Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Congrats Saying Pregnancy

Pecunia non olet

MONEY does not stink ...

This old Latin quotation seems to be the axiom identification of most Italian politicians, who tend as a reference in their financial transactions are often carried out dirty health and on the skin of its citizens.
The list of politicians under investigation for crimes of various kinds, and those that still have to do with justice, is very long, and the exposure made by me in previous post is incomplete and indicative only.

I only mentioned some of the politicians, discovered during the research and studies on this topic, since the list was long, endless and nauseating in the vastness of its size.
In fact, I found that almost all the representatives of Italian politics, is completely characterized by a syndrome that has infected rotting as an incurable cancer all members, from simple alderman, even at the highest institutional levels.
The mafia and political power have merged in a symbiosis devastating overlooking any possible ethical discourse, human and civil setting as a priority the continuation of a path based on oppression and blatant assertion of omnipotence, through their respective powers.
There have been cases of closure of Commons for the Mafia, reopened and then closed again.
There have been cases of Camorra suspects who were then elected members of the anti-Mafia commission.
There were clear examples of effective collaboration with the political mafias, rewarded with career advancement, and the achievement of the classrooms of Deputies.
... There were and still are.

Pecunia non olet.

Surely the dirty money of the blood of innocent victims of the Mafia, these politicians did not smell, as well as that derived from the proceeds of incineration plants, the skin of those who have absorbed dioxin emissions, then ill with cancer. If each bill
recasse a single odor, there would be a terrible stench of corpses, the result of a long chain of crimes against humanity, scored by these people and their alter ego criminals.
Ma poiché il denaro non puzza, costoro proseguono indisturbati il loro iter, sempre più avidi.
Il Paese sta soffocando, seppellito da scandali come quello Parmalat, per esempio, mentre gli attori principali (come Tanzi) sono liberi come l’aria.
Io personalmente li metterei al muro come nemici dell’umanità, oppure li darei in pasto alla folla, a quelle persone che hanno prepotentemente sopraffatto, derubandole e arricchendosi alle loro spalle.
Una volta, quando ancora la politica aveva caratteristiche di credibilità, l’essere additati per un qualsiasi scandalo esigeva di dare le proprie subitanee dimissioni, mentre adesso accade che un inquisito is immediately elected to Parliament, involving him in a clan in an entourage that guarantees immunity regardless.
They are nothing but disgusting individuals .... representatives of the most abject intellectual rot, as conscious, determined ... to the detriment of the common good, and the nation itself.
If I had my set up of the people's courts, as in the time of the French Revolution, and dusting off the specter of the guillotine
... I do not see other systems, since the judiciary is often gagged, and mafias are taking, or rather have already won , political power.
E 'imperative that the national consciousness si risveglino, per far cessare questo stato di cose.
La disoccupazione ha raggiunto livelli preoccupanti, e le prospettive di lavoro sono inesistenti.
Il disagio e la precarietà rappresentano una caratteristica costante che accompagna i giovani nel loro percorso di formazione.
La pressione fiscale su chi lavora è enorme, e non permette di godere dei frutti delle proprie attività, tantomeno di investire in piani di sviluppo.
Sembra da tutte queste considerazioni di vita reale che lo Stato sia contro di noi, ridotti a schiavi di una lobby che accomuna gli amministratori pubblici in una enorme loggia di potere esclusiva.

Chi non appartiene a questa organizzazione è carne da macello.

Chi fa parte del popolo è liberamente calpestabile, in barba alle leggi.

Chi lavora deve essere supertassato e spremuto fino al suo fallimento.

Chi protesta deve essere manganellato selvaggiamente.

Chi delinque, ha ottime possibilità di finire in Parlamento.

Se sei mafioso o camorrista puoi ambire ad una carica di Senatore.

Devo, a questo punto, esprimere il mio inequivocabile punto di vista che, riassunto può essere sintetizzato nella frase seguente :




~ ~ ~ ~


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