Friday, January 14, 2011

Cost Of Wedding 150 People


Anastasia Baburova To remember, the journalist "heir" of Anna Politkovskaya, the following result, taken from the website of Amnesty International:

The following letter was sent to Amnesty International July 17, 2009 Baburova parents of Anastasia, the Russian journalist murdered on January 19, 2009 , together with the lawyer and human rights defender Stanislav Markelov, in downtown Moscow, in broad daylight by a stranger.

publish this letter in his memory, to testify our outrage for the many martyrs in the name of freedom were sacrificed Putin era.
~ ~ ~
"We want to thank the activists of Amnesty International for its dedication and attention shown to Stanislav Markelov Yurevich and our dear, beloved Nastenka Baburova.

We hope that the international community's demands to the President and the Government of Russia positively influence the conduct of investigations and help bring to justice the perpetrators and instigators of the murder.

is a mistake to remain indifferent and forget an offense, especially when it comes to murder.

Nobody has the right to take a human life.

The work that the lawyer and journalist Stanislav Markelov Anastasia Baburova were doing had to do with the defense of people, nature and the environment from violent intrusions and destruction.

They loved Russia and fighting for his reputation, Nastia was deeply offended by the degradation of human dignity.

Nastia wrote November 19, 2007:

" How do you look in his eyes a Korean student who has just been shot in the temple by two thugs before boarding the tram?

jumped on him, made the Nazi salute and ran to the tram .

This is however a note of August 9, 2008:

" I could not sleep , I went out early and at seven in the morning on the sidewalk, was the body of a person who had just been killed .

We think that these phrases are hard to read for any reasonable person.

Like all parents, we tried to protect our children from harm.

But she saw the same and trying to do his best to protest.

Nastenka expect much from herself: she was responsible, honest, kind, full of inner and outer beauty.

was genuine with his friends and always ready to sacrifice its interests in the name of friendship.

was unselfish as Stanislav Markelov, which helps people without asking a fee and not take advantage of the misfortunes of others.

Stanislav Markelov and Anastasia Baburova were two people of great culture. Stanislav

lessons on the history of Russia were beautiful, the people listened to him kidnapped and interested.

Anastasia spoke good English, French and Ukrainian, was out of the higher with the highest marks, played chess, computer programming was intended, practiced yoga and martial arts and was about to graduate from the Faculty of Journalism at the University of Moscow.

loved parachute jump and explore the underground caves of Sevastopol. Above all, we

protected, protected his parents anxiety.

The great Ukrainian writer Nikolai Ostrovksy once said:

" A person is given one life and must live it so as not to agonize for years and years lived without purpose, so as not to be ashamed of past dull and insignificant, so that the day of death can say

I have dedicated my whole life and all my efforts to free humanity .

We believe that Stas and Nastia have been guided by these words in their lives.

She was proud of his business and She writes:

" I really want you, my parents, know what I'm doing ! "

read his articles on the business pages dell'Izvestia but did not know of his work for the 'Novaya Gazeta'.

How much protection and security of impunity must have been the murderess if quietly and in the midst of many people could shoot at us and Stanislav daughter ...

shoot and then calmly leave the scene of the crime, while Stanislav and Nastia, who was still alive, were in the snow on the ground that it was colored blood.

And not one that has stopped to help, no one who has chased the murderess ...

is why it is important to remind the Russian leaders that there are people who ask you to find and punish the murderess and the customer.

With gratitude,
Eduard Fyodorovich Baburova and Larisa Ivanovna Baburova "
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Advocate Markelov and Anastasia Baburova fought against the release of Colonel Yuri Budanov, convicted for the murder of 18-year-old Elza Kungayeva, whose brutal murder became a symbol in the fight against human rights abuses in Chechnya, marked by war.

34-year-old's lawyer had just finished speaking with reporters when a gunman shot him in the head and then fired at the young journalist, author of numerous reports on the growing ultra-nationalism and racism in Russia.

As already posted on this blog, now the victims of the repression of Putin number in the tens, the indifference of the international community, compresa quella del nostro Presidente del Consiglio che, anzi, va a braccetto con il suo amico ex colonnello del kgb. .


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