Sunday, December 6, 2009

What Does The Tx Registration Look Like

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from the cultural expressions of the philosophers we can extrapolate the wonderful essence of their own thought, which flows fluid reasoning from deep within, and which represents the subjective interpretation of a sublimation intellectual a resource to refer to ancestral heritage.

axioms identification of a process of intellectual propositions, are immediately reflected in symptomatic interpretations of the leaders of the world's philosophies.

all know, in fact, the famous axiom expressed by the great Descartes, which reads:
" Cogito, ergo sum " and that translates into "I think, therefore I am" ... magnificent example of a logic of reciprocity, which emerges from its modus vivendi, by which we can draw obvious suggestion.

Filosofi famosi come Sant’Agostino, Cartesio, Platone, Leibniz, Nietzsche, per citarne solo alcuni, hanno creato con le loro divulgazioni vere e proprie correnti di pensiero, in cui le sfaccettature delle relative elaborazioni riflettono altrettante simbiosi, interconnesse tra loro, e culminanti in specifiche e ben determinate categorie, diverse nell’approccio culturale, ma identiche nell’afflato che le identifica, accomunandole.
Per secoli la guida, non solo spirituale, di coloro che tramandavano le basi culturali delle varie tradizioni di pensiero, si è rispecchiata in una sistematica acquisizione delle linee guida appartenenti ai filosofi di riferimento, a seconda delle prerogative religious, social, or economic.

Today the links between the values \u200b\u200bexpressed by a world that has its origins in an amount of experience handed down by the prophets of the cultural tradition, and the size dell'incedere daily, are quite weak, confined to dominant positions, as they are crushed by the advance of any methodical, almost required, to which we are accustomed, and which cancels the ancestral values.

It 's always more rare and difficult to draw from the reading of all forms of philosophical thought, from the recovery of extrapolations of intellectual, cultural, artistic, that form of pure pleasure derived from to grasp, understand, and master the essence of culture, education component, invasive powers inherent in the unconsciously absorbed.

be difficult to compete between the desire to immerse themselves in meditation radical consistency, depth of character in their energetic subjectively linearity of intent, dramatically increasing the concentration levels of psychological, almost like in a search for a symbiotic catharsis, and the actual size of today's everyday life, marked by the achievement of very different objectives, materialistic, never dream, and always free from influences and intellectual implications.

study and enjoyment of Philosophy, interpreters who characterize membership, and the works that express the conceptual and size, is now the exclusive preserve of a few lucky people who benefit from them in ways that recognize the characters pleasant and luxurious prerogative.

This privilege is allowed only to those that address their priorities towards existential characteristics of life marked by the study, the pursuit of knowledge, or to those who can benefit from significant economic opportunity to devote oneself fully, enjoying the special features, free of worries materials.

I want to present, di seguito, alcune citazioni tratte dalle opere di alcuni tra i massimi rappresentanti dell’olimpo filosofico planetario, come omaggio al loro libero pensiero :

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“Tutti gli esseri viventi sono congiunti insieme, e tutti obbediscono al medesimo formidabile impulso.
L'animale ha il suo punto d'appoggio nella pianta, l'uomo nella animalità, e l'umanità intera, nello spazio e nel tempo, è come uno sterminato esercito che galoppa al fianco di ciascuno di noi, avanti e dietro a noi, in una carica travolgente capace di rovesciare tutte le resistenze e di superare moltissimi ostacoli, forse anche la morte”
Henry Bergson

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"From the observation of the irreducibility of the past beliefs have brought the greatest lesson of my life.
I learned to respect the ideas of others, to arrest me in front of the secret of all conscience, to understand before discussing, debating before condemning.
And because they're in the mood for confessions, I do one more, perhaps supeflua:
hate the fanatics with all your soul. "
Norberto Bobbio

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"I learned to go from that moment I let myself run.

"I learned to fly: from that moment I do not want to hit it to move me."

"Now I am light, now I fly, now I see below me, now is a god dance, if I dance. "
Frederick Nietzsche

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" Life and dreams are sheets of a book . Read them in order to live, browse at random is dreaming. "
" Man is the only animal that causes suffering to others with no other purpose that suffering as such. "

" The great pain that we cause the death of a good friend and a friend comes from knowing that everyone there is something that is hers alone, that is lost forever. "

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