Shalamov with Primo Levi.
The writer insists that, given the impact on the history of the phenomenon, and conditioning on the events of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the cultural development should become a constant reference in European cultural life. The Nazi concentration camps and the gulag
communists, despite their different origins, have similarities and common points and therefore must be examined and compared with no injury to become a shared historical memory.
But it seems sometimes that the presentation of this heritage, which in turn contrasts the two stories, has characteristics of contrast and opposition to each other.
Sometimes the comparison between the Nazi and Soviet camps raises the question in terms of responsibilities between a child and another, depending on who interprets the events.
E 'as if there was contrast in comparison to Soviet labor camps in Nazi ones, as if they sminuisse the responsibility of the latter, in comparison, oversimplifying, but also vice versa. Unfortunately, instead
corresponds to the reality that comes eliminazionista introduced in the name of a higher order crossed the human condition of the twentieth century, and this is the tragic aspect which we must be aware.
The writer insists that, given the impact on the history of the phenomenon, and conditioning on the events of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the cultural development should become a constant reference in European cultural life. The Nazi concentration camps and the gulag
communists, despite their different origins, have similarities and common points and therefore must be examined and compared with no injury to become a shared historical memory.
But it seems sometimes that the presentation of this heritage, which in turn contrasts the two stories, has characteristics of contrast and opposition to each other.
Sometimes the comparison between the Nazi and Soviet camps raises the question in terms of responsibilities between a child and another, depending on who interprets the events.
E 'as if there was contrast in comparison to Soviet labor camps in Nazi ones, as if they sminuisse the responsibility of the latter, in comparison, oversimplifying, but also vice versa. Unfortunately, instead
corresponds to the reality that comes eliminazionista introduced in the name of a higher order crossed the human condition of the twentieth century, and this is the tragic aspect which we must be aware.
Nissim symbolic call for the establishment of a European day the common memory of the victims of Nazi camps and Soviet, and of all genocides that have crossed the twentieth century, from the Armenian genocide, celebrating a shared mourning, signifying the will of the people to recognize the evil that has made all ' interior of its history, and to prevent that Europe remains silent in the face to victims of new totalitarianism.
The cultural and intellectual stress resulting from the anti-totalitarian thought emerged in the years that saw the story of Solidarnosc, the role of Pope John Paul II, also known by her first name Karol Wojtyla , and campaigns for civil rights in Eastern Europe, have bequeathed some basic concepts for the values \u200b\u200bof democracy, as that will not reproduce the idea of \u200b\u200bthe enemy in political discourse, or the futility of what he says 'elimination of social classes, pursuing the idea that justice should be imposed from above by a State which is the sole manager and judge.
Who will retain the right to decide who in fact are the good guys, one who is driving shortcuts policies led to the construction of detention camps for so-called bad and unworthy.
Unfortunately today this thought necessary to hold off the evil, unfortunately seems to be weak again.

The cultural and intellectual stress resulting from the anti-totalitarian thought emerged in the years that saw the story of Solidarnosc, the role of Pope John Paul II, also known by her first name Karol Wojtyla , and campaigns for civil rights in Eastern Europe, have bequeathed some basic concepts for the values \u200b\u200bof democracy, as that will not reproduce the idea of \u200b\u200bthe enemy in political discourse, or the futility of what he says 'elimination of social classes, pursuing the idea that justice should be imposed from above by a State which is the sole manager and judge.
Who will retain the right to decide who in fact are the good guys, one who is driving shortcuts policies led to the construction of detention camps for so-called bad and unworthy.
Unfortunately today this thought necessary to hold off the evil, unfortunately seems to be weak again.
In continuation of his prologue Gabriele Nissim masterfully continues, explaining why his statements, and refute theories that underlie the ideological vision of Islamic fundamentalists and various movements antiglobalization .
According to the theory of thought that places them in opposition to the U.S. and capitalism, they would eliminate the causes of human suffering in trying to revive the idea of \u200b\u200ba happy garden, where you need to weed.
Here, then, the fundamentalists She killed two prisoners as lambs, before the cameras to deny membership in the human race, or measure their happiness by the number of deaths caused by suicide bombs.
to spread the memory of the Gulag is necessary, continue Nissim, there is a category of people, which he called the "storytellers", called to pass on to future generations not only the memory, but also the meaning and interpretation of that ' experience to be able to recognize in this society even the smallest trace similar.
The storytellers who best interpret this role are, for example:
David Rousset, who after being imprisoned in Buchenwald, and have written a book on the Nazi concentration camp system, launched an appeal on the "Figaro litteraire " to all former internees of the German camps, because it reveals to the world of the Soviet Gulag system.
It is certain that the survivors of the Soviet camps, compared to the Holocaust, have had less visibility.
often have been opposed, in the absence of a political subject that amplify their voice, while the Jews have survived had the state of Israel, who led the battle for the memory.
still Putin's Russia, try to maintain the prestigious image of a country with a past as a great power, failing to recognize the "guilt" the past, and thereby depriving a necessary political support to the victims of the Gulag. Interpreters
a significant dissent, which, thanks to a stubborn individual striving to preserve its own form of humanity have taken a bold ideological journey, are now identified as exemplary figures.
The poet Osip Mandelstam , the Russian writer Varlam Shalamov , Armenian Armen Meguerditch , Italian Edmondo Peluso, Gustaw Herling , author of "A World Apart ", the German Hannah Arendt, the great Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn , nobel prize, Aleksandr Ginzburg and his samizdat, Anatoly Marchenko ... are just few of the outstanding performers of a role which they were involved in a dissent and opposition to evil, communism.
After the prologue to the narrative Gabriele Nissim is developed starting from the considerations of Vittorio Strada on totalitarianism and genocide, the new type of extermination of the twentieth century, the expression of twentieth century ideologies.
Recalling that fundamentalism present in its new dimension finds its roots in totalitarianism of the last century, shows again the link between the development of terrorism practiced at the state and the symbiosis of the relationship, in fact, state violence and expressed.
Street focuses on memory Vasily Grossman, the writer jew Russian author's novel "Life and Fate", a work of 1960, which was immediately branded as subversive and anti-Soviet communist regime.
The next chapter of this work, challenging and important for the many contributions of the various authors who have contributed to it, gives us a presentation of "log Memory ", entitled" The Book of Gulag "by Jacques Rossi , reviewed by Sergio Rapetti.
This is a real historical dictionary that
brings together a set of initials, names, institutions, timelines, requirements, terms, voice, and phrases, carefully described in chronological order. We can say that with this
Rossi has cataloged all the vicissitudes of a nation "put to torture" in a period when the USSR was seen as the interpreter of Communism is a harbinger of a "bright future" for all humanity.
Nikita Struve, the university professor who directs the editions YMCA Press in Paris, the historic Russian-language publishing house in the West, which published the philosophers, poets, writers and essayists of the three major waves of emigration that followed during the seventy years of Soviet rule, tells us in "Stories of righteous men in the Gulag" by Osip and Nadezhda Mandelstam , two real martyrs who through their poetry, we have witnessed their courage and determination in 'say passionate positions adverse to the regime of Stalin.
According to the theory of thought that places them in opposition to the U.S. and capitalism, they would eliminate the causes of human suffering in trying to revive the idea of \u200b\u200ba happy garden, where you need to weed.
Here, then, the fundamentalists She killed two prisoners as lambs, before the cameras to deny membership in the human race, or measure their happiness by the number of deaths caused by suicide bombs.
to spread the memory of the Gulag is necessary, continue Nissim, there is a category of people, which he called the "storytellers", called to pass on to future generations not only the memory, but also the meaning and interpretation of that ' experience to be able to recognize in this society even the smallest trace similar.
The storytellers who best interpret this role are, for example:
David Rousset, who after being imprisoned in Buchenwald, and have written a book on the Nazi concentration camp system, launched an appeal on the "Figaro litteraire " to all former internees of the German camps, because it reveals to the world of the Soviet Gulag system.
It is certain that the survivors of the Soviet camps, compared to the Holocaust, have had less visibility.
often have been opposed, in the absence of a political subject that amplify their voice, while the Jews have survived had the state of Israel, who led the battle for the memory.
still Putin's Russia, try to maintain the prestigious image of a country with a past as a great power, failing to recognize the "guilt" the past, and thereby depriving a necessary political support to the victims of the Gulag. Interpreters
a significant dissent, which, thanks to a stubborn individual striving to preserve its own form of humanity have taken a bold ideological journey, are now identified as exemplary figures.
The poet Osip Mandelstam , the Russian writer Varlam Shalamov , Armenian Armen Meguerditch , Italian Edmondo Peluso, Gustaw Herling , author of "A World Apart ", the German Hannah Arendt, the great Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn , nobel prize, Aleksandr Ginzburg and his samizdat, Anatoly Marchenko ... are just few of the outstanding performers of a role which they were involved in a dissent and opposition to evil, communism.
After the prologue to the narrative Gabriele Nissim is developed starting from the considerations of Vittorio Strada on totalitarianism and genocide, the new type of extermination of the twentieth century, the expression of twentieth century ideologies.
Recalling that fundamentalism present in its new dimension finds its roots in totalitarianism of the last century, shows again the link between the development of terrorism practiced at the state and the symbiosis of the relationship, in fact, state violence and expressed.

The next chapter of this work, challenging and important for the many contributions of the various authors who have contributed to it, gives us a presentation of "log Memory ", entitled" The Book of Gulag "by Jacques Rossi , reviewed by Sergio Rapetti.
This is a real historical dictionary that

Rossi has cataloged all the vicissitudes of a nation "put to torture" in a period when the USSR was seen as the interpreter of Communism is a harbinger of a "bright future" for all humanity.
Nikita Struve, the university professor who directs the editions YMCA Press in Paris, the historic Russian-language publishing house in the West, which published the philosophers, poets, writers and essayists of the three major waves of emigration that followed during the seventy years of Soviet rule, tells us in "Stories of righteous men in the Gulag" by Osip and Nadezhda Mandelstam , two real martyrs who through their poetry, we have witnessed their courage and determination in 'say passionate positions adverse to the regime of Stalin.
The fourth chapter, written by Natalija Gorbanevskaja , when the author tells us in 1962 during a meeting with Anna Akhmatova had permission from her to be able to write his poem "Requiem" to be able to be circulated as samizdat.
The poetic cycle so common to her talking on the hearts of people, face to face, addressing the reader as an individual, detaching it from the collective tasks, and the umpteenth usual directives of the Central Committee plenum the party, giving them the opportunity to read something that had to do with the desire for freedom, the passing lines of poetry does not finally served up by the Soviet authorities. Here's how
were born samizdat, which since the dawn brought with them the poetry of the winds of freedom, "Stolen Air" that allowed readers to breathe.
no coincidence that the first review of the samizdat was " Sintaksis " of Aleksandr Ginzburg, who published the poems of young poets of the late fifties.
The poetic cycle so common to her talking on the hearts of people, face to face, addressing the reader as an individual, detaching it from the collective tasks, and the umpteenth usual directives of the Central Committee plenum the party, giving them the opportunity to read something that had to do with the desire for freedom, the passing lines of poetry does not finally served up by the Soviet authorities. Here's how
were born samizdat, which since the dawn brought with them the poetry of the winds of freedom, "Stolen Air" that allowed readers to breathe.
no coincidence that the first review of the samizdat was " Sintaksis " of Aleksandr Ginzburg, who published the poems of young poets of the late fifties.
The case of Gustaw Herling is covered in the next chapter the writer Francis M. Catalucci .
The narrative consists of describing the testimony of the horrors that Herling has lived in the camp, always fighting to preserve human values \u200b\u200bthat his captors, instead, sought to annihilate.
The many co-authors of the book "Stories of righteous men in the gulag" and then follow one another, each interpreting the characteristics of many writers, manifesting the prerogatives of the latter in a single memory location, tended to remember the words, dissemination, and knowledge.
So we find the following Irina Serotinskaja that speaks of Varlam Shalamov , then John Guaita which presents Florenskij and Aleksandr Men ', followed later by Sergei Kovalev that sets us the example of Anatoly Marchenko, Yurii and Mal'cev host literary Petro Grigorenko .
The many co-authors of the book "Stories of righteous men in the gulag" and then follow one another, each interpreting the characteristics of many writers, manifesting the prerogatives of the latter in a single memory location, tended to remember the words, dissemination, and knowledge.
So we find the following Irina Serotinskaja that speaks of Varlam Shalamov , then John Guaita which presents Florenskij and Aleksandr Men ', followed later by Sergei Kovalev that sets us the example of Anatoly Marchenko, Yurii and Mal'cev host literary Petro Grigorenko .
~ ~ ~
Viene successivamente trattato il tema della resistenza nella società russa, e delle sue sfaccettature, come quella della solidarietà e del soccorso alle famiglie dei detenuti, affrontati da Sergej Chodorovic .
Elena Cukovskaja ci introduce verso knowledge of the nobel prize for literature Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and towards the ' Gulag Archipelago , the now infamous concentration camp universe in which he was confined.
is highlighted in particular the path of spread of Solzhenitsyn's masterpiece, the difficulty for the preparation and preservation of manuscripts, prohibited by the regime and again seized, illegal assistance of those who helped them hide in waiting to publish .
Elena Cukovskaja ci introduce verso knowledge of the nobel prize for literature Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and towards the ' Gulag Archipelago , the now infamous concentration camp universe in which he was confined.
is highlighted in particular the path of spread of Solzhenitsyn's masterpiece, the difficulty for the preparation and preservation of manuscripts, prohibited by the regime and again seized, illegal assistance of those who helped them hide in waiting to publish .
Arina Ginzburg, wife of Aleksandr Ginzburg , defends his memory and merit of
created "Sintaksis," the first underground publication Soviet-born as samizdat, a set of sheets copied and recopied by hand, and that earned him the label of "anti-Soviet" and "criminal" in the eyes of the official press.
Alexander Daniel ' introduces instead the case Sinyavsky-Daniel' in capitolo intitolato : La rivoluzione psicologica degli anni 1965-1966.
In seguito alla denuncia dei due letterati moscoviti nel 1965, da parte delle autorità moscovite, e del loro arresto nel 1966, avvenne un fenomeno significativo, e cioè la nascita di un movimento civile indipendente, che agiva pubblicamente non tanto in ambito politico, quanto in quello culturale
e letterario.
Arrestati in epoca brezneviana per aver pubblicato all’estero i propri romanzi e racconti sotto mentite spoglie, usando gli pseudonimi Terc e Arzak , i due scrittori furono poi oggetto di una campagna pubblica condotta their supporters on behalf of the defense of a basic civil liberties: freedom of speech.
Brezhnev was labeled as neo-Stalinist and supporter of repression, but by that time, the power no longer tries to convince the intelligentsia of his case.
These episodes began the process of unification of various groups, clubs, individuals, who formed a non-political movement to defend human rights, catalyzing the most important manifestations of dissent in the Soviet Union.
of 1970 and 1980 he worked instead Vladimir Tol'c , historic Russian archives, and journalist.
emerges from the study of that period che tale intervallo di tempo può essere considerato come l’epoca del “tramonto” del dissenso.
Il fenomeno, probabilmente, fu influenzato dal perfezionamento delle forme di attività repressiva contro i dissidenti da parte delle autorità, che focalizzarono prioritariamente la lotta contro il samizdat e contro la “ Cronaca degli avvenimenti correnti ” il bollettino dell’opposizione intellettuale al comunismo russo.
Le autorità sovietiche e il KGB intervennero anche per cercare di tacitare i movimenti denominati “ Gruppi Helsinki ”, whose activists gathered data on violations of human rights in the USSR, then sending them to countries acceding to the Treaty of Helsinki in fact, and the Western media.
Another source of concern, the scheme is the possibility for at least half the inhabitants of the Soviet Union to be able to listen to Western radio broadcasters.
government leaders saw this as a proliferation of listeners dell'estendersi ideological sabotage against the Soviet youth.
The disclosure of material "anti-Soviet" by means of radio was increased during the invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 and led, da parte dell’Urss al “ silenziamento ” delle trasmissioni di BBC, DW, e VOA.
Fu così che Ivan Kovalev (il figlio di Sergei Kovalev) tentando di risolvere i problemi di repressione e la censura applicata dalle autorità, mise a punto una nuova pubblicazione chiamata “V”, che vide la luce il 10 maggio 1980, rifugiandosi nell’anonimato per poter continuare l’operatività rimanendo inosservata, e che permise il proseguo della diffusione di samizdat all’estero.
Il filosofo bulgaro Slavy Boyanov ci regala uno spaccato of his existential
way of life and of his intellectual formation, which led him to write "Defence of the human person"
Kuciukian Peter, the Armenian genocide differentiates the term normally used to identify the phenomenon of interpreters and the victims of the gulag that is also used to describe the deaths caused by famine caused by Stalin.
Since genocide is characterized by the desire to physically destroy human beings, first dehumanizing, then depriving them of dignity, to achieve the objective of their elimination, we can attribute this label to those who lost their lives after all'holomodor, the great famine caused by Stalin in Ukraine in 1932/33.
By contrast, victims of the Gulag, according Kuciukian have a different feature, having been intended for use intended, through the domestication, to make them available to the forced labor destroying their dignity.
Suppression of bodies in the genocide, suppression of souls in the Gulag.
E 'in his Gulag held for eight years, the life of Meguerditch Armen, Armenia proletarian writer, author of "The Fountain Eghnar " a story about issues national of his land.
During his imprisonment he wrote "They asked me to tell you ", a collection of twenty-eight stories through which the author demonstrates his experiences in the camps.
Attempts to Armenian resistance to the Stalinist repression in the thirties are instead exposed to Armenak Manukyan, Armenian writer and journalist, professor at the University of Yerevan, and the period thereafter, from 1946 to 1950 we are told by Amatuni Virabyan , historian and director of the National Armenian Republic.
Del Italian theme was occupata, invece, Elena Dundovich , con riferimento ai Giusti che in occidente e in Italia hanno denunciato il Gulag.
E’ specialista della politica estera sovietica negli anni settanta, in particolare sulla questione afghana, e si è occupata delle ricerche negli archivi sovietici sulle vittime italiane del Gulag.
Il nome più noto, di cui fa menzione l’autrice, è quello di Edmondo Peluso , seguito da Emilio Guarnaschelli e da Gino De Marchi .

Alexander Daniel ' introduces instead the case Sinyavsky-Daniel' in capitolo intitolato : La rivoluzione psicologica degli anni 1965-1966.
In seguito alla denuncia dei due letterati moscoviti nel 1965, da parte delle autorità moscovite, e del loro arresto nel 1966, avvenne un fenomeno significativo, e cioè la nascita di un movimento civile indipendente, che agiva pubblicamente non tanto in ambito politico, quanto in quello culturale

Arrestati in epoca brezneviana per aver pubblicato all’estero i propri romanzi e racconti sotto mentite spoglie, usando gli pseudonimi Terc e Arzak , i due scrittori furono poi oggetto di una campagna pubblica condotta their supporters on behalf of the defense of a basic civil liberties: freedom of speech.
Brezhnev was labeled as neo-Stalinist and supporter of repression, but by that time, the power no longer tries to convince the intelligentsia of his case.
These episodes began the process of unification of various groups, clubs, individuals, who formed a non-political movement to defend human rights, catalyzing the most important manifestations of dissent in the Soviet Union.
of 1970 and 1980 he worked instead Vladimir Tol'c , historic Russian archives, and journalist.
emerges from the study of that period che tale intervallo di tempo può essere considerato come l’epoca del “tramonto” del dissenso.
Il fenomeno, probabilmente, fu influenzato dal perfezionamento delle forme di attività repressiva contro i dissidenti da parte delle autorità, che focalizzarono prioritariamente la lotta contro il samizdat e contro la “ Cronaca degli avvenimenti correnti ” il bollettino dell’opposizione intellettuale al comunismo russo.
Le autorità sovietiche e il KGB intervennero anche per cercare di tacitare i movimenti denominati “ Gruppi Helsinki ”, whose activists gathered data on violations of human rights in the USSR, then sending them to countries acceding to the Treaty of Helsinki in fact, and the Western media.
Another source of concern, the scheme is the possibility for at least half the inhabitants of the Soviet Union to be able to listen to Western radio broadcasters.
government leaders saw this as a proliferation of listeners dell'estendersi ideological sabotage against the Soviet youth.
The disclosure of material "anti-Soviet" by means of radio was increased during the invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 and led, da parte dell’Urss al “ silenziamento ” delle trasmissioni di BBC, DW, e VOA.

Il filosofo bulgaro Slavy Boyanov ci regala uno spaccato of his existential

Kuciukian Peter, the Armenian genocide differentiates the term normally used to identify the phenomenon of interpreters and the victims of the gulag that is also used to describe the deaths caused by famine caused by Stalin.
Since genocide is characterized by the desire to physically destroy human beings, first dehumanizing, then depriving them of dignity, to achieve the objective of their elimination, we can attribute this label to those who lost their lives after all'holomodor, the great famine caused by Stalin in Ukraine in 1932/33.

Suppression of bodies in the genocide, suppression of souls in the Gulag.
E 'in his Gulag held for eight years, the life of Meguerditch Armen, Armenia proletarian writer, author of "The Fountain Eghnar " a story about issues national of his land.
During his imprisonment he wrote "They asked me to tell you ", a collection of twenty-eight stories through which the author demonstrates his experiences in the camps.

Attempts to Armenian resistance to the Stalinist repression in the thirties are instead exposed to Armenak Manukyan, Armenian writer and journalist, professor at the University of Yerevan, and the period thereafter, from 1946 to 1950 we are told by Amatuni Virabyan , historian and director of the National Armenian Republic.
Del Italian theme was occupata, invece, Elena Dundovich , con riferimento ai Giusti che in occidente e in Italia hanno denunciato il Gulag.
E’ specialista della politica estera sovietica negli anni settanta, in particolare sulla questione afghana, e si è occupata delle ricerche negli archivi sovietici sulle vittime italiane del Gulag.
Il nome più noto, di cui fa menzione l’autrice, è quello di Edmondo Peluso , seguito da Emilio Guarnaschelli e da Gino De Marchi .
Ante Ciliga read the list, as well as Victor Serge , Elinor Lipper, Margarete Buber-Neumann , Julii Margolin and Alexander Weissberg .
The three years following the death of Stalin saw the gradual dismantling of the camps, resulting in release of prisoners and their repatriation to their countries of origin, which flourished new evidence, like that of the two survivors of priests' Armir (Italian Army in Russia), father John Short and father Pietro Leoni.
Among the works of former prisoners in Soviet labor camps, a very special place that it is written by Jacques Rossi , an extraordinary character who, after being a member of the Comintern and after fighting in Spain is accused of treason and imprisoned for 24 years in Stalin's gulag.
Once released, dedicated his life to denounce the horrors of the communist regime.
Among the Italians are also remembered Dante Corneli, one of the few survivors of Soviet concentration camps and Sergio De Martino born in Kerch to parents of Italian origin.
In the camps, after being beaten and tortured his mouth is stitched with needle and thread not to betray his companions during interrogation.
Released in 1956 wrote "Memoirs with tight-lipped."
The narrative continues through the pen of Pierluigi Battista, who faces a difficult issue as embarrassing, and that is that the battle against Holocaust denial in Italy.
In this respect it is good to know the following.
Gaetano Salvemini, professor of History and anti-fascist, delivered a speech in Paris in 1935 that alarmed the audience, mostly paladins the Soviet Union.
These are his words:
" I do not feel right to protest against the Gestapo and anti-fascist Ovra if I tried to forget that there is a Soviet political police.
In Germany there are concentration camps, in Italy there are the island-prison and in Soviet Russia's Siberia.
There are outlawed German and Italian and Russian are proscribed . "
He concluded by saying:
" I'm sorry to have shaken several convictions.
Maybe you should have had the experience of a totalitarian state, not between the rulers, but among those who were crushed, one must know the moral degradation to which the totalitarian state reduces not only the intellectual classes, but also the working classes, to understand the hatred and contempt that any totalitarian state, any dictatorship, raises in my mind . "
To summarize the denial in Italy are clarifying the words of the great writer
English George Orwell :
" The fault of all the people on the left from 1933 onwards is that he wanted to be anti-fascist without being anti-totalitarian . "
His works are still proscribed in Russia and Cuba
was labeled by Italo Calvino as dangerous subject infected with the evil of anti-communism, from Togliatti and as a grim colonial policeman. Even
Nicola Chiaromonte, although it was anti-fascist spotless, and although they fought in the war against Franco's Spain, was, for its
censorship of bad faith conduct of the intellectual communist deemed to be in a state of duplicity, not truth and hypocrisy.
The witnesses of the crimes of Soviet totalitarianism refuge in Italy were the subject of ad personam attacks of unprecedented violence, such as in the case of Viktor Kravchenko.
was perpetrated a true work of denigration against the "renegade", against those who denounced the atrocities of the Soviet system, paying back with slanderous accusations.
The pseudo intellectuals are guilty of the Italian left and knowingly concealed, denied and distorted reality is now universally recognized, setting up as champions and defenders of the system of death that has claimed so many millions of victims, becoming accomplices in all respects.
Other communities around the world have been presented in Italy in the same way of explanation, corresponding characteristics of false ideologies and intellectual aberration, as the role played by Chinese communism in the application of forced re-education camps, the notorious " Laogai."
isolation in which they were subjected dissidents in the communist world in Italy has recently been admitted even by Giorgio Napolitano, who previously traced the patterns of their own party that it requires the application, in a stereotyped mechanisms of symbiosis and pre-packaged.
The same attitude is still dramatically present in respect of the Cuban question and oppression that has subjected the people of Fidel Castro.
The cultural approach is incapable of indignation, even though you are in front of a police regime, tyrannical and undemocratic.
In line with the survivors of the Gulag and Holocaust denial continues Didi Gnocchi , telling the adventures of Edmondo Peluso, Italian fascist and communist, who emigrated to the Soviet Union in 1927.
He was arrested during the "purge" on charges of espionage and sabotage and subjected to four months of torture.
In January 1942 he was sentenced to death for anti-Soviet propaganda.
Francesco Bigazzi tells us invece del legame tra Emilio Guarnaschelli e la sua compagna Nella Masutti , e della grandezza d’animo di questi due ragazzi.
Quando Emilio viene internato nel gulag, lei non esita a seguirlo, fino alla sua morte.
La loro storia, intrisa di un amore reciproco che travalica le torture a cui lui è sottoposto dall’NKVD, e che supera anche il dramma della separazione forzata, è stata sempre nascosta dal Partito Comunista Italiano, nella speranza che l’oblio del tempo ne nascondesse per sempre la verità celata.
E’ emerso da un documento autografo del compagno Romoli (Mario Montagnana) che nel 1934 (quando fu assassinato Kirov) la dirigenza PCI had already prepared a list with the names of "counter-Italian" to purge.
Among the names of those who had to disappear because they are considered Trotskyites, or against the revolution, and therefore liable to be canceled by the company were those of Clementina Parodi Perrone, and Emilio Guarnaschelli.
Mario Montagnana brother in law was Palmiro Togliatti, the number two of the Comintern, accomplice of murder and death of thousands of fellow party members. The fate of Emilio
Guarnaschelli would never be known if a small woman, who had shared his extraordinary moments of love in the camp of Pinegar, had not worked all my life to preserve its memory.
Among the works of former prisoners in Soviet labor camps, a very special place that it is written by Jacques Rossi , an extraordinary character who, after being a member of the Comintern and after fighting in Spain is accused of treason and imprisoned for 24 years in Stalin's gulag.
Once released, dedicated his life to denounce the horrors of the communist regime.
Among the Italians are also remembered Dante Corneli, one of the few survivors of Soviet concentration camps and Sergio De Martino born in Kerch to parents of Italian origin.
In the camps, after being beaten and tortured his mouth is stitched with needle and thread not to betray his companions during interrogation.
Released in 1956 wrote "Memoirs with tight-lipped."
The narrative continues through the pen of Pierluigi Battista, who faces a difficult issue as embarrassing, and that is that the battle against Holocaust denial in Italy.
In this respect it is good to know the following.

Gaetano Salvemini, professor of History and anti-fascist, delivered a speech in Paris in 1935 that alarmed the audience, mostly paladins the Soviet Union.
These are his words:
" I do not feel right to protest against the Gestapo and anti-fascist Ovra if I tried to forget that there is a Soviet political police.
In Germany there are concentration camps, in Italy there are the island-prison and in Soviet Russia's Siberia.
There are outlawed German and Italian and Russian are proscribed . "
He concluded by saying:
" I'm sorry to have shaken several convictions.
Maybe you should have had the experience of a totalitarian state, not between the rulers, but among those who were crushed, one must know the moral degradation to which the totalitarian state reduces not only the intellectual classes, but also the working classes, to understand the hatred and contempt that any totalitarian state, any dictatorship, raises in my mind . "
To summarize the denial in Italy are clarifying the words of the great writer

" The fault of all the people on the left from 1933 onwards is that he wanted to be anti-fascist without being anti-totalitarian . "
His works are still proscribed in Russia and Cuba
was labeled by Italo Calvino as dangerous subject infected with the evil of anti-communism, from Togliatti and as a grim colonial policeman. Even
Nicola Chiaromonte, although it was anti-fascist spotless, and although they fought in the war against Franco's Spain, was, for its

The witnesses of the crimes of Soviet totalitarianism refuge in Italy were the subject of ad personam attacks of unprecedented violence, such as in the case of Viktor Kravchenko.
was perpetrated a true work of denigration against the "renegade", against those who denounced the atrocities of the Soviet system, paying back with slanderous accusations.
The pseudo intellectuals are guilty of the Italian left and knowingly concealed, denied and distorted reality is now universally recognized, setting up as champions and defenders of the system of death that has claimed so many millions of victims, becoming accomplices in all respects.
Other communities around the world have been presented in Italy in the same way of explanation, corresponding characteristics of false ideologies and intellectual aberration, as the role played by Chinese communism in the application of forced re-education camps, the notorious " Laogai."
isolation in which they were subjected dissidents in the communist world in Italy has recently been admitted even by Giorgio Napolitano, who previously traced the patterns of their own party that it requires the application, in a stereotyped mechanisms of symbiosis and pre-packaged.
The same attitude is still dramatically present in respect of the Cuban question and oppression that has subjected the people of Fidel Castro.
The cultural approach is incapable of indignation, even though you are in front of a police regime, tyrannical and undemocratic.
In line with the survivors of the Gulag and Holocaust denial continues Didi Gnocchi , telling the adventures of Edmondo Peluso, Italian fascist and communist, who emigrated to the Soviet Union in 1927.
He was arrested during the "purge" on charges of espionage and sabotage and subjected to four months of torture.
In January 1942 he was sentenced to death for anti-Soviet propaganda.
Francesco Bigazzi tells us invece del legame tra Emilio Guarnaschelli e la sua compagna Nella Masutti , e della grandezza d’animo di questi due ragazzi.
Quando Emilio viene internato nel gulag, lei non esita a seguirlo, fino alla sua morte.
La loro storia, intrisa di un amore reciproco che travalica le torture a cui lui è sottoposto dall’NKVD, e che supera anche il dramma della separazione forzata, è stata sempre nascosta dal Partito Comunista Italiano, nella speranza che l’oblio del tempo ne nascondesse per sempre la verità celata.
E’ emerso da un documento autografo del compagno Romoli (Mario Montagnana) che nel 1934 (quando fu assassinato Kirov) la dirigenza PCI had already prepared a list with the names of "counter-Italian" to purge.
Among the names of those who had to disappear because they are considered Trotskyites, or against the revolution, and therefore liable to be canceled by the company were those of Clementina Parodi Perrone, and Emilio Guarnaschelli.
Mario Montagnana brother in law was Palmiro Togliatti, the number two of the Comintern, accomplice of murder and death of thousands of fellow party members. The fate of Emilio
Guarnaschelli would never be known if a small woman, who had shared his extraordinary moments of love in the camp of Pinegar, had not worked all my life to preserve its memory.
the end of this book, we find the final chapters of this tribute to the memory that operates a collection of testimonies and revelations exceptional in their stark reality, even those made by the mere repetition of what the civilized world has allowed it to happen.
This is attested by the existence of "Perm-36 " a memorial presented to us by Viktor Smyrov , historian and professor of Russian history at the State University of Perm '.
Smyrov has turned into a museum the only field of correctional labor of the past preserved in its structure.
The Centre is very active, intended for young people and schools, post-Soviet Russia in order to keep alive the memory of the victims of the Gulag.
Arsenij Roginskij , historian and president of Memorial in Moscow, asked about the same subject, wondering if he is still alive the memory of the gulag.
His anguished question arises from a consideration made by a Russian historian known exponent of dissent after the last parliamentary elections in Russia.
" This country, after chosen in 2000 as president of their own volition, a lieutenant colonel in the KGB, in 2003, has not elected to parliament neither democratic oriented parties.
It means that the memory is dead and that people do not remember anything . "
Closes publication Anatoly Razumov that reminds us of the history of terror, in short, lies in its related data and the martyrology of Leningrad.
Razumov, historian and bibliographer, is preparing the database of a "Book of Memory" electronic.
In appendix to " stories of righteous men in the Gulag " are a tribute to Andrei Sakharov , written by Elena Bonner Sakharov and, finally, a written summary of data and figures on the extent of extermination.
This is attested by the existence of "Perm-36 " a memorial presented to us by Viktor Smyrov , historian and professor of Russian history at the State University of Perm '.
Smyrov has turned into a museum the only field of correctional labor of the past preserved in its structure.
The Centre is very active, intended for young people and schools, post-Soviet Russia in order to keep alive the memory of the victims of the Gulag.
Arsenij Roginskij , historian and president of Memorial in Moscow, asked about the same subject, wondering if he is still alive the memory of the gulag.
His anguished question arises from a consideration made by a Russian historian known exponent of dissent after the last parliamentary elections in Russia.
" This country, after chosen in 2000 as president of their own volition, a lieutenant colonel in the KGB, in 2003, has not elected to parliament neither democratic oriented parties.
It means that the memory is dead and that people do not remember anything . "

Razumov, historian and bibliographer, is preparing the database of a "Book of Memory" electronic.
In appendix to " stories of righteous men in the Gulag " are a tribute to Andrei Sakharov , written by Elena Bonner Sakharov and, finally, a written summary of data and figures on the extent of extermination.
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Council reading this book, drawing on its content and its directions to find new evidence about the universe of gulag, a network of authors who often have been deported in the role of interpreters.
From reading these writers can be seen the will of communism in his political career, to annihilate the people and their consciences, and replace them with a sole purpose: that of the State.
No mercy for opponents, for their families and their friends in a more sinister use of sadistic violence, which led to the physical elimination of millions of people.
Today, thanks to the opening of the archives previously precluded the study, no one can deny these atrocities.
is often denied because the Italian Communists today, the heirs of Togliatti, the number two of the Comintern, can not deny the evidence, they stand apart from the Soviet barbarism.
The Communists of the two countries have both embraced the same ideology of reference, the Marxist-Leninist, but in Italy's former followers of Togliatti (which the PCI has come to define "Best"), and Berlinguer Cossutta's no longer recognize, today, in a common origin.
It 's a fact, however, that for decades they have endorsed every sort of abomination, hiding the truth from their own peers, because even acting anti-Fascist exiles in Russia were deported to the Gulag, and boycotting those who survivors and returned to Italy, trying to spread the truth.
Their policy, since the civil war after the war, it was stained with the blood of many innocents, in line with the expression of the communist Soviet Union.
have referred to the same ideology, also in Italy, paramilitary groups that have affected the political and social life of the nation, through the use of their favorite media: the murder and violence.
The Red Brigades have been raging for a long time, as well as other extra-parliamentary groups, spoiled by some left that has grown within them.
It 'necessary to spread these truths hidden for too long, and this reading is a valuable aid to a better understanding of how they are, things really.
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