Saturday, December 26, 2009

Gay And Gay Masterbate


wiretapping emerging from a UN dossier "highly confidential", came into possession of the weekly L'Espresso , "to rebuild the intrigue that is the basis for effective collaboration between the Catholic missionaries and Hutu guerrillas that make up the armed movement of the FDLR in the Congo.
According to a detailed report written by experts appointed by the UN Security Council and also by early "Il Corriere della Sera " In fact, some priests have funded NGOs and members of Hutu militia groups that have made all'Fdlr massacres , looting and rapes the Democratic Republic of Congo.
The acronym FDLR identifies one of the most feared militias in the world of political-military organizations in Africa, which includes the components within the " dèmocratiques Forces de Liberation du Rwanda ," and that merged members of ethnic Hutus who fled Rwanda after have triggered the 1994 genocide that wiped out 800,000 lives.
The Democratic Republic of Congo is a country nestled in the heart of Africa has immense natural resources such as gold and coltan (essential to produce mobile phones) and surrounded by politically unstable nations and problems, such as Sudan or Rwanda.
Since 1998 it is estimated that at least 5 million Congolese have died, as a result of conflict, disease and misery.
The country is ravaged by the militias who are opposed to President Denis Sassou Nguesso came to power in 1979.
Its activity was characterized by promotion of a distinctly Marxist-Leninist policy which was followed by disastrous economic planning.
From 1992 to 1997 was replaced by old rival Pascal Lissouba and just before the presidential election of 1997 the two factions came to armed confrontation, then won by Sassou thanks also to the Angolan army.
The FDLR is led by men like Colonel Ildephonse Nizeyimana , One of the major causes of the Rwandan massacres, then captured by Interpol, or as the general Silvestre Mudacumura , which was intercepted by a radio communication which ordered:
" must attack the civilian population to create a humanitarian catastrophe: this will push the international community to force the government to deal with the FDLR . "
Another leader of the FDLR has been typecast as Ignace Murwanashyaka and that of his deputy Straton Musoni , both arrested by German police, near Frankfurt, a town da cui dirigevano l’organizzazione.
L’accusa è pesantissima : stupro, crimini di guerra e contro l’umanità, saccheggi, arruolamento di bambini-soldato, tutti reati commessi nella parte orientale della Repubblica Democratica del Congo.
I due criminali negato le accuse sostenendo che il movimento combatte per la democrazia in Ruanda, mentre un rapporto delle Nazioni Unite spiega invece che l'obbiettivo è molto meno nobile: sfruttare le miniere d'oro e contrabbandare il prezioso metallo all'estero.
Va ricordato che l' FDLR è un movimento armato che trae its origins in the hinteramwe group, the Hutu guerrillas radical protagonists of the 1994 genocide in Rwanda.
In one hundred days were killed one million Tutsis and moderate Hutus.
E 'own people as Ignace Murwanashyaka the Xaverian missionary Pier Giorgio Lanaro defines "friend".
E 'already proven its thriving economically to support the rebels of the FDLR, diverting funds collected from his congregation to help the people directly into the coffers of his shameful guerriglieri.Nel design, Father Lanaro he was supported by the complicity of Franco Bordignon , regional manager for the finances of Xaverian in Bukavu.
But the responsibilities of the Catholic Church does not stop there, as other leading players in this macabre representation rage.
This fact, according to the UN report, the " Brothers of Charity, a congregation that the Pope enjoys the status of Director of the Economic and Social Council of the UN itself.
comes out the name of father Jean Berchmans Turikubwigenge , Deputy the missionary apostolate of the diocese of Lucca, and former military chaplain in Rwanda during the years of genocide.
accused of having distributed weapons to the Hutu, and that he was often seen at checkpoints (where they were detected by the Tutsi massacre), he used to wear a camouflage military as a chaplain instead of wearing the cassock.
Another Hutu priest, Father Emmanuel Uwayezu , 47, assistant pastor at Ponzano in the town of Empoli, was arrested recently on charges of having participated in a massacre of students in Rwanda. The
were then granted house arrest.
A Rwandan Catholic priest, the Abbe Aimé Mategeko , è stato condannato nel Luglio 2009 al carcere a vita dopo essere stato riconosciuto colpevole della partecipazione al genocidio perpetrato contro i Tutsi nel 1994.
A renderlo noto è Radio Rwanda.
La Chiesa Cattolica, è quindi in primo piano in questa vicenda di morte e di sangue, dai risvolti inquietanti, in cui da una parte si celebra la chiesa di Cristo, mentre dall’altra si opera per sottostare ai voleri di un Satana multiforme, che assume le sembianze più inaspettate…quelle dei preti e dei missionari.
Naturalmente i media tacciono, occupati come sono a ricelebrare in continuazione le aggressioni ai massimi leader delle più alte cariche del potere in Italia, quella civil and religious, attacked these days by psychos out of control.
excellent alibi that of disapproving media ... incense ... and discuss ethical issues stand as champions of justice and of civil society in the wake of the recent emotional episodes mentioned above.
Various speakers from the TV, not only of the State, are now relegated to a role that extrapolating the characteristics or boundaries within the course boundaries well defined within specific dictates and are intended, mandatory, and imposed bias.
journalism in Italy is reduced to this ...?
possible that the conscience of the 'experts' do not feel an overpowering desire for revenge, to seek freedom of expression, to shout the truth from the rooftops?
This way you can slip lower and lower towards the depths of addiction base to a power that seeks to universalize the reality, monopolizing, and enslave those who do not oppose putting the actors in this sad representation at a level Catholic missionaries of complicity with those authors of crimes against humanity.

How can the so-called "Holy Father" to wish Merry Christmas and give a blessing "urbi et orbi "if its the same body flows, is not by chance, certain horrific situations, related to genocide, a financial scandal, a pedophile, a collusion of various kinds ...?!

Merry Christmas I wish I can in my small way, and I do sincerely, with love and kindness, I address all those innocent creatures who have been devastated violence, hoping that they will find some 'future of peace, despite the clergy and the Catholic Church.

Merry Christmas ...

~ ~ ~

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Cogat Figure Analysis Questions

Why the Palestinians are winning the war media.

From an interview with David Bedein

David Bedein has directed the Israel Resource News Agency, based in Jerusalem since 1987
provides agency services to foreign media.
He also worked on special projects for the BBC, CNN Radio, the Los Angeles Times, and the weekly Israeli Information "Makor Rishon".

Over the past 20 years the Palestinians were better than the Israelis in setting up the image of the conflict for the international media.
The turning point was during the Lebanon war, when the Palestinians began a propaganda campaign to offer themselves as the defenders of human rights and the Israelis as the violators of human rights.
At the same time the brother of Yasser Arafat, Dr. FATCA Arafat, exploited his position as director of the Palestinian Red Crescent to provide casualty figures vastly inflated.

On June 10, 1982, for example, Dr. Arafat issued a statement saying that "10,000 Palestinians have died and 600,000 have lost their homes only in the early days of the war, "a lie concocted to portray the Palestinians as victims of genocidal aggression in Lebanon.
In fact, the total population in the war zone was composed of fewer than 300,000 people.
Nevertheless, the Red Cross International and Middle East Action Committee of the American Friends Service Committee have released the figures of 10,000 and 600,000 for all agencies and the media in the world and most American networks have taken up the story.
Jessica Savitch NBC wrote "Now it is estimated that 600,000 refugees from southern Lebanon is free of sufficient food and medicine. "

Professional journalists Palestinians have no scruples to cheat the media to political advantage.
In their attempt to convince the world that the IDF (Israeli forces) has massacred hundreds of civilians in the Jenin refugee camp during Operation Defensive Shield, they used animal carcasses to fill the air nauseating smell of meat rotting where it was likely that they were visiting journalists and UN officials.
IDF filmed this trick, as he filmed a funeral during which the "body" jumped out of the coffin and ran away when an Israeli surveillance plane approached the funeral procession.

The Palestinians have an exceptional experience in manipulating images that appear in the international media.
have received a huge propaganda bonus to the top of the second Palestinian Intifada, when a crew working for French television filmed the killing eleven-Mohammed al-Dura and his father tried in vain to protect it during an armed confrontation at an intersection of Gaza.
The video, edited to show the IDF as cruel and ruthless, the report commented perfectly Palestinian facts.
The Israeli government has fallen into the trap, issuing an apology until you have investigated the facts.
Mohammed al-Dura, the "poster boy" of the Second Intifada will go down in history as a martyr for the Palestinian people, yet the Palestinian version of the death of Mohammed al-Dura is a lie, an invention of PR professionals Palestinians.
thorough survey of the IDF, issued three weeks after the case and confirmed by a crew from Germany, showed that the bullets that struck the boy came from the Palestinians who attacked the Israeli guard post.
But the world is "witnessing" the killing of al-Dura, as described by the media:
an atrocity committed by Israeli troops.

The damage can not be undone.
You can not put the toothpaste back in the tube.

During the interview with David Bedein he was asked the following question:
When these professionals have entered the scene of the Palestinian public relations?
The answer is as follows.
In March 1984, Ramos Tawill, a professional information (now four years after Arafat's mother-in-law) helped the PLO to establish the Palestinian press agency Services (PPS) to provide assistance to the post and implement seminars and courses in media relations.
The PPS is then combined with the Center for Palestinian Human Rights Information ( PHRIC ) in an effort to change the image of the PLO from that of the liberation movement in the '60s-style organization that fights to protect victims of abuse human rights Israelis. The seminars
PHRIC instructed "students" to deflect any interview to the same themes - the Israeli occupation, illegal settlements, the abuses of human rights and the right of return of Palestinian refugees.
Whatever the application, these themes were repeated continuously.
I know from experience, because our agency had decided that every journalist should follow the new courses Tawill.

One of her major "accomplishments" came in May of 1985, after Israel released more than a thousand terrorists in exchange for seven Israeli soldiers.
to deflect the media from the crimes committed by these people, these terrorists trained Tawill freed dire di essere stati torturati nelle prigioni israeliane per il loro "attivismo politico" e per "l'appoggio al nazionalismo palestinese".
Ho saputo di questa tattica da diversi studenti della Tawill in un corso di giornalismo che ho seguito nel maggio del 1986.
Mi hanno spiegato che monopolizzando il tempo del reporter con storie di tortura, i giornalisti dovevano inevitabilmente terminare l' intervista prima di avere il tempo di chiedere ai terroristi il motivo del loro arresto e condanna.
A quel tempo, i servizi israeliani non permettevano ai giornalisti di esaminare gli archivi carcerari dei condannati per motivi di sicurezza, così i crimini di questi terroristi sono stati praticamente ignorati nei resoconti giornalistici.

Ci si pone quindi la domanda, viste le caratteristiche di professionalità messe in campo, su chi formi e finanzi oggi i professionisti palestinesi del P.R.
La risposta è sorprendente :
La Società Accademica Palestinese per lo Studio degli Affari Internazionali ( PASSIA ) svolge corsi e ha prodotto più di 30 manuali chiamati "Come si fa" su argomenti quali le pubbliche relazioni, le relazioni con i media, la raccolta fondi, la comunicazione, la lobby e i discorsi in pubblico.
PASSIA istruisce gli accademici palestinesi che poi insegnano all'estero come promuovere la loro causa nei campus universitari ;
inoltre ai palestinesi negli Stati Uniti viene insegnato how to find the Arab constituency in each district as of the Congress and to lobby members of Congress to get political and economic support for the Palestinian cause.

And who is funding the PASS?
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID ), a State Department program, which provides more than a million dollars every year past, and to eighteen other Palestinian businesses for media relations .
It was only in March that members of Congress are becoming aware of such aid, after an official of the U.S. Committee on Foreign Relations had found that USAID was providing to the Palestinians appropriations for relations with the media. A surprised
Eliot Engel, member of the College of New York, reading a manual PASSIA said incredulously
"Here we are in the Congress that we pay them so that they will lobby for us."

Bedain David was also asked if the Palestinian humanitarian and medical organizations are involved in the "media war".
E 'known as the so-called Palestinian human rights organizations, as well as the Union of Medical Relief Committees Palestinian ( UPMRC), headed by Dr. Mustafa Al-Barghouti (brother of the leader of the Fatah Tanzim Marwan Al-Barghouti, currently in prison) coordinate their strategies with the Palestinian Red Crescent Society Dr. FATCA Arafat, to spread slanderous reports about medical negligence and torture of Palestinians by Israel.
There were also many cases of false information provided by sources UPMRC shooting in the U.S. media.
There are many cases of distortion of reality and manipulation of the facts, and their adaptation to the 'cause' of Palestine.

Incidentally, the UPMRC receives $ 300,000 annually from the United States for public relations.
And the Palestinian Red Crescent Society Dr. Arafat receives $ 215,000 a year as aid from the United States.
Both agencies are on the list of the 59 organizations Palestinian NGOs that have received 100 million in aid from the United States since 1997.
~ ~ ~ ~
From these data shows the ease of manipulation of information ...
What remains ... in fact ... are the hundreds of terrorist attacks, suicide bombers killed innocent people ... and ... that not even a partisan press can be manipulated and hide.
We, Westerners, we should understand where evil lurks, terrorism, Instead we are often victims of manipulators such as those described above, also fighting a media war with the same systems ... grimly, subtly, cowardly ...
Many of us Europeans, beano is shepherding the news spread by a press that, colluding with the left, falsify reality.
their school of thought has not changed over time, and follows paths already marked by the misrepresentation of the facts undertaken, as they always did before about the Soviet Union and now with the Middle East.
~ ~ ~ ~

Kates Playground Doing Hardcore


Quando si è in presenza di attacchi contro i civili inermi, non si tratta più di guerra, ma di TERRORISMO.
Ecco, di seguito, la lunga lista (e non è completa) degli attentati palestinesi contro Israele : molti sono stati diretti a colpire il popolo, per mezzo di kamikaze che si sono fatti esplodere su autobus, o in zone affollate, in un parossismo di odio e furore incontrollato.
Costoro non cercano la sono avvelenati da un odio profondo, radicato, they teach to their children, depriving them of a future peaceful and civil.
Here is the list, chilling, meaningful, incredible ...
And to think that there are people who defend them ...
~ ~ ~ ~
An attack of terrorists infiltrated from Jordan in Ma'ale Akrabim in the northern Negev, causing the deaths of 11 passengers on board an Israeli bus

Growing terrorist attacks on the borders of the country, particularly Egypt.

A bomb in Mahane Yehuda market in Jerusalem killing 12 people and wounded 70

Twelve children of the moshav Avivim are killed in a terrorist attack.

21 schoolchildren were killed in a terrorist attack at a school in Ma'alot in Galilee

Terrorists attacked a bus on the stretch Tel Aviv - Ashkelon, was killed a passenger.

An Egyptian soldier opened fire on a group of Israeli tourists, killing seven people.

Sixteen bus passengers die Jerusalem-Tel-Aviv for a terrorist attack

A terrorist attack causes the killing of 10 Israeli tourists in Egypt

Israel bombed Iraq with Scud missiles during the Gulf War

A terrorist attack on the Jewish community center in Buenos Aires causing 29 dead and dozens injured

A Palestinian suicide bomber blows himself up on a bus in Tel Aviv killing 24 people

A series of suicide terrorist attacks in the movement Hamas in Jerusalem, Ashkelon and Tel Aviv the deaths of 60 Israelis

Seven schoolchildren were killed by a Jordanian soldier in Naharayim on the border with Jordan during a school trip.

November 2, 2000
car bomb exploded in Jerusalem, killed two passers-by.

January 18, 2001
is found near Ramallah on the body of a sixteen year old boy killed and disfigured.
After several investigations it turns out that a young Palestinian woman of 22 years had organized the terrorist acts over the Internet, calling the young man in a chat and causing it to accept an appointment in Jerusalem.

May 18, 2001
Bombing in front of a shopping mall in Netanya:
95 wounded and four dead.
The attack is claimed by religious fundamentalist Palestinian movement Hamas.

June 1, 2001 A Palestinian suicide bomber blows himself up in the air on the promenade Tel Aviv in front of a nightclub, causing a massacre in the crowd of young people who wanted to enter: 18 dead and hundreds injured, some of them in serious condition.

July 16, 2001
attack Benjamin.
A car bomb explodes in front of the station, killing two young Israelis.
The attack is claimed by the Islamic Jiad.

August 9, 2001
A new terrible terrorist attack hits the city of Jerusalem.
A Palestinian blows himself up with 10 pounds of TNT in a pizzeria in the center.
die 15 people including six children and are ferite130.
The attack is claimed by the movement islamico Hamas.
Israele risponde bombardando edifici dell'autonomia e occupando il palazzo Orient House sede del movimento palestinese a Gerusalemme.

28 ottobre 2001
Nuovo attentato terrroristico a Hedera dove perdono la vita quattro donne e dove vengono ferite 25 persone

27 novembre 2001
Attacco terroristico ad Afula.
Tre morti e decine di feriti

28 novembre 2001
Un kamikaze della Jiad islamica si fa espodere sull'autobus di linea Natzaret-Tel Aviv presso una base militare vicino a Pardes Hanna.
Tre morti e nove feriti.

1 dicembre 2001
Two suicide bombers blow themselves up among the crowd in downtown Jerusalem and twenty minutes later a car bomb explodes with the aim of hitting the police and rescue workers.
Result: 10 dead and 170 wounded.

December 2, 2001 A Palestinian suicide bomber blows himself up in the air inside a bus in Haifa. Result
15 dead and twenty injured

December 12, 2001
For a hundred yards from the village in the Shomron Emanuel a bus is attacked by a Palestinian command. Result
10 dead and dozens wounded

January 4, 2002
A ship, the Karine A, with 50 tonnes from Iran di armi ed esplosivi viene intercettata dalla marina israeliana e un corpo speciale dell'esercito nel mar Rosso tra l'Arabia Saudita e il Sudan.
Il carico di armi aveva come destinazione l'Autonomia Palestinese.

17 gennaio 2002
A Hedera, cittadina del centro nord di Israele, un terrorista palestinese entra in una sala per matrimoni ed apre il fuoco con un fucile mitragliatore M16 contro persone che stavano festeggiando.
Risultato: 7 morti compreso il terrorista.

22 gennaio 2002
Un terrorista spara con un fucile mitragliatore nel centro di Gerusalemme sui passanti.
Due morti e trenta feriti.
Il terrorista viene ucciso da un agente police who was at that time in the same area.

January 25, 2002
A terrorist blows himself up in Tel Aviv, not far from the bus station.
19 wounded, two seriously.
U.S. President Bush to justify the siege by the Israeli army Arafath

January 27, 2002
A terrorist blows himself up in Jerusalem in the city center.
One dead and 200 injured.

February 6, 2002 A group of Palestinian terrorists from entering the Moshav Hamra, killing one soldier.
A terrorist entered a home in the moshav, kills a child of eight years Disabled and his mother before he was killed by an anti-terrorism command of the army.
the same day on a bus in Jerusalem, a Palestinian suicide bomber is neutralized by a group of civilians and the driver.
Near Shem Kassam missiles are discovered by the army on a truck carrying vegetables from a Palestinian village to another.

February 10, 2002
Two Palestinians shoot Bee Sheva on a group of people in a bar near a military command.
die two girls aged 18 and thirty people are injured.
During the night, was killed by an ambush near Shem a woman of 81 who was traveling in the car with her son.

March 2, 2002
Yet another suicide bombing in Jerusalem, this time in the Orthodox neighborhood of Bei Israel. Die
9 people (among them 5 children) and 54 wounded, including 4 serious.
The number of Israeli deaths since the beginning of the second Intifada to 301 rooms.

March 3, 2002
seven Israeli soldiers and three civilians were killed by a Palestinian sniper in the West Bank.
Israel responds with retaliation, causing many casualties (13) between the Palestinians including children who were in the car of a terrorist.

March 5, 2002 A Palestinian gunman kills a man of 85 years in Tel Aviv tgliandogli Throat shoot in a room before they in turn killed by a policeman.
35 wounded.

March 8, 2002 A Palestinian gunman enters the colony Hazmona located in the Gaza Strip, killing five young people aged 18 and wounding 30 people

March 8, 2002
Two attacks! A
Natanya two dead and 40 wounded.
in Jerusalem outside the cafe "Moment" a suicide bomber kills 9 people (young people between twenty and thirty years).

March 12, 2002 Two terrorists disguised as Israeli soldiers killed five civilians who were traveling on the road that runs along the border with Lebanon

March 17, 2002
A Palestinian opened fire near a school in Kfar Saba, killing a young Israeli woman and wounding 15 people.
The assailant was killed by Israeli fire a driver and two policemen.
Two hours later, a suicide-bomber has blown up at a bus stop in northern Jerusalem
man is dead and a woman was slightly wounded by the explosion.
Kfar Saba's attack was not claimed, while Hamas has been attributed to Jerusalem.

March 18, 2002 in Kfar Saba, a girl of sixteen animal is killed with a firearm by a Palestinian terrorist

March 20, 2002
Despite all the army has withdrawn from Palestinian Authority territories, the terrorists to strike back by killing an Israeli lieutenant near Bei Shean and exploding a bus line 823 in service between Tel - Aviv Nazzareth and killing six people and wounding thirty

March 21, 2002
Another attack in downtown Jerusalem.
A Palestinian suicide bomber blows himself up killing three people and wounding ninety

March 27, 2002
Kamikaze blows himself up inside a hotel in Netanya in the dining room where hundreds of people were together to perform the Passover (Pesach Seder).
The result is catastrophic!
156 wounded and 27 dead! Among the victims
some elderly survivors of the Holocaust!

March 28, 2002 A Palestinian gunman burst into a home in Alon Morè near Nablus, killing an entire family (four people).

March 29, 2002
In Jerusalem, a young 16 year old Palestinian blows himself up at the entrance of a supermarket in the neighborhood of Kiryat Yuvel killing two people and wounded 25.

March 30, 2002
Arafat was put under siege Ramallah.
In Arafat's headquarters are found in his bunker weapons and ammunition, as bombs and anti-tank mines, which were banned in the Oslo agreement the Palestinians

March 31, 2002
A terrorist blows himself up in Haifa in a restaurant. 15 dead and 35 wounded.

April 1, 2002
A terrorist blows himself up in Jerusalem during a search of a checkpoint.
A young police officer died and two were wounded.

April 10, 2002

North of Israel in the crossing of Yagura a suicide bomber blows up a bus killing seven people and wounding 16.

April 12, 2002
Suicide bombing upsets Jerusalem
A woman suicide bomber blew herself up at a bus stop at the entrance of Mahan Yehuda market in Jerusalem west
Budget: six dead and seventy injured

April 27, 2002
Two Palestinian terrorists disguised as Israeli soldiers enter the village of Adora in the West Bank and killed a woman in an apartment and a 5 year old in his bed. Fleeing
kill three other men.

May 6, 2002
Yet another attack on Hamas in Rishon Le Zion near Tel Aviv - 15 dead and 52 wounded.

May 10, 2002
Another attack in Beersheva.
A bomb exploded at a bank, three wounded.

20 May 2002
bombing Palestinian Natanya - 3 dead and 50 wounded.

May 22, 2002
Palestinian bombing in Rishon Le Zion - two dead and 38 injured in two serious

May 25, 2002 bombing in Rishon le Zion still dead and six wounded

June 2002 bombing at the intersection of
At 7:45 a car bomb alongside the bus 830 Tel Aviv - Afula and explodes 17 dead and 45 wounded, almost all soldiers returning to their bases.

June 18, 2002 Bombing of a bus full of schoolchildren and the elderly. 19 dead and many wounded.

June 19, 2002 bombing at a bus stop in Jerusalem (Ghivat Zarftitit).
7 dead 40 injured.

June 20, 2002 bombing at a Kadmon ISED near Nablus.
A Palestinian gunman enters an apartment and killed a woman and her three children.

July 16, 2002
Palestinians make an attack, attacking a bus in the occupied territories, which Seven victims, including children

July 17, 2002 in Tel Aviv near the central bus station in another terrorist attack which killed five people

August 30, 2002 A suicide bomber to 17 years Palestinian group linked to Fatach (Arafat) blows himself up near a kiosk fallafel in downtown Jerusalem.
The budget is fortunately only 5 wounded.

August 31, 2002
A bag bomb explodes in the cafeteria of the University of Jerusalem.
The budget is 7 dead and 86 wounded.
Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack and promised more.

August 4, 2002
In Meron in Galilee exploded a terrorist on the bus 361-Haifa Safed, nine people died, the wounded are 45 (including passengers, soldiers and soldiers, Druze, Arab and some foreign workers).
In Jerusalem, a terrorist opened fire outside the Damascus Gate of the Old Town: 2 dead and several wounded.
Two attacks in the West Bank, the roads connecting the Israeli settlements, causing eight injuries.
the night in another ambush civilians traveling along quietly with their vehicle near the intersection north of Ramallah Shilòa: husband and wife were killed and their baby was unhurt.
Total: 13 deaths, 15 serious injuries over sixty.

September 19, 2002
Another terrorist attack, this time in Tel Aviv.
A Palestinian linked to the Islamic Jiahad blows himself up on a bus in Allenby street in central Tel Aviv.
The result is five dead and 63 injured in a serious condition in

October 20, 2002
A car bomb alongside a bus and exploded killing 14 people near the intersection of Karkur Hedera

November 10, 2002
A Palestinian linked to the Fatah movement of Yasser Arafat, enters the Kibbutz Metzer (not in the occupied territories) kills a guard, a woman of 43 years and kills in cold blood a mother and her children aged 4 and 5 at home

November 15, 2002
Yet another terrorist attack, this time in Hebron where 11 soldiers were killed and four civilians as every Friday night on their way to pray at the tomb of Abraham.
The terrorists opened fire and threw hand grenades on the military. In addition you
deaths were injured about thirty civilians.
The three terrorists were killed by the army after a long fight

November 21, 2002 A young man of twenty-three years of related Bethlehem to the Palestinian movement Hamas blows himself up in a bus line 20 in Jerusalem.
Budget: 11 people including children and 50 injured

January 5, 2003
Two Palestinian suicide bombers blow themselves up in the area of \u200b\u200bforeign workers in Tel Aviv between the old and the new bus station.
23 people die.
The wounded are about a hundred.

March 5, 2003 bombing in Haifa on the bus line number 37. 15 people die
especially young students and injured 30 people.
Hamas claimed responsibility for the action.

April 30, 2003 bombing in Tel Aviv beachfront in night clubs - three dead and thirty wounded

May 5, 2003

bombing in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Shomron - one dead and two wounded.

May 11, 2003
bombing north of Ofra - 1 dead.

May 17, 2003
Gros attack the square in Hebron - 2 dead (husband and wife).
The attack is carried out half an hour before the meeting between Sharon and Palestinian Prime Minister Abu Mazen.

May 18, 2003 bombing in Jerusalem bus number 6 in a neighborhood in the north of the city - seven killed and twenty injured.

May 19, 2003
Palestinian suicide bombing lunedi' all'ingresso di un centro commerciale di Afula (Israele) : 3 morti, 48 tra feriti e mutilati.
Rivendicazione Jihad Islamica e Brigate Al Aqsa (Fatah di Arafat).

11 giugno 2003
Attentato terroristico a Gerusalemme, sull’autobus di linea numero 14, in cui rimangono uccise 16 persone, e ferite altra 84.
Il gesto criminale è rivendicato dal gruppo terroristico Hamas.

19 agosto 2003
Tremendo attentato di un kamikaze palestinese che si fa esplodere su un autobus pieno di civili (molti bambini), a Gerusalemme.
24 morti tra cui 7 bambini e 8o feriti compresi i passanti

29 January 2004
A suicide bomber blows himself up on a bus in Jerusalem, causing 10 dead and 50 injured

February 22, 2004
An attack in Jerusalem, causing eight dead and 35 wounded on the bus line number 14

October 7, 2004
triple bombing in Sinai against mostly Israeli tourists.
The Taba Hilton was brought down in part by a truck bomb.
Hundreds of wounded and 33 dead several missing.
Several Islamist groups claim its paternity '.

July 7, 2005 suicide bombing in Netanya shopping mall.
five people die and sixty injured.
The attack is claimed by the Islamic Jyad.

July 12, 2005 bombing in Lebanon, in Beirut, where the defense minister was injured and nine others, while two people are killed. Terrorist organization
Hisballah south Lebanon, attack an Israeli patrol on the border. 7 soldiers die and two are abducted and transferred to Lebanon.

July 16, 2005
I Hisballah Fagher launch a missile from Lebanon hit a railway shed in Haifa. 8
Israeli workers die.

June 25, 2007
Forces in Lebanon attack English UNIFIL.
are killed six soldiers: the English authorities attribute the massacre terrorist organization Fatah al-Islam

March 2008 terrorist attack on the main rabbinical school in Jerusalem.
killed eight people, while seven were wounded by terrorists armed with machine guns.
(In the Gaza Strip, immediately after, were detonated fireworks and hundreds of people poured into the streets to celebrate the dead Israelis.) The criminal act is claimed by the terrorist group Kataeb Ahrar al-Jalil (Brigade of free men of Galilee), while the Hamas spokesman called the “gesto eroico”
~ ~ ~ ~

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Flash Hermes Mercury Helmet

SYNONYMS: Palestine ... I hate ... death ... suicide bombers ... Considerations on the Philosophy

(clicca sul Link sopra)

Da ogni parte del mondo si levano grida d'allarme per la "catastrofe umanitaria" in atto a Gaza. Da ogni parte del mondo si muovono organizzazioni ufficiali e volontari privati per portare soccorso e solidarietà a un popolo stremato e ridotto alla fame da un savage embargo.

But are things really so?

photographer This video is exactly what the Palestinian situation, and leads to thoughts on how certain political party together with a distorted information can manipulate public opinion.
It 'time to stop celebrating the Palestinian people, identified as victims of the doomed Israeli fury.
The facts, reality, history, and the unspeakable and endless series of crimes committed by Palestinian terrorist organizations are daily to confirm their willingness to reject the peace.
responsibility of hatred is to be charged to all those fanatics who will make a shield with the children in Palestine, starting from an early age to indoctrinate them and turn them, molding them in future suicide bombers.
weapons and not food, not war and peace and prosperity, wealth and love and hate, seem to prefer the antithesis of a policy that reaches paroxysms of fury blind, destructive in its intensity, guilty in his consciousness.
They are finally pointed out as enemies of humanity, not pampered pets as a symbol of struggle for liberation.
We are seeing far.
We are faced with evidence of a gang of criminals, disguised da guerriglieri, che schermandosi con gli scudi umani dei loro fratelli seminano morte a casaccio sui civili israeliani, vigliaccamente, a tradimento.
Gli imam delle loro moschee inneggiano ad Hallah per propiziare le loro azioni delittuose.
Vergogna ! La loro presenza impregna di sangue il mondo dell’islam, identificandolo sempre di piu’ con stereotipi che poco avrebbero a che vedere con il Corano.
Kamikaze, morte, sangue, odio, guerra, Palestina, Iran, Bin Laden, sono tutti anelli di una catena di dolore a cui loro, invece , inneggiano.
Non si può negare, si è visto tante volte nei filmati televisivi…
Possono manipolare la realtà solo quei politici vigliacchi, con una gran faccia tosta che, per partito preso, rifiutano di accettare quello che ormai sta diventando, per fortuna, un assioma.
Ora l’identificazione del nemico da combattere è certa, precisa, e il nostro dovere è proprio quello di interpretare un ruolo di fattiva vigilanza e di contrasto, in modo civile, coerente con la nostra pretesa di esistenza democratica.
Per questo, io personalmente, ringrazio tutti coloro che, invece, sono costretti all’uso delle armi per un efficace lotta alla violenza che costoro cercano di diffondere a livello planetario.
Ringrazio Israele, in primo luogo, per il suo ruolo in prima linea, e per i tanti martiri sacrificati in una lotta che coinvolge tutti noi, addolorato per le famiglie che hanno provato the despair of losing their loved ones, killed by suicide bombers, or missiles Palestinians.
thank Barbara, with the post on: helped, as always, to spread a truth different from that in Italy there is so determined to hide.
thank all those who, like me, believe in the ideals of truth and justice that should be the basis for peaceful coexistence between peoples, between our children and our grandchildren.
The Palestinians are now being poisoned by a hatred that has poisoned, that there is no remedy, it is rooted in their very essence.
It is up to us to review that do not produce damage over the allowed to keep their hatred within their own borders, in their design and annihilation inevitable future, self-destruction.



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~ ~ ~ ~
from the cultural expressions of the philosophers we can extrapolate the wonderful essence of their own thought, which flows fluid reasoning from deep within, and which represents the subjective interpretation of a sublimation intellectual a resource to refer to ancestral heritage.

axioms identification of a process of intellectual propositions, are immediately reflected in symptomatic interpretations of the leaders of the world's philosophies.

all know, in fact, the famous axiom expressed by the great Descartes, which reads:
" Cogito, ergo sum " and that translates into "I think, therefore I am" ... magnificent example of a logic of reciprocity, which emerges from its modus vivendi, by which we can draw obvious suggestion.

Filosofi famosi come Sant’Agostino, Cartesio, Platone, Leibniz, Nietzsche, per citarne solo alcuni, hanno creato con le loro divulgazioni vere e proprie correnti di pensiero, in cui le sfaccettature delle relative elaborazioni riflettono altrettante simbiosi, interconnesse tra loro, e culminanti in specifiche e ben determinate categorie, diverse nell’approccio culturale, ma identiche nell’afflato che le identifica, accomunandole.
Per secoli la guida, non solo spirituale, di coloro che tramandavano le basi culturali delle varie tradizioni di pensiero, si è rispecchiata in una sistematica acquisizione delle linee guida appartenenti ai filosofi di riferimento, a seconda delle prerogative religious, social, or economic.

Today the links between the values \u200b\u200bexpressed by a world that has its origins in an amount of experience handed down by the prophets of the cultural tradition, and the size dell'incedere daily, are quite weak, confined to dominant positions, as they are crushed by the advance of any methodical, almost required, to which we are accustomed, and which cancels the ancestral values.

It 's always more rare and difficult to draw from the reading of all forms of philosophical thought, from the recovery of extrapolations of intellectual, cultural, artistic, that form of pure pleasure derived from to grasp, understand, and master the essence of culture, education component, invasive powers inherent in the unconsciously absorbed.

be difficult to compete between the desire to immerse themselves in meditation radical consistency, depth of character in their energetic subjectively linearity of intent, dramatically increasing the concentration levels of psychological, almost like in a search for a symbiotic catharsis, and the actual size of today's everyday life, marked by the achievement of very different objectives, materialistic, never dream, and always free from influences and intellectual implications.

study and enjoyment of Philosophy, interpreters who characterize membership, and the works that express the conceptual and size, is now the exclusive preserve of a few lucky people who benefit from them in ways that recognize the characters pleasant and luxurious prerogative.

This privilege is allowed only to those that address their priorities towards existential characteristics of life marked by the study, the pursuit of knowledge, or to those who can benefit from significant economic opportunity to devote oneself fully, enjoying the special features, free of worries materials.

I want to present, di seguito, alcune citazioni tratte dalle opere di alcuni tra i massimi rappresentanti dell’olimpo filosofico planetario, come omaggio al loro libero pensiero :

~ ~ ~ ~

“Tutti gli esseri viventi sono congiunti insieme, e tutti obbediscono al medesimo formidabile impulso.
L'animale ha il suo punto d'appoggio nella pianta, l'uomo nella animalità, e l'umanità intera, nello spazio e nel tempo, è come uno sterminato esercito che galoppa al fianco di ciascuno di noi, avanti e dietro a noi, in una carica travolgente capace di rovesciare tutte le resistenze e di superare moltissimi ostacoli, forse anche la morte”
Henry Bergson

~ ~ ~ ~

"From the observation of the irreducibility of the past beliefs have brought the greatest lesson of my life.
I learned to respect the ideas of others, to arrest me in front of the secret of all conscience, to understand before discussing, debating before condemning.
And because they're in the mood for confessions, I do one more, perhaps supeflua:
hate the fanatics with all your soul. "
Norberto Bobbio

~ ~ ~ ~

"I learned to go from that moment I let myself run.

"I learned to fly: from that moment I do not want to hit it to move me."

"Now I am light, now I fly, now I see below me, now is a god dance, if I dance. "
Frederick Nietzsche

~ ~ ~ ~

" Life and dreams are sheets of a book . Read them in order to live, browse at random is dreaming. "
" Man is the only animal that causes suffering to others with no other purpose that suffering as such. "

" The great pain that we cause the death of a good friend and a friend comes from knowing that everyone there is something that is hers alone, that is lost forever. "

~ ~ ~ ~

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Womens Soccer In The Shower

Inizia la vendita dell'N900! - N900 starts to ship

Take a look at the press release from Nokia . Soon you'll be able to enjoy the best device in the world!

Il momento che tutti aspettavano, anche noi che l'abbiamo fatto, e' arrivato. Sono iniziate le vendite e la distribuzione dell'N900.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Autodesk® Sketchbook® Express 2010

Ah, i giornalisti...

Guardate come la stessa intervista ad un giocatore sia stata titolata in maniera diametralmente opposta. Per la serie, giornalismo, maneggiare con cura.

Il problema e' che l'allenatore della Roma Ranieri aveva lamentato i troppi falli fatti dagli interisti. Totti ha commentato in una succecssiva intervista.

Articolo su Tuttosport (giornale notoriamente filo-juventino e quindi anti-interista)

Articolo su Sportmediaset (Mediaset, filomilanista ma non necessariamente anti-interista)

Friday, November 6, 2009

Anniversary Death Wording


A causa dell'elevato numero di commenti di spam ricevuti negli ultimi giorni, a volte anche in post vecchi di mesi, ho deciso a malincuore di abilitare la moderazione dei commenti. La rimuovero' quando vedro' che non ricevo piu' spam.

Mi dispiace togliere questa liberta' a lettori che invece commentano seriamente, come nella discussione sul caso del crocifisso.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Inserting Jpeg In Autocad

Italy does not even speak with Singapore

Switzerland and Singapore are toghether, in addition to being present in the Italian Black List issued by the tax authorities, the difficulty of meeting with Italy.

Interviewed by Corriere della Sera, Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the Singaporean Minister of the Treasury, to tomorrow by the journalist:
" Why not have made agreements for the exchange of 'information with' Italy? "
" We'd like to. We proposed, for now is that things have not progressed. We will sign an agreement willingly, because with the 'Italy we have an ever more important. "

is Possible" habit "Italian government's claim without conducting information to sign agreements dettanti assistance rules Administrative? It would seem so, since the two countries are now confirming this practice: Switzerland and Singapore.

interesting remarks of the Minister Shanmugaratnam on banking secrecy:
... anyone, not even the 'OECD, Britain or the United States , claims that the rights of taxpayers are ignored. And no one asks that the privacy of 'informing the banks is ignored. It would be a worse world, not a dynamic world, it is not capitalism in a positive way and with his virtues .. . .

The ethics of privacy is a concept shared capital in most countries.

The article in the Corriere Sera d she can be found at this link .

For further advice on this subject participation in the workshop "Singapore: an alternative to Switzerland?" ( workshop here.)

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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wet Cm When Period Is Due

defaulting Italy to Switzerland?

This statement does not apply to the Swiss Government direct banking secrecy, but it has value to understand the current political and diplomatic crisis between Italy and Switzerland.

In the case of relations with Italy are intertwined with issues of banking secrecy, the tax shield and the exchange of tax information between the two countries.

course, this is the "vision" of the Swiss relations with Italy in this field, happy reading!

"Against the background of long-term efforts in Switzerland to find a way to open tax issues with Italy and unjustified criticism of the latter in respect of the financial center of Ticino, the president of Merz had decided to suspend negotiations on the review Convenzione di doppia imposizione (CDI) con l'Italia fino a nuovo avviso.
I negoziati per la revisione della CDI con l'Italia sono in corso dal 2001. Nel 2007 il Governo italiano aveva ricevuto una proposta pronta per la firma con una regolamentazione dello scambio di informazioni (frode fiscale e violazioni analoghe). L'Italia ha interrotto i negoziati perché non voleva che la Svizzera venisse stralciata dalla lista nera. L'Italia ha richiesto la ripresa dei negoziati sulla CDI con la Svizzera soltanto nel mese di giugno del 2009 cosicché nei mesi di luglio e alla fine del mese di settembre del 2009 hanno avuto luogo due tornate di colloqui. In queste due occasioni la delegazione svizzera ha richiesto lo stralcio della Svizzera da tutte le liste nere e l'inclusione the new white list. Mainly for political reasons, the delegations responsible for negotiations have not reached any conclusion and agreed to continue negotiations on certain points. For several years Italy has joined Switzerland in more black lists (tax) due to lower than normal tax of the company preferred to Italy under Article 28 as well as due to the nonexistent LAID exchange of information for the purposes of domestic tax law. In order to improve bilateral relations in the tax area, Switzerland has already launched several initiatives, looking, for example, from 2001 to revise the bilateral double taxation. Since 2005 with the Europe Agreement on taxation of savings and with the anti-fraud agreement provides sustainable solutions. Nevertheless, Italy systematically refuses the application of Article 15 of the Taxation of Savings Income (interest-free on cross-border payments of interest, dividends and licenses). The DTA provides for the imposition of a bilateral basis on higher dividends, interest and licenses that Switzerland has ever concluded with another neighboring country of the European Community. Is a DTC in accordance with Article 26, as well as respect of the taxation of savings and the ratification of the fraud, the Italian tax authorities to facilitate cooperation with Switzerland in cases of tax crimes. "

Publication of the Swiss government is to address this .

I invite you to the next workshop on the topic.

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Nokia N900: tip and tricks/ Nokia N900, trucchi e segreti

Salve a tutti,

avevo promesso che avrei postato qualcuno dei trucchetti di cui è pieno the N900, so you can use it best, this is the people then. We start from the main view (view home), and the task switcher menu (where you can make multitasing between open applications), and operations management applications in general. A later application specific tricks for: Home

  • view: you can access the customization mode or by pressing on the screen and then the icon at the top right or hold long
  • Home screen view: can quickly return home to view from within any application by holding down the button on the menu (top left)
  • close an application with many levels of nested windows (eg, music player or in some cases email: If you hold down the button to go back a level, you return to the main view of the application quickly.
  • Using the power menu: Press key briefly on and off, will be revealed many interesting features. My favorite is the phone button that allows you to launch the phone application from any location without go and look for the menu (yes, this is not a phone with other features, this is a computer that has the functionality of the phone!)
  • BEST TRICK: Press Ctrl + Backspace from any point you are taken to task switcher. Ideal for fast multitasking
  • BEST TRICK: starting to write the name of a contact in the home view is invoked, the filtered heading for the letters entered. For example, type "sim" and all contacts starting with sim will be displayed. Useful to call fast! Similarly, typing a number, it invokes the keypad to make a call.
Hello, as before Promised, Here are some tips and tricks That let you use your N900 at its best. Let's start from the home view, the task switcher and launcher, general window management operations and power key functions. Stay tuned for applications-specific tricks.

  • Home view: you can access the edit mode Either by tapping on the screen and then on the top right button, or by long tapping on the screen
  • Home view: you can quickly access the home view from any open application by long tapping on the menu button (top left)
  • When you have applications with several nested windows like media player or e-mail, you can come back quickly to the home view by long pressing the back arrow button on top right
  • Power menu: short pressing the hw key will open a menu with several interesting functions. One of them is invoking the phone application from anywhere at once without need of doing it through menu or task switcher. Very fast! And remember: this is not a phone with added functionalities, this is a mobile computer with phone functionality! See the difference?
  • BEST TRICK: from Any open application, press Ctrl + Back Space to invoke the task switcher Quickly access and the other open applications. Multi-tasking at its best!
  • BEST TRICK: view from the home, start typing the name of the phone book and your contact will get Invoked with filtered search. Eg, typing "sim" will launch the address book filtered and showing only contacts starting with sim. Similarly, typing numbers from home view will invoke the dialpad.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Picnik Sayings And Quotes

Si facesse i c...i suoi?

Today the European Court of Human Rights has upheld the use of an Italian citizen who asked that crucifixes should be removed from classes attended by his children. Quoting from the service on the Internet:

Soile Lautsi, an Italian citizen originally from Finland, a mother of two boys in 2002 had requested the State Institute "Vittorino da Feltre" in Abano Terme (Padova), to remove the crucifixes from the classrooms attended by his children . In appeals to the courts in Italy had always lost. Now, the Strasbourg judges were right.

I'm not here to discuss religion itself, nor to issues such as the progressive Islamization of Europe or the loss of Christian values \u200b\u200band so on. I just want to focus on the traditions. If instead of crucified there was always more than one hundred years, in every class of Italy, just to make a example, a picture of the current prime minister, there were scandals because parents do not allow the left of a right-wing prime minister and vice-versa?

I do a lot of value to the traditions. E 'unacceptable that someone is going in and criticize a tradition which reflects a centuries-old culture and values \u200b\u200bthat have permeated Italy. And 'the more unacceptable that such action is brought by a person who is not from Italy, and should instead respect the traditions of their adopted country. Now my dear

finlandesina with an Italian passport, I'm sorry you did it big time. I very much hope that Italy will win the appeal. That an alien must put an end to a tradition that respects the values \u200b\u200bof Italian culture and no, I do not conceive.

Monday, November 2, 2009

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banking secrecy between myth and reality

propose an interesting publication of Credit Suisse, which publication is presented in this abstract:

"Around the success of Swiss banks have flourished many myths. One of the most discussed is certainly 'other banking secrecy, which in many books and films is presented as a financial haven for criminals and fraudsters. Emagazine unmasks the nine most common misunderstandings. " 9

I doubt that the Credit Suisse answers are as follows:
1) banking secrecy serve soprattutto al riciclaggio di denaro?
2) Il segreto bancario copre i capitali in fuga di dittatori del Terzo mondo?
3) I conti cifrati discreditano la Svizzera sul piano internazionale?
4) Il segreto bancario offre ai potenti e ai ricchi la possibilità di nascondere certi fatti?
5) A causa del segreto bancario, alla Confederazione vengono a mancare miliardi di entrate fiscali?
6) La distinzione tra evasione e frode fiscale è un abile artificio giuridico?
7) Con l'ausilio della distinzione tra evasione e frode fiscale, le banche svizzere nascondono i soldi di stranieri che commettono una frode ai danni del fisco?
8) Le banche svizzere ignorano non appena possibile le richieste di assistenza giudiziaria inoltrate da autorità estere?
9) Il segreto bancario è alla base del successo delle banche svizzere?

La pubblicazione si trova a questo indirizzo del Credit Suisse oppure a questo address legato al blog.

Ti invito al prossimo workshop sul tema.

[Commenta questo post]

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Does Cervical Mucus Come From The Overies

Un bel film: Generazione 1000 Euro

As in the movie your whole life ahead, which I have already 'spoken first, but definitely not up to it, this film by Massimo Venier' a realistic, if we are a bit 'stereotype, my generation of Italians.

Generation Euro 1000, based on the book Antonio Incorvaia and Alessandro Rimassa, and 'the story of Matthew, 30, bright graduate with Masters and Ph.D. in mathematics, surviving on € 1000 per month and a precarious contract in a company 'marketing.

Why 'and I' like it? Obviously because it 's the story del percorso che avrei potuto percorrere io se le porte della Finlandia non si fossero aperte, e spesso mi capita di chiedermi cosa farei e dove sarei se fossi rimasto in Italia.

Incentrato intorno ad un gruppo di amici (se non di piu') che condividono un appartamento fatiscente (e devono pagare loro i danni strutturali, ma non e' il padrone di casa a doverlo fare?) e intorno ai problemi di ogni giorno che chi vive in quelle condizioni deve affrontare, il film si dipana veloce fino all'inevitabile bivio finale, in cui Matteo deve scegliere se accettare un super lavoro a Barcellona o rimanere a vivere la solita vita da precario.

Del film mi e' rimasta impressa questa frase di Matteo:
Questa e' l'unica epoca della storia where children are worse than fathers
do not know how true it is, but not sure Matthew had a point

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Suggest Names For Cultural Fest

The best browser in your pocket - Il miglior browser che potreste mai mettervi in tasca

Needless to say, This Was posted from N900 using the ITS browser straight away and not a dedicated application.

Needless to say, this post and 'been done by the browser directly using an N900, not a dedicated application.

Does Indomie Cause Cancer

Nokia N900 interaction videos - Come usare l'N900 al massimo

Hi all,

the N900 is a device full of surprises and you'll never stop finding new features. There's now a YouTube channel created by the team has designed ITS UI That, That shows you all the features. Enjoy it! Once
this demanding baby (N900 you are creating nice but you take lots of my time!) will leave me space, I'll post a list of tips and tricks to help you use the device at its best.

Nokia N900 UI team youtube channel.


the N900 and 'a device full of surprises and never end up discovering new ones. The team that created the specifications for the user interface (yuck translation, sounds much better UI design team) made some videos that allow you to discover the characteristics of the device, and there are often surprises when you least expect it, then watch!
When I have 'a bit' more 'time (yes, the N900 and' a great toy, but its development porta via gran parte del mio tempo) vi svelero' un po' di trucchetti che vi faranno godere di questo device ancora di piu', quindi state sintonizzati sul mio blog!

Canale youtube del Nokia N900 UI design team .

Friday, September 25, 2009

Buick Enclave Light Bulbs

Listings gray or black: Switzerland is out

La lista grigia dell'OCSE perde la Svizzera

Con la firma odierna della nona Convenzione di doppia imposizione (CDI) con il Qatar da parte del presidente della Confederazione Hans-Rudolf Merz e del primo ministro del Qatar, la Svizzera ha attuato rapidamente i criteri dell'OCSE. Essa ha firmato dodici convenzioni contenenti la clausola dell'assistenza amministrativa ampliata in materia fiscale. Ulteriori convenzioni seguiranno. La Svizzera verrà quindi stralciata dalla cosiddetta lista grigia del Segretariato dell'OCSE. ( Link )

Il Segreto bancario garantito in Svizzera

La decisione di riprendere lo standard OCSE nell'assistenza amministrativa internazionale in materia fiscale, in conformità con l'articolo 26 del modello di Convenzione dell'OCSE non ha alcuna conseguenza per i contribuenti residenti in Svizzera. La protezione della sfera privata di clienti nazionali e internazionali delle banche (segreto bancario) da interventi ingiustificati da parte dello Stato resta garantita. Essa non muta neppure, nel diritto interno, le possibilità delle autorità fiscali svizzere di accedere a dati bancari.

Il diritto interno svizzero applicabile alle Convenzioni OCSE

Le convenzioni contro le doppie imposizioni firmate dalla Svizzera con nove paesi tra cui USA, UK, Francia e Germania, si basano sul modello di convenzione accettato internazionalmente: il modello OCSE. Questo modello prevede l'uso della prassi interna Svizzera per ottenere le informazioni bancarie da scambiare con le autorità degli Stati richiedenti.

Il fisco svizzero can not directly access the data bank, but may require, kindly, the taxpayer, Swiss or foreign, to provide data on his personal relationship with a bank already well identified by the IRS itself.

For further advice on this subject participation in the workshop on banking secrecy ( workshop here.)

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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Denise Milani Transparan

Un eccellente review del Nokia N900 sul Corriere

E' bello vedere che il lavoro che e' stato duramente profuso in questi ultimi mesi e' apprezzato, ancor piu' quando e' apprezzato a casa propria.

Questo review del Corriere mi fa quasi venire le lacrime agli occhi. :)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Peliculas De Trabestis Gratis

Somebody please explain this to me/Ma è uno scherzo, vero?

You arrive at a age, a bit over 30, when you think that hardly anything can surprise you. At this age, you must have already heard of the crazy ideas to tax the fidelity miles point gained for business related trips as Fringe Benefit (!), but i simply remained Shocked, stared at the screen blankly, "when I read an article on the reform of taxation in Canada from HS , Finnish edition (for once, no stealing of razors from the supermarket :

all reductions Destruction Task Force does not intend to. For example, most tax incentives, namely the right to live ownership apartment for free is likely to remain in peace and ilmaisasumisen benefits to tax.

"Ordinary people are not enough to understand that in my apartment living is something to enter, and that it income would be taxed, "Hetemäki granted.
I translate: the working group does not want to present all the deducttion removal proposals. For example, the biggest tax benefit, that is, the right to live for free in one's own house , will stay untouched, nor the advantage of free living (in one's own house, I remind) will be taxed.

"Normal people do not of course understand, that living in the own house/flat gives a sort of income, which should then be taxed", Mr. Hetemäki declares.

Now, I'm a normal person, albeit with a Master's and Doctor's degree, so I don't understand. My degrees don't help me here. Why in heart living in the house I bought constituse income, if I don't sell the house? Any help appreciated. Summary of the article, Where is this part as well transalated in Inglese here. Luckily enough, Mr. Hetemäki, who is proposing a wide Such cancelation of tax deduction in real estate sector, Which, if Implemented, Would bring a halt to finnish market, IMO, is not ashamed enough to include this deduction in the list.

briefly in Italian: reading this article, I found that source of income in Finland is simply living in your own home, and that the goodness of the minister, the homeowners are not taxed for this so-called income. If anyone has a rational explanation to this logic indeed crazy, and go Citation scholarly (prize to whoever guesses where it is easy) può illuminarmi?

Friday, September 4, 2009

How To Repair A Seam On Leather Soffa

Judgement of the Court of Justice Canada will investigate

The international standard is superior to the Civil Code
The case involving the Inland Revenue

The Court European ha ribadito ancora una volta che i trattati internazionali, in questo caso la legislazione europea, sono superiori alla Legge interna.

Il testo della sentenza è scaricabile qui .

Questa sentenza è importante per gli effetti che ha sullo scambio di informazioni bancarie tra le amministrazioni fiscali di paesi diversi, ad esempio quella italiana e quella svizzera.
Infatti il modello OCSE, quindi la norma internazionale riconosciuta, determina una serie di requisiti necessari per poter scambiare le informazioni, anche bancarie.
L'analisi di questi requisiti determina degli scenari che contraddicono le affermazioni del Governo italiano e le analisi frettolose della stampa.

Ti invito al prossimo workshop on the topic.

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