Saturday, December 26, 2009

Gay And Gay Masterbate


wiretapping emerging from a UN dossier "highly confidential", came into possession of the weekly L'Espresso , "to rebuild the intrigue that is the basis for effective collaboration between the Catholic missionaries and Hutu guerrillas that make up the armed movement of the FDLR in the Congo.
According to a detailed report written by experts appointed by the UN Security Council and also by early "Il Corriere della Sera " In fact, some priests have funded NGOs and members of Hutu militia groups that have made all'Fdlr massacres , looting and rapes the Democratic Republic of Congo.
The acronym FDLR identifies one of the most feared militias in the world of political-military organizations in Africa, which includes the components within the " dèmocratiques Forces de Liberation du Rwanda ," and that merged members of ethnic Hutus who fled Rwanda after have triggered the 1994 genocide that wiped out 800,000 lives.
The Democratic Republic of Congo is a country nestled in the heart of Africa has immense natural resources such as gold and coltan (essential to produce mobile phones) and surrounded by politically unstable nations and problems, such as Sudan or Rwanda.
Since 1998 it is estimated that at least 5 million Congolese have died, as a result of conflict, disease and misery.
The country is ravaged by the militias who are opposed to President Denis Sassou Nguesso came to power in 1979.
Its activity was characterized by promotion of a distinctly Marxist-Leninist policy which was followed by disastrous economic planning.
From 1992 to 1997 was replaced by old rival Pascal Lissouba and just before the presidential election of 1997 the two factions came to armed confrontation, then won by Sassou thanks also to the Angolan army.
The FDLR is led by men like Colonel Ildephonse Nizeyimana , One of the major causes of the Rwandan massacres, then captured by Interpol, or as the general Silvestre Mudacumura , which was intercepted by a radio communication which ordered:
" must attack the civilian population to create a humanitarian catastrophe: this will push the international community to force the government to deal with the FDLR . "
Another leader of the FDLR has been typecast as Ignace Murwanashyaka and that of his deputy Straton Musoni , both arrested by German police, near Frankfurt, a town da cui dirigevano l’organizzazione.
L’accusa è pesantissima : stupro, crimini di guerra e contro l’umanità, saccheggi, arruolamento di bambini-soldato, tutti reati commessi nella parte orientale della Repubblica Democratica del Congo.
I due criminali negato le accuse sostenendo che il movimento combatte per la democrazia in Ruanda, mentre un rapporto delle Nazioni Unite spiega invece che l'obbiettivo è molto meno nobile: sfruttare le miniere d'oro e contrabbandare il prezioso metallo all'estero.
Va ricordato che l' FDLR è un movimento armato che trae its origins in the hinteramwe group, the Hutu guerrillas radical protagonists of the 1994 genocide in Rwanda.
In one hundred days were killed one million Tutsis and moderate Hutus.
E 'own people as Ignace Murwanashyaka the Xaverian missionary Pier Giorgio Lanaro defines "friend".
E 'already proven its thriving economically to support the rebels of the FDLR, diverting funds collected from his congregation to help the people directly into the coffers of his shameful guerriglieri.Nel design, Father Lanaro he was supported by the complicity of Franco Bordignon , regional manager for the finances of Xaverian in Bukavu.
But the responsibilities of the Catholic Church does not stop there, as other leading players in this macabre representation rage.
This fact, according to the UN report, the " Brothers of Charity, a congregation that the Pope enjoys the status of Director of the Economic and Social Council of the UN itself.
comes out the name of father Jean Berchmans Turikubwigenge , Deputy the missionary apostolate of the diocese of Lucca, and former military chaplain in Rwanda during the years of genocide.
accused of having distributed weapons to the Hutu, and that he was often seen at checkpoints (where they were detected by the Tutsi massacre), he used to wear a camouflage military as a chaplain instead of wearing the cassock.
Another Hutu priest, Father Emmanuel Uwayezu , 47, assistant pastor at Ponzano in the town of Empoli, was arrested recently on charges of having participated in a massacre of students in Rwanda. The
were then granted house arrest.
A Rwandan Catholic priest, the Abbe Aimé Mategeko , è stato condannato nel Luglio 2009 al carcere a vita dopo essere stato riconosciuto colpevole della partecipazione al genocidio perpetrato contro i Tutsi nel 1994.
A renderlo noto è Radio Rwanda.
La Chiesa Cattolica, è quindi in primo piano in questa vicenda di morte e di sangue, dai risvolti inquietanti, in cui da una parte si celebra la chiesa di Cristo, mentre dall’altra si opera per sottostare ai voleri di un Satana multiforme, che assume le sembianze più inaspettate…quelle dei preti e dei missionari.
Naturalmente i media tacciono, occupati come sono a ricelebrare in continuazione le aggressioni ai massimi leader delle più alte cariche del potere in Italia, quella civil and religious, attacked these days by psychos out of control.
excellent alibi that of disapproving media ... incense ... and discuss ethical issues stand as champions of justice and of civil society in the wake of the recent emotional episodes mentioned above.
Various speakers from the TV, not only of the State, are now relegated to a role that extrapolating the characteristics or boundaries within the course boundaries well defined within specific dictates and are intended, mandatory, and imposed bias.
journalism in Italy is reduced to this ...?
possible that the conscience of the 'experts' do not feel an overpowering desire for revenge, to seek freedom of expression, to shout the truth from the rooftops?
This way you can slip lower and lower towards the depths of addiction base to a power that seeks to universalize the reality, monopolizing, and enslave those who do not oppose putting the actors in this sad representation at a level Catholic missionaries of complicity with those authors of crimes against humanity.

How can the so-called "Holy Father" to wish Merry Christmas and give a blessing "urbi et orbi "if its the same body flows, is not by chance, certain horrific situations, related to genocide, a financial scandal, a pedophile, a collusion of various kinds ...?!

Merry Christmas I wish I can in my small way, and I do sincerely, with love and kindness, I address all those innocent creatures who have been devastated violence, hoping that they will find some 'future of peace, despite the clergy and the Catholic Church.

Merry Christmas ...

~ ~ ~


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