Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Cogat Figure Analysis Questions

Why the Palestinians are winning the war media.

From an interview with David Bedein

David Bedein has directed the Israel Resource News Agency, based in Jerusalem since 1987
provides agency services to foreign media.
He also worked on special projects for the BBC, CNN Radio, the Los Angeles Times, and the weekly Israeli Information "Makor Rishon".

Over the past 20 years the Palestinians were better than the Israelis in setting up the image of the conflict for the international media.
The turning point was during the Lebanon war, when the Palestinians began a propaganda campaign to offer themselves as the defenders of human rights and the Israelis as the violators of human rights.
At the same time the brother of Yasser Arafat, Dr. FATCA Arafat, exploited his position as director of the Palestinian Red Crescent to provide casualty figures vastly inflated.

On June 10, 1982, for example, Dr. Arafat issued a statement saying that "10,000 Palestinians have died and 600,000 have lost their homes only in the early days of the war, "a lie concocted to portray the Palestinians as victims of genocidal aggression in Lebanon.
In fact, the total population in the war zone was composed of fewer than 300,000 people.
Nevertheless, the Red Cross International and Middle East Action Committee of the American Friends Service Committee have released the figures of 10,000 and 600,000 for all agencies and the media in the world and most American networks have taken up the story.
Jessica Savitch NBC wrote "Now it is estimated that 600,000 refugees from southern Lebanon is free of sufficient food and medicine. "

Professional journalists Palestinians have no scruples to cheat the media to political advantage.
In their attempt to convince the world that the IDF (Israeli forces) has massacred hundreds of civilians in the Jenin refugee camp during Operation Defensive Shield, they used animal carcasses to fill the air nauseating smell of meat rotting where it was likely that they were visiting journalists and UN officials.
IDF filmed this trick, as he filmed a funeral during which the "body" jumped out of the coffin and ran away when an Israeli surveillance plane approached the funeral procession.

The Palestinians have an exceptional experience in manipulating images that appear in the international media.
have received a huge propaganda bonus to the top of the second Palestinian Intifada, when a crew working for French television filmed the killing eleven-Mohammed al-Dura and his father tried in vain to protect it during an armed confrontation at an intersection of Gaza.
The video, edited to show the IDF as cruel and ruthless, the report commented perfectly Palestinian facts.
The Israeli government has fallen into the trap, issuing an apology until you have investigated the facts.
Mohammed al-Dura, the "poster boy" of the Second Intifada will go down in history as a martyr for the Palestinian people, yet the Palestinian version of the death of Mohammed al-Dura is a lie, an invention of PR professionals Palestinians.
thorough survey of the IDF, issued three weeks after the case and confirmed by a crew from Germany, showed that the bullets that struck the boy came from the Palestinians who attacked the Israeli guard post.
But the world is "witnessing" the killing of al-Dura, as described by the media:
an atrocity committed by Israeli troops.

The damage can not be undone.
You can not put the toothpaste back in the tube.

During the interview with David Bedein he was asked the following question:
When these professionals have entered the scene of the Palestinian public relations?
The answer is as follows.
In March 1984, Ramos Tawill, a professional information (now four years after Arafat's mother-in-law) helped the PLO to establish the Palestinian press agency Services (PPS) to provide assistance to the post and implement seminars and courses in media relations.
The PPS is then combined with the Center for Palestinian Human Rights Information ( PHRIC ) in an effort to change the image of the PLO from that of the liberation movement in the '60s-style organization that fights to protect victims of abuse human rights Israelis. The seminars
PHRIC instructed "students" to deflect any interview to the same themes - the Israeli occupation, illegal settlements, the abuses of human rights and the right of return of Palestinian refugees.
Whatever the application, these themes were repeated continuously.
I know from experience, because our agency had decided that every journalist should follow the new courses Tawill.

One of her major "accomplishments" came in May of 1985, after Israel released more than a thousand terrorists in exchange for seven Israeli soldiers.
to deflect the media from the crimes committed by these people, these terrorists trained Tawill freed dire di essere stati torturati nelle prigioni israeliane per il loro "attivismo politico" e per "l'appoggio al nazionalismo palestinese".
Ho saputo di questa tattica da diversi studenti della Tawill in un corso di giornalismo che ho seguito nel maggio del 1986.
Mi hanno spiegato che monopolizzando il tempo del reporter con storie di tortura, i giornalisti dovevano inevitabilmente terminare l' intervista prima di avere il tempo di chiedere ai terroristi il motivo del loro arresto e condanna.
A quel tempo, i servizi israeliani non permettevano ai giornalisti di esaminare gli archivi carcerari dei condannati per motivi di sicurezza, così i crimini di questi terroristi sono stati praticamente ignorati nei resoconti giornalistici.

Ci si pone quindi la domanda, viste le caratteristiche di professionalità messe in campo, su chi formi e finanzi oggi i professionisti palestinesi del P.R.
La risposta è sorprendente :
La Società Accademica Palestinese per lo Studio degli Affari Internazionali ( PASSIA ) svolge corsi e ha prodotto più di 30 manuali chiamati "Come si fa" su argomenti quali le pubbliche relazioni, le relazioni con i media, la raccolta fondi, la comunicazione, la lobby e i discorsi in pubblico.
PASSIA istruisce gli accademici palestinesi che poi insegnano all'estero come promuovere la loro causa nei campus universitari ;
inoltre ai palestinesi negli Stati Uniti viene insegnato how to find the Arab constituency in each district as of the Congress and to lobby members of Congress to get political and economic support for the Palestinian cause.

And who is funding the PASS?
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID ), a State Department program, which provides more than a million dollars every year past, and to eighteen other Palestinian businesses for media relations .
It was only in March that members of Congress are becoming aware of such aid, after an official of the U.S. Committee on Foreign Relations had found that USAID was providing to the Palestinians appropriations for relations with the media. A surprised
Eliot Engel, member of the College of New York, reading a manual PASSIA said incredulously
"Here we are in the Congress that we pay them so that they will lobby for us."

Bedain David was also asked if the Palestinian humanitarian and medical organizations are involved in the "media war".
E 'known as the so-called Palestinian human rights organizations, as well as the Union of Medical Relief Committees Palestinian ( UPMRC), headed by Dr. Mustafa Al-Barghouti (brother of the leader of the Fatah Tanzim Marwan Al-Barghouti, currently in prison) coordinate their strategies with the Palestinian Red Crescent Society Dr. FATCA Arafat, to spread slanderous reports about medical negligence and torture of Palestinians by Israel.
There were also many cases of false information provided by sources UPMRC shooting in the U.S. media.
There are many cases of distortion of reality and manipulation of the facts, and their adaptation to the 'cause' of Palestine.

Incidentally, the UPMRC receives $ 300,000 annually from the United States for public relations.
And the Palestinian Red Crescent Society Dr. Arafat receives $ 215,000 a year as aid from the United States.
Both agencies are on the list of the 59 organizations Palestinian NGOs that have received 100 million in aid from the United States since 1997.
~ ~ ~ ~
From these data shows the ease of manipulation of information ...
What remains ... in fact ... are the hundreds of terrorist attacks, suicide bombers killed innocent people ... and ... that not even a partisan press can be manipulated and hide.
We, Westerners, we should understand where evil lurks, terrorism, Instead we are often victims of manipulators such as those described above, also fighting a media war with the same systems ... grimly, subtly, cowardly ...
Many of us Europeans, beano is shepherding the news spread by a press that, colluding with the left, falsify reality.
their school of thought has not changed over time, and follows paths already marked by the misrepresentation of the facts undertaken, as they always did before about the Soviet Union and now with the Middle East.
~ ~ ~ ~


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