Sunday, January 30, 2011

Oral Surgeons Emergency Room

Appeal On 27 January, the anniversary commemorating the Holocaust that disfigure humanity in the last world war.

6 million Jews were tortured and killed, gassed and burned, in a crescendo of horrific cruelty, in a design that seeks to eliminate systematic ethnic Jews from the face of the earth.

Nazism, absolute evil, like Communism, was the cause of this terrible massacres that have approached the whole world to the edge of an abyss that could be of no return, and where there are no words like "human rights ", " love" or " brotherhood." The Nazi

blind rage, which reversed the minds and souls of generations, involving and incorporating in its march of fury and fear anyone who comes into contact, has traced a path and a search of intent, which we have already seen, unfortunately in the past.

Even with the adoption of different methodologies, and strong alibi for the alleged reasons for delegating part, history has shown that stereotypes are based on the exterminators that preceded the interpreters of the Nazi Holocaust.

Ideologies of reference change, change, evolve, but underlying everything there is always a radical intolerance towards the others, which is expressed in a parrossismo sick, destructive, and evil.

That's so there has been a cyclical recurrence of massacres absurd, incredible account of their wickedness and the ideology that sets them apart.

I recall, for example, the Armenian Holocaust, of which little is said, happened in the years between the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, which caused the deaths of more than two million people .

The only "fault " of the victims was to belong to an ethnicity and a culture different from those of mass murderers, and of practicing a "cult" minority. What about the immense

Communist holocaust, which in the last century has produced 100 million victims in its various representations, both in the USSR than in the rest of the world?

We are all familiar with the name " Anne Frank" or " Auschwitz" and a wave of horror pervades us only remember, but how many of those who read these lines know what it refers to the term " holomodor ”, oppure “ kolyma ” ?

Sono i risvolti di una stessa medaglia, che identifica le radici ideologiche di un terrore di massa, che sfocia nel genocidio di intere classi sociali, oppure di etnie, che subirono il paradigma assurdo e devastante dell’ideologia comunista in Russia .

L’altissimo costo umano degli olocausti passati, e di quelli che ancora oggi insanguinano la società contemporanea, deve essere tenuto in altissima considerazione, accomunando tutte le vittime in una giornata del ricordo, che non deve essere, a mio parere, appannaggio esclusivo delle commemorazioni partial aspects of the history and delimited.

The identification and the memory of the victims of the Shoah, in my opinion, should not undo the embrace universal access to all the other victims of the Holocaust, which so far have been officially forgotten, however.

There is not no day to commemorate the massacre of the Armenians, or those perpetrated in the Soviet labor camps, or of ethnic massacres carried out by the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia in Laos, and Vietnam , as well as the victims that still today in China are torture and death in the infamous Laogai.

Personalmente credo che si debbano istituire tante giornate della memoria per quanti olocausti si debbano ricordare, oppure è necessario raggruppare tutte le commemorazioni in un’unica giornata che unisca in un grande abbraccio tutte le vittime.

In Italia , per ora, finalmente,si è giunti ad istituire la Giornata delle Foibe, ma tanti, anzi troppi, sono ancora i genocidi di cui non si parla neppure più, non ultimo quello che si sta consumando sotto gli occhi dell’indifferenza internazionale in Darfur, e che ha finora provocato 2,5 milioni di morti innocenti.

Non da meno sono the figures relating to ' Ituri, a little-known region of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

From 1999 to date were exterminated tens of thousands of people, and hundreds of thousands have been forced to seek refuge in camps.

The ethnic issue is primarily concerned with two ethnic groups in Ituri, the Hema and the Lendu, but they are the mineral resources to fuel this war is completely forgotten which it is impossible to even make precise estimates on the number of victims. In

Myanmar (Burma), the ethnic group of Karen is a victim delle persecuzioni etniche del regime.

Anche in questo caso è pressoché impossibile azzardare stime sul numero delle vittime, a causa della inaccessibilità dell’area, ma stime indipendenti parlano di oltre 130.000 vittime dall’inizio del conflitto e di oltre 1,3 milioni di sfollati.

In Cecenia , teatro di pulizia etnica da parte delle forze di Putin, dall’inizio del conflitto sono morte circa 250.000 persone .

In Somalia dal 1991 a oggi sono morte circa 700.000 persone (anche a Because of famine due to the conflict)

In Kurdistan the turkish victims are over 40,000 .

There are also dozens of conflicts around the world each year, causing hundreds of thousands of deaths, of which very often do not know anything.

therefore repeat once again that the concept is worth remembering what happened to the Jewish people in the last century, but it is also important to remember that this helps to open our eyes to dozens of burnt offerings, both past and modern, and that ' humanity will absorb the warning in order to prevent the recurrence of these atrocities.



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