Friday, January 7, 2011

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AMARA LINGUA (di Umberto Franzese)

AMARA LANGUAGE ( Umberto Franzese)

the end 1935, while the country is mobilized against the "unfair sanctions" is promoted, community, a "national reform of the language." Sanctions that affect us, it should also oppose our counter-sanctions language. Every Italian should feel more than ever the dignity of their own language. It calls, therefore, to "turn" to turn, translated into Italian, foreign words. The examples referred to and which are overwhelmingly making their way, are not lacking. In place of "hoodies" to oppose the fees: slip knitted vest, knitted vest, sweater, doublet. For "standard" model, type, rule, index regulator. Instead of "flirt" joke, jilt, flirt, civettare, o ancora meglio, amoretto. Da abolire "necessaire", "beauty-case" (valigetta, astuccio, custodia), "ferryboat" (treno-battello, pontone) broche, pendants, bijoux, paletot, panne, champagne, dry ed extra-dry, chef, foot-ball, dancing, goal, lift, boxe, roast-beef . Una campagna per una vera e propria "pulitura della lingua" a difesa dell'italianità, viene imbastita ed ha, come capifila, il linguista Bruno Migliorini, titolare della cattedra di storia della lingua italiana all'Università di Firenze, accademico dei Lincei e presidente dell'Accademia della Crusca; Giacomo Devoto, docente di glottologia alle Università di Cagliari, Padova e Firenze, socio dell'Accademia dei Lincei, president of the bran. Migliorini is that Devoto, that support the defense and protection of the Italian language, are among the leading linguists of the twentieth century. Both, as well as the writings of various styles and lexicography, are directors of the magazine "Our Language".

The purity of the language must be preserved. "Foreign words disturb the otherwise healthy and harmonious cultural environment." In the year of grace 2010, in the sacred name of "Chineseness" from General Administration for Press and Publications (GAPP), a government agency in China, has banned the English, through trade, advertising, media ground, contaminating the purity of language, impoverishes, the invalid, the crowd.

In Italy as in Europe, the English make their way replacing the common language in daily life. Not limited English, or as is commonly said, the itanglese, the media languages \u200b\u200bused in commerce, industry, the field of technology, business, also invades the world of sports, entertainment, art, breaking into various areas, from fashion to food.

Even before the twentieth century, Soren Kierkegaard, Danish philosopher, considered the father of existentialism, he argued that the "home language, la lingua di mercato, possiede già tutti i requisiti per rispondere alle esigenze più importanti di cui abbiamo bisogno per la vita di relazione e per lo sviluppo delle nostre conoscenze, ci dà sempre strumenti per lottare con l'inesprimibile".

E Guido Ceronetti, scrittore affermatosi come traduttore di classici latini e testi biblici, rincara: "non mi rinocerontizzo nella carica sorda della neolingua dominante, no. Se i vostri figli si mostrano svogliati nell'apprendere l'inglese di tutti, favorite questa loro simpatica inclinazione. Incoraggiateli

col mio esempio di antianglofono refrattario!".

Tullio De Mauro, professore emerito dell'Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" and search for ', recalls that "the art. 6 of our Constitution states that we must protect the linguistic minorities who are, however, of ancient origin, existing in our country for at least five centuries." And if we add, we must protect the linguistic minorities, the more must be protected, safeguarded the national language. That protection should be extended to regional dialects with Latin-greek ancestry. The protection and enhancement of language and regional dialects should be encouraged tangled up in academic circles, cultural, educational. It should, therefore, preserve, rehabilitate, and when appropriate, from outside contamination. The local dialects should be supported, encouraged by federal, with contributions, grants to donate to groups, associations, companies, which favor, favor, feed the national language or the vernacular.

few years ago, Dante Alighieri Society sponsored a survey of English words in everyday use most inopportune of Italian First of all outstanding weekend (weekend), followed by okay (okay, okay, approval, confirmation ). But in everyday language we find terms such as: location, instead of place, location, location, living-room, living room, look (appearance, image, appearance, expression, makeup, clothing), basketball (basketball), catering (food , procurement); design ( linea, disegno, stile); educational ( educativo, istruttivo); franchising ( franchigia, privilegio, commissione esclusiva); gossip ( pettegolezzo, chiacchiera, diceria, ciarla); handicap ( svantaggio, difficoltà, impedimento, inferiorità, menomazione, disabilità); nomination ( designazione, candidatura); optional (accessorio); welfare (benessere, assistenza); work-shop ( officina, laboratorio, seminario).

Ma l'itanglese come lo definisce Aldo Gabrieli nel suo Grande Dizionario Italiano, in maniera sproporzionata e invasiva lo si trova anche in espressioni, come: Last minute (ultimo minuto), discount (punto vendita a prezzi bassi); Know- how (patrimonio di conoscenza); feed-back (retroazione a uno stimolo, risposta); stalking ( caccia, agguato).

Ma perché l'italiano, diversamente dal dialetto napoletano che i termini stranieri l'ingloba trasformandoli, li registra ma li deglutisce, è così incline all'utilizzo di inglesismi? Secondo Nicola De Blasi, professore ordinario di linguistica e dialettologia italiana presso l'Università Federico II di Napoli, perché "gli Italiani sono più sensibili alla moda corrente per nascondere una certa insicurezza. Si è passati dall'eccesso costrittivo a quello dell'abuso dei nostri giorni".

E se, aggiungiamo noi, tale abuso potrebbe result from certain fondness for the fashions from overseas, or a poor command of the language consequently very partial abandonment of the vernacular?

"Everything can change," claimed the writer Italo Calvino, author of "The Baron in the Trees," but not the language that we carry inside their mother's womb comparable. "Following our predilection petty the Neapolitan dialect, we add: Talk comme made you mammeta.

E 'after the Second World War, thanks to the occupants so well known, in an improper manner, "free" because we brought democracy to force bombing on our defenseless city, which spread the "anglismi. Consequently wedged the worst of the worst fashions, the eccentricity of the American. "Imitation of languages \u200b\u200bled him finally those opinions. The craze for foreign nations ruin a nation, off in her love for all his things. A nation that admires things too foreign to the causes of revolution which brings with it the political course of every people to add the names of other people ... you must have over a hundred heads, in every nation, forty-eight men and fifty women most frivolous of women: they do not think in another way in which this : combing better, dress better, cooking better, talking better, proof is something that we comb, eat, dress like being do. How is it that the nation does not think and does not operate better than us? ".

We saw flooded, and this continues, not only by words, even by ways and manners of others, Italy was USED. With beat, gl'hippy, the chewing-gum, blue jeans, doping, piercings,

the Mc-Donald's, bullying, privacy, work in progress, the jet-set, the inpeachment The class-action, devolution, software, hardware, business, the killer, the spray, the westpunk, part-time, password, question-time. The modern language is derived dall'itanglese pefettina, messy, hypocritical. It 's the language coiffed in an attempt to better approximate a dummy, to sweeten, to moderate the harshness of some of the existing reality. "So instead of using party party, the prostitute, the whore, the whore, the phone call, bitch, bitch, bitch, whore, becomes escort;

magmaccia are the PR, transvestites, are trans."

"At this rate (G. Melis) common sayings, such as blow it to hell, will change at all to send escort that is not synonymous with emancipation, multilingualism and multiculturalism, but it requires clear and xenophilia senso di inferiorità che la lingua italiana non   ha nessun motivo di accusare".   Con una lingua, quella italiana, forgiatasi nel grembo delle antiche civiltà mediterranee, in epoca recente, noi prendiamo lezioni da chi "dalla barbarie passava all'inciviltà"(G.B. Shaw).


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