Saturday, March 12, 2011

Many Calories Grilled Shrimp

Placidochromis and friends

Monday, March 7, 2011

Honeywell Thermostat Rth2310b Manual




The city, every town is a construction of time: it is time that is the space that becomes the houses, streets, squares, horizons, size, depth, views. The immense Mediterranean capital, more classically ancient than Rome itself, and with English Empire and Eastern Europe. The beautiful view of the whole of Roberto Longhi, Caravaggio Naples on inspiration, lights nell'introcata, layered and seamless weave of history, the poetics of time, cultural differences exist side by side and momentous a kind of dissonant harmony, a figure in depth picture of Napoli.Passaggi human uses, habits, not by chance that such terms as "habit", "dress", they have the same root as the word "live". The live shows by default the abode of men, their "star house" in a place that is physical and symbolic, natural and cultural, historical and mythical.

Unlike all other large cities, Naples has no time to exercise the "proper" place. Its differences are its glory, both witnesses, both survivors, insuperably together. In the capital of the South appears to act in a constant compromise between present and past, an endless negotiation between memory and oblivion. How he loved to recall Bartolommeo Capasso, Naples has never been destroyed and, therefore, was never rebuilt, but has grown continuously on itself gradually altering the lines of the original urban body that has remained essentially unchanged. Emerged, imposing a stratification, a contamination, a juxtaposition of time and leave traces that each of them: a weave from which the past does not let neutralize and, above all, do not assign leave no space limit, do not you leave shut in the glass case of memory, does not let museificare. The city life seems caught in a swirling vortex of time where the past seems to be always present and, on the other hand, this often seems to have the appearance of the past.

The presence of the past, this sedimentation of memories, both tangible and intangible, does not mean, however, that Naples is a city firm, immobile, a company "cool" according to the image of Levi - Stratuss. On the contrary, it is the story recombination constant-

mind the factors considered in the very heart of the transformations, such as overlay, an extraordinary ancient permanence, even arc: both tightly woven into modernity, with present and not simply survivors. This simultaneity contributes to make Naples a place in the monumental "widespread", and family where the memory, a sign of a deep, non-academic familiar with the old. A city rests on its myths, its symbolic foundations - which is Onon's knowledge - just as it alights on its foundations materials on "emergencies" only after the time that the collective memory becomes monuments, giving them a meaning "further". This meaning is precisely the lesson of time, to tell us what the tempoha through certain places and certain symbols not by chance that a synonym for an ancient monument was "monimento" both derived from Latin.

Naples is the only city in Europe to have retained in everyday life, that are similar to those of the city antiche. E' una voce, questa, che passa, di bocca in bocca, tra i protagonisti del grand tour: da Goethe a Nietszche, da Rilke a Benjamin. La maggior parte di essi sente il valore, l'importanza che la diversità di Napoli risveglia nell'osservatore, consistente in parte nell'apparire sempre altra, sfuggente rispetto all'imponente mole di immagini e di steriotipi che pretendono di rappresentarla, di affermarne per intero la complessità. Quei visitatori colgono l'intigrata singolarità napoletana, derivante anche dal fatto che quanto altrove è scomparso, qui è custodito e conservato accanto al nuovo. Nasce così il mito di una Napoli "porosa", arcaicamente "meridiana", un'immagine talvolta leziosa e di maniera - che see the reverse in the city, the antidote to the Mediterranean Nordic disembodied reason - but not, however, of a truth. Further test this, the virtuality of the symbolic city of the South, where everyone can find their own truth seeking.

Today, this wealth, common sense, and his aesthetic so common, they see mostly aspects deteriorate, epidermal ones, ie the disorder, dirt: everything that makes it superficially similar to the large urban areas. It is no coincidence that Naples is often seen and portrayed as a degraded body: in fact, the degradation in question, or rather, the Convention is the degradation, are partly the effect of continuous layering of memory and its objects. Escapes so that old unit locations, times, behaviors, fragmented but that time has not stopped.

This case is not only museum conservation of the past, but it is the constant remembrance and heed the continued sound of the time, and in turn translate into memories, places, objects, habits and culture of a city, his way to be, that is the place to live. Naples, which also owns the largest center of Europe, however, is not reduced to an open-air museum: it is also a great time in laboratory work continues to look with eidetic attention. In questo antico crocevia del Mediterraneo il passato non viene totalmente "dimenticato" nel monumento, rimane testimonianza vivente, non muta e quetata allegoria o riserva archeologica concessa all'esilio degli dei.

Raffaele Bruno

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Milena Velba At Kicten

young mbuna aquarium fish jumping

Ehh you had told me in every way, but I, stubborn as a mule, I preferred to do my own thing is not covering the open tank that I set up a couple of months ago ... I result found on the floor of a beautiful female Metriaclima greshakei.
solution .. I bought pexliglass ina transparent plate to be positioned over the tub .. aesthetically is "almost" invisible, as long as it remains fresh, clean then you will see .. plus coverage limits at least in part the strong evaporation which is subject to an open tank.
So in conclusion ... with our friends malawitosi is better not to risk and set up tubs with lids or, as in my case, be sure to cover any open tank ... Small
account del'argomento talking online, I was told that even relatively peaceful fish are likely to fly out of the tank, so in case of construction of new tanks, it is well to ponder well his own choices for !!!... the record, the pool is this:

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Shoulder Implant Pricing

ENOUGH WITH THE SMALL ASSASSINATED hypermarkets trade and crafts!





Mercoledi 2 marzo, alle ore 10,00, fuori alla COOP SATURN, in Via Arenaccia in Naples, there will be a press conference and distribution of leaflets, with megafonaggio and display of billboards, organized by the Provincial Federation of Social Movement Ideas, ask for the block of licenses to hypermarkets that are killing the small trade and crafts.


Friday, February 18, 2011

When Can You Fight Kyogre In Emerald


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Cogat Sample Questions 3rd Grade




Friday, February 18, at 10:30 am, press conference and sit - in protest under the statue of Garibaldi (Piazza Mancini height) with flyers, megafonaggio and exhibition of posters and banners of angry residents, traders, leaders of associations and civic committees, organized by the MIS with Rauti, the Association of South Wind, and the Civic Committee to protest against the degradation and violence exists in the area of \u200b\u200bPiazza Garibaldi, the main railway station, Porta Nolana, Porta Capuana, Piazza Principe Umberto, the Corso Garibaldi and Corso Umberto. For some time, in fact, there is the discontent of citizens, merchants and hoteliers who are fed by the presence of too many Chinese who do not respect the rules, violent immigrants, of thieves and robbers, the markets made clothes in the garbage collected, the an area abandoned by the city, where sweeping regularly and does not ensure clean gaditoie.

spoke, representing the Civic Committee in the fight, the lawyer. Carmine Ippolito, Director of the Municipality of San Lorenzo Errico PDL cell, the Director of MIS with Rauti Alviti Joseph, the Secretary of the Provincial Federation MIS Victor Lamberti, Deputy National Secretary of the MIS with Rauti Raffaele Bruno.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Mcdonalds Application Form




Deputy Secretary National Deputy and Head of the Department of Political Idea Social Movement in the South with Rauti Raffaele Bruno said

"sympathize with the struggle of the committee of social workers bells" Welfare is not a luxury "that are struggling to months to prevent the closure of social care centers for children, elderly and sick. I find it very dramatic and absurd to cut the social fund operated by the Region, which was limited to just thirteen million euro allocated to the sector, in Budget for the next regional. A ridiculous figure when compared to 120 million allocated last year in Campania, were already considered insufficient because the lowest per capita share of Italy!

Naples, February 15, 2011 The Press Officer of MIS RAUTÂ

Commercial Lease Commision




Deputy National Secretary and Deputy Head of Department for Political Movement of Southern Idea of \u200b\u200bSocial Rauti Raffaele Bruno said

"sympathize with the struggle of the committee of social workers Campania" The Welfare is not a luxury " who are struggling for months to avoid the closure of social care centers for children, elderly and sick. I find it very dramatic and absurd to cut the social fund operated by the Region, which was limited to just thirteen million euro allocated to the sector, in the forthcoming Budget Regional. A ridiculous figure when compared to 120 million allocated in the Campania region last year, already considered inadequate because it is the lowest per capita share of Italy!

Naples, February 15, 2011 The Press Officer of MIS RAUTÂ

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Nike Freeks Wreslting Shoes Sale




Friday, February 18, at 10:30 am, press conference and sit - in protest under the statue of Garibaldi (Piazza Mancini height) with flyers, megafonaggio and exhibition of posters and banners of angry residents, traders, leaders of civic associations and committees, organized by the MIS with Rauti, the Association of South Wind, and the Civic Committee to protest against the degradation and violence exists in the area of \u200b\u200bPiazza Garibaldi, the main railway station, Porta Nolana, Porta Capuana, Piazza Principe Umberto , Corso Garibaldi and Corso Umberto. For some time, In fact, there is the discontent of citizens, merchants and hoteliers who are fed by the presence of too many Chinese who do not respect the rules, violent immigrants, of thieves and robbers, the markets made clothes in the garbage collected, in an area abandoned by the City, where sweeping regularly and does not ensure clean gaditoie.

spoke, representing the Civic Committee in the fight, the lawyer. Carmine Ippolito, Director of the Municipality of San Lorenzo Errico PDL cell, the Director of MIS with Rauti Alviti Joseph, the Secretary of the Provincial Federation of MIS Victor Lamberti, Deputy National Secretary of the MIS with Rauti Raffaele Bruno.


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Do Women Prefer Shaved Genitals


La giornata del 10 febbraio, in cui si commemorano le vittime delle foibe, è l’occasione per denunciare la mostruosa crudeltà del comunismo e lo spirito disumano di vendetta che animò i “ titoini ” – i partigiani di Tito, con i loro complici italiani militanti sotto le bandiere del Pci togliattiano – nella loro resa dei conti a danno dei “vinti” di cui sparsero il sangue innocente.

Si trattò di un’azione sistematica, di inaudita ferocia, messa in atto dai comunisti (jugoslavi, ma con la complicità degli italiani) ai danni degli italiani (non comunisti) che furono gettati nelle cavità carsiche, a volte still alive.

In the period from October 1943 to May 1945, more than 10,000 were tortured and killed by Italian communist partisans of Tito.

The Italians were taken prisoner in the workplace and in their homes.

Then, they were thrown - still alive - in karst cavities which is called the massacre: the
foibe, in fact.

They were ordinary people.

anyone, provided it was Italian: sailor, teacher, clerk, miner, financier, or military.

then killed for ethnic reasons, as well as political, in most cases from the gun People's Liberation Army of Yugoslavia.

were also killed, with other motivations, Italian citizens of Slovene and Croatian, as well as some citizens of German and Hungarian nationality living in the River.

Among the victims of a hundred Italian origin of Sardinian
worked as miners moved Sulcis dall'Acai (Carboni Italian Company) of carbon to the wells of the company Rasa in Istria.

In addition, 300,000 Italians were forced to leave Istria and Dalmatia, that the lands which were historically established.

_ _
The sinkholes were used on several occasions and, in particular, immediately after the end of World War II to infoibare ("push in foiba ") thousands of Italians, fascists and anti-fascists, guilty of opposing the communist expansionism Slavic advocated by Josip Broz, better known as "Marshal Tito .

In this regard it is interesting to report the allegation made by Kardelj (Tito's deputy), who could say that " we were asked to leave the Italians by all means and it was done .
Nobody knows how many have been the infoibati: some estimates speak of 10-15000 martyred.

The victims were brought, after atrocious tortures, near the foiba, here's jailers, do not pay already inflicted ill-treatment, blocked the wrists and feet with wire to each person with the help of pliers, and thereafter bound to each other all through the wire.

the massacres, in most cases, they shot the first victim of the group tumbled into ruin in foiba pushing themselves to others.
Over the years, these martyrs were vilified and forgotten.

note that, sfogliando il “ Vocabolario della lingua italiana ” edito dalla Treccani, ci si imbatte in una definizione parecchio evasiva di foiba :
In geologia fisica, tipo di dolina; in partic., nella regione istriana, grande conca chiusa (derivante da doline fuse assieme) sul cui fondo si apre un inghiottitoio. Vedi anche infoibare ”.

Sapete cosa significa infoibare ?

Gettare in una foiba, e più in particolare ammazzare una persona e gettarne il cadavere in una foiba, o farla morire gettandola in una foiba (il verbo è nato e s’è diffuso alla fine della seconda guerra mondiale) ”.

Queste victims are the many links in a long chain, which is the path of blood and pain that Communism has brought to the world.

The various rings, which mercilessly stand to witness the barbarity of the Communist take different names, depending on the references, but we can easily identify, for example, Stalin's Soviet labor camps, the holomodor (induced famine by the Russian Communists in Ukraine, which caused millions of deaths from hunger), the Berlin Wall (now collapsed), the Chinese Laogai, the persecution of the Tibetan people, the Khmer Rouge and Pol Pot's regime, Togliatti, head of the victims Italian in Russia (also communist), Cuba, etc., etc..

The list of atrocities and the victims killed by the communists is endless, and it is estimated that in the last century have reached the appalling figure of 100 million units (worldwide).

is why it is important to remember, through the day of remembrance of the victims Foibe, not only for the whole episode in itself, but because they represent a sad piece of a larger mosaic of death and terror, which has a single name: communism ...

still ranks of highbrow, in bad faith, attempting to obscure reality, changing it at will in an attempt to hide the wickedness of this ultimate evil, as did the PCI Togliatti since the war.

The metamorphosis in Italy characterize the heirs of communism Berlinguer, not enough to make the Communists today are worthy to sit in a democratic forum, because they have blood on their hands, often brotherly love.

Their presence should not be tolerated, so that, revolting, advocates of Nazi ideology.

different roots of the same evil, these philosophies are nothing more than an abomination which we should have unnatural disgust.

When, occasionally, I see red flags, even in political rallies, I wonder if whoever flies really knows what it is, or whether, instead, is not addicted and interpreter of ideological manipulation.

is not even remotely conceivable, in fact, that a sane person, aware of how communism has been soaked in the blood of millions of innocent people, can wave the flag.

With this post I want to embrace all those who have fallen victims of the communist cancer, starting with the Martyrs of the ravines, and endless space in the universe of those who lost their lives in the name of freedom.

remember them and do not let you try to divide the victims of totalitarianism, in morti di serie A e in morti serie B.

TENIAMO ALTA L’ATTENZIONE perché non si tenti di cambiare le carte in tavola, e non si cerchi di nascondere le enormi mattanze compiute dai feroci criminali comunisti.

DIFFONDIAMO , e facciamo conoscere, i testi che eviscerano le problematiche storiche con sufficiente obiettività, e denunciamo le falsità diffuse dagli intellettualoidi della sinistra.

Mi unisco a chi legge queste righe per rivolgere insieme una preghiera, in ricordo delle vittime della barbarie comunista, auspicando che il futuro in cui vivranno i nostri figli e nipoti sia privo di quel cancro marcescente e schifoso che si chiama comunismo.


Saturday, February 5, 2011

Hemoglobin Determination

MIS RAUTÂ WITH WIND AND SOUTH IN PIAZZA foibe to remember the martyrs!

PRESS RELEASE WITH THE MIS RAUTÂ streets to remember the martyrs foibe IN NAPLES!

Thursday, February 10, at the "DAY OF REMEMBRANCE FOR VICTIMS OF Cave", from 10.30 to 13.30 Aall Piazza in Naples will be a charity event organized by the Provincial Federation of Social Movement Ideas with Rauti, the 'Association of South Wind and the Citizens for the memory of infoibati of Titus, with flyers, megafonaggio and display of billboards, not to forget the sacrifice of so many Italians, Dalmatians and Julian exiled and massacred by the communist Tito infoibati. Citizens and the press are invited.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Board Communication For Stroke Patient

letter from a mother of a former militant Missin A PURPOSE!

open letter from a mother to Hon. Fini

Mr Fini, who writes

is one of the mothers of those children suprestiti generation, which

are with you at the turn of the year 70/80, fought with pride and dignity

for their ideas. I therefore write to thank you for

everything that has happened and is happening. Thank You for:

1) Every time I saw my daughter leave the house for recarsi a scuola e

     invece correre alla sede del Movimento per fare volantinaggio.

2)  Tutte le volte che a mia insaputa, con poche lire in tasca ha preso un

      treno e si è recata a Roma per partecipare alle riunioni di direzione

      nazionale del F.d.G.

3)   Tutte le volte che non aveva neanche i soldi per il biglietto di ritorno e

      has encumbered 7 hours in a local train to return to Napoli, because the ticket was


4) For all the times she fasted during the long business meetings, while

you after you feed yourself to the best restaurants in the capital.

5) For all the deaths and persecution that he suffered in his youth,

thanks to his political faith.

6) For all the times che noi genitori siamo stati col fiato sospeso, non

      sapendo se sarebbe tornata integra a casa.

7)   Per tutte le volte che è stata trattenuta in questura e noi genitori siamo

      dovuti correre a riprenderla.

8)   Per tutte le volte che è tornata a casa malconcia, sporca di inchiostro

      del vecchio ciclostile o della pittura dei manifesti fatti a mano, o, peggio

      yet, when he had taken bad.

9) For all the times she spent her week to pay for your membership card

party or to finance the activities of the section and the party.

10) For all tests that gave the university late, seeing

regularly override the recommendations of idiots that turn today

; sit in positions of power.

11) In order to be offended, humiliated l'intelligenza relegandola sempre a ruoli subalterni.

12) Per tutte le volte che l'abbiamo vista piangere in silenzio e soffrire per la 

      morte di uno dei tanti giovani amici che appellava col termine di Camerati.

13) Per aver utilizzato il suo coraggio e la disponibilità sua e di tanti giovani

      che per l'idea avrebbero ed hanno corso qualunque rischio.

14) Per avere chiuso tutte le porte in faccia, una volta salito al potere, bollando

      lei e gli altri come elementi indesiderati.

15) Per aver mortificato, tradito, vilipeso, calpestato, una intera generazione 

      che ha sempre rischiato in prima persona in piazza e non dall'alto di una

      comoda poltrona.


In tanti anni queste cose le ho sempre pensate in silenzio, ma vedevo che  MIA

FIGLIA  come tanti suoi coetanei ci credevano e ne andavano orgogliosi, io

e tanti genitori tacevamo, un pò per non rompere un sogno, un pò per rispetto

alla loro stenua battaglia. I never imagined an ending so ashamed, I never imagined

a betrayal so deaf, I would never have dreamed of seeing my daughter

disoriented, humiliated and defeated by those who did, or maybe it's better to say

you pretended carriers, of those ideas. Mr Fini

So, do not you think, almenop of respect for those who walked

at his side and gave her the opportunity to become what she wanted, to make a nice gesture and withdraw

with its plethora to private life? Crimson

admit their mistakes is not a sign of weakness! And then it would also be the case

explain what happened to the assets del M.S.I. QUEL PATRIMONIO DOVE OGNI


Grazie onorevole FINI !

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Help On The Ultimate Element Crossword Puzzle




Giovedì 10 febbraio, in occasione della "GIORNATA DEL RICORDO DELLE VITTIME DELLE FOIBE", dalle ore 10,30 aalle ore 13,30 in Piazza carità a Napoli avrà luogo una manifestazione organizzata dalla Federazione Provinciale del Movimento Idea Sociale con Rauti, con volantinaggio, megafonaggio ed esposizione di tabelloni, per non dimenticare il sacrificio of many Italians, Dalmatians and Julian infoibati the Communist Tito. Citizens and the press are invited.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Gay Friendly Sandals Resorts

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Oral Surgeons Emergency Room

Appeal On 27 January, the anniversary commemorating the Holocaust that disfigure humanity in the last world war.

6 million Jews were tortured and killed, gassed and burned, in a crescendo of horrific cruelty, in a design that seeks to eliminate systematic ethnic Jews from the face of the earth.

Nazism, absolute evil, like Communism, was the cause of this terrible massacres that have approached the whole world to the edge of an abyss that could be of no return, and where there are no words like "human rights ", " love" or " brotherhood." The Nazi

blind rage, which reversed the minds and souls of generations, involving and incorporating in its march of fury and fear anyone who comes into contact, has traced a path and a search of intent, which we have already seen, unfortunately in the past.

Even with the adoption of different methodologies, and strong alibi for the alleged reasons for delegating part, history has shown that stereotypes are based on the exterminators that preceded the interpreters of the Nazi Holocaust.

Ideologies of reference change, change, evolve, but underlying everything there is always a radical intolerance towards the others, which is expressed in a parrossismo sick, destructive, and evil.

That's so there has been a cyclical recurrence of massacres absurd, incredible account of their wickedness and the ideology that sets them apart.

I recall, for example, the Armenian Holocaust, of which little is said, happened in the years between the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, which caused the deaths of more than two million people .

The only "fault " of the victims was to belong to an ethnicity and a culture different from those of mass murderers, and of practicing a "cult" minority. What about the immense

Communist holocaust, which in the last century has produced 100 million victims in its various representations, both in the USSR than in the rest of the world?

We are all familiar with the name " Anne Frank" or " Auschwitz" and a wave of horror pervades us only remember, but how many of those who read these lines know what it refers to the term " holomodor ”, oppure “ kolyma ” ?

Sono i risvolti di una stessa medaglia, che identifica le radici ideologiche di un terrore di massa, che sfocia nel genocidio di intere classi sociali, oppure di etnie, che subirono il paradigma assurdo e devastante dell’ideologia comunista in Russia .

L’altissimo costo umano degli olocausti passati, e di quelli che ancora oggi insanguinano la società contemporanea, deve essere tenuto in altissima considerazione, accomunando tutte le vittime in una giornata del ricordo, che non deve essere, a mio parere, appannaggio esclusivo delle commemorazioni partial aspects of the history and delimited.

The identification and the memory of the victims of the Shoah, in my opinion, should not undo the embrace universal access to all the other victims of the Holocaust, which so far have been officially forgotten, however.

There is not no day to commemorate the massacre of the Armenians, or those perpetrated in the Soviet labor camps, or of ethnic massacres carried out by the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia in Laos, and Vietnam , as well as the victims that still today in China are torture and death in the infamous Laogai.

Personalmente credo che si debbano istituire tante giornate della memoria per quanti olocausti si debbano ricordare, oppure è necessario raggruppare tutte le commemorazioni in un’unica giornata che unisca in un grande abbraccio tutte le vittime.

In Italia , per ora, finalmente,si è giunti ad istituire la Giornata delle Foibe, ma tanti, anzi troppi, sono ancora i genocidi di cui non si parla neppure più, non ultimo quello che si sta consumando sotto gli occhi dell’indifferenza internazionale in Darfur, e che ha finora provocato 2,5 milioni di morti innocenti.

Non da meno sono the figures relating to ' Ituri, a little-known region of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

From 1999 to date were exterminated tens of thousands of people, and hundreds of thousands have been forced to seek refuge in camps.

The ethnic issue is primarily concerned with two ethnic groups in Ituri, the Hema and the Lendu, but they are the mineral resources to fuel this war is completely forgotten which it is impossible to even make precise estimates on the number of victims. In

Myanmar (Burma), the ethnic group of Karen is a victim delle persecuzioni etniche del regime.

Anche in questo caso è pressoché impossibile azzardare stime sul numero delle vittime, a causa della inaccessibilità dell’area, ma stime indipendenti parlano di oltre 130.000 vittime dall’inizio del conflitto e di oltre 1,3 milioni di sfollati.

In Cecenia , teatro di pulizia etnica da parte delle forze di Putin, dall’inizio del conflitto sono morte circa 250.000 persone .

In Somalia dal 1991 a oggi sono morte circa 700.000 persone (anche a Because of famine due to the conflict)

In Kurdistan the turkish victims are over 40,000 .

There are also dozens of conflicts around the world each year, causing hundreds of thousands of deaths, of which very often do not know anything.

therefore repeat once again that the concept is worth remembering what happened to the Jewish people in the last century, but it is also important to remember that this helps to open our eyes to dozens of burnt offerings, both past and modern, and that ' humanity will absorb the warning in order to prevent the recurrence of these atrocities.


Aeruginosa éthanol


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Spc Number On Bmo Mastercard

Tremonti and the BMW dealer

The end of this month is marked by a series of interesting news on the front of the relations between Italy and Switzerland. The "dossier taxation," so named by the registrars in Bern and Rome, is still on the table. Italy is the only major countries not to have signed a new agreement on information exchange at the administrative level, in fact, Britain, Germany and France have already done so.

Evidently the current Italian political climate is not conducive to serious negotiations with Switzerland. This is for two reasons: a) a snap election could be close, and the government might offer side-by-easy criticism of "yet another agreement in favor of the tax evader" (So \u200b\u200bthe opposition would play the opening of negotiations with Switzerland), b) at this time to Italy should be expected, since the new procedures required to Italian companies that buy in the territories "black list" are interpreted by the Swiss company as a obstacle to free trade. In Switzerland, this creates a conflict between the economic environment, financial and manufacturing industry - a difference that makes the game Tremonti.

Meanwhile, various lists of names of Italian customers, or those assumptions, the Swiss banks continue to be used in Italy for reasons other than those of justice and fairness.
In this regard it is important to remember the legitimacy possession, by European citizens, a bank account in Switzerland, legitimacy afforded by bilateral agreements with the European Union.
Who has stolen the data bank is being prosecuted for all crimes related to the appropriation of "property" of others, and revealing data of a secret: as a result, the institutional powers that have purchased this information is technically "recipe", or potentially "designers and instigators" of persons that the stolen data. I wonder what eligibility would, in a process, evidence collected in this way.
Certainly the publications of names and balances of current accounts in the Italian press has a nasty connotation, is an a priori condemnation without trial: a column infamous Manzoni. Some of the "list" can also take it with a shrug, like the BMW dealer, residing in Switzerland, Ticino taxpayer, ended up on the list of "tax evaders" of "Free" because it has a UBS account in Chiasso. .. but the others?

I invite you to the next workshop on the topic.

[Comment on this post]

Friday, January 21, 2011

Hyderabad Physicatrist



Saturday, January 29, 2011 at 17.30 hours at the Monument Complex Santa Maria la Nova - Sala Provincial Council of Naples, will be a conference Mr. PINE RAUTÂ on: "The next global stage: challenges and opportunities of a world without borders." Speaking Luigi Rispoli (President of the Provincial Council of Naples, Peter Golia (gional publisher) Raffaele Bruno (President of the Cultural Wind d).

el South

Prom Dresses Under Fifty Dollars




Links, Raffaele Bruno, Vice National Secretary and Deputy Head of Department for National Policy in the South of the MIS with Rauti said:

"The management of resources and funds for the South in Campania Region and in all regions of Southern Italy is to be considered painful. A good part of the funds have been lost to incompetence of the Entities, due mainly to the no-show in terms of projects or too many endless political disputes between the parties. But those funds that have received have certainly not helped to lift the economy of the South. The problem is above all to return its size in the South of "political project", or consider it as a homogeneous reality and not fragmented. Southerners should strongly curse those strategies implemented in the South for over fifty years have enriched all but the southerners themselves. The quality of the expenditure for the South, especially the Structural Funds, is also found to be poor and in this sense we have been educated to think that the problem of the South was only local. To revive the South should instead propose it again on the agenda as an urgent national problem. "

Naples, January 21, 2011 The press officer of the MIS with Rauti


Friday, January 14, 2011

Cost Of Wedding 150 People


Anastasia Baburova To remember, the journalist "heir" of Anna Politkovskaya, the following result, taken from the website of Amnesty International:

The following letter was sent to Amnesty International July 17, 2009 Baburova parents of Anastasia, the Russian journalist murdered on January 19, 2009 , together with the lawyer and human rights defender Stanislav Markelov, in downtown Moscow, in broad daylight by a stranger.

publish this letter in his memory, to testify our outrage for the many martyrs in the name of freedom were sacrificed Putin era.
~ ~ ~
"We want to thank the activists of Amnesty International for its dedication and attention shown to Stanislav Markelov Yurevich and our dear, beloved Nastenka Baburova.

We hope that the international community's demands to the President and the Government of Russia positively influence the conduct of investigations and help bring to justice the perpetrators and instigators of the murder.

is a mistake to remain indifferent and forget an offense, especially when it comes to murder.

Nobody has the right to take a human life.

The work that the lawyer and journalist Stanislav Markelov Anastasia Baburova were doing had to do with the defense of people, nature and the environment from violent intrusions and destruction.

They loved Russia and fighting for his reputation, Nastia was deeply offended by the degradation of human dignity.

Nastia wrote November 19, 2007:

" How do you look in his eyes a Korean student who has just been shot in the temple by two thugs before boarding the tram?

jumped on him, made the Nazi salute and ran to the tram .

This is however a note of August 9, 2008:

" I could not sleep , I went out early and at seven in the morning on the sidewalk, was the body of a person who had just been killed .

We think that these phrases are hard to read for any reasonable person.

Like all parents, we tried to protect our children from harm.

But she saw the same and trying to do his best to protest.

Nastenka expect much from herself: she was responsible, honest, kind, full of inner and outer beauty.

was genuine with his friends and always ready to sacrifice its interests in the name of friendship.

was unselfish as Stanislav Markelov, which helps people without asking a fee and not take advantage of the misfortunes of others.

Stanislav Markelov and Anastasia Baburova were two people of great culture. Stanislav

lessons on the history of Russia were beautiful, the people listened to him kidnapped and interested.

Anastasia spoke good English, French and Ukrainian, was out of the higher with the highest marks, played chess, computer programming was intended, practiced yoga and martial arts and was about to graduate from the Faculty of Journalism at the University of Moscow.

loved parachute jump and explore the underground caves of Sevastopol. Above all, we

protected, protected his parents anxiety.

The great Ukrainian writer Nikolai Ostrovksy once said:

" A person is given one life and must live it so as not to agonize for years and years lived without purpose, so as not to be ashamed of past dull and insignificant, so that the day of death can say

I have dedicated my whole life and all my efforts to free humanity .

We believe that Stas and Nastia have been guided by these words in their lives.

She was proud of his business and She writes:

" I really want you, my parents, know what I'm doing ! "

read his articles on the business pages dell'Izvestia but did not know of his work for the 'Novaya Gazeta'.

How much protection and security of impunity must have been the murderess if quietly and in the midst of many people could shoot at us and Stanislav daughter ...

shoot and then calmly leave the scene of the crime, while Stanislav and Nastia, who was still alive, were in the snow on the ground that it was colored blood.

And not one that has stopped to help, no one who has chased the murderess ...

is why it is important to remind the Russian leaders that there are people who ask you to find and punish the murderess and the customer.

With gratitude,
Eduard Fyodorovich Baburova and Larisa Ivanovna Baburova "
~ ~ ~

Advocate Markelov and Anastasia Baburova fought against the release of Colonel Yuri Budanov, convicted for the murder of 18-year-old Elza Kungayeva, whose brutal murder became a symbol in the fight against human rights abuses in Chechnya, marked by war.

34-year-old's lawyer had just finished speaking with reporters when a gunman shot him in the head and then fired at the young journalist, author of numerous reports on the growing ultra-nationalism and racism in Russia.

As already posted on this blog, now the victims of the repression of Putin number in the tens, the indifference of the international community, compresa quella del nostro Presidente del Consiglio che, anzi, va a braccetto con il suo amico ex colonnello del kgb. .

Ikusa Otome Valkyrieova 3



E 'scheduled for Monday next at 10.30, a press conference in Piazza Garibaldi, at the foot of the monument dedicated to the hero of two worlds, to denounce the degradation of the area of \u200b\u200bNaples.
meeting with the press attended by the President of the Provincial Council of Naples, Luigi Rispoli, the president of the South Wind, Raffaele Bruno, and, representing the Civic Committee of the zone, the lawyer. Carmine Ippolito.
L'incontro sarà l'occasione per verificare l'attuale stato di mantenimento dell'area di Piazza Garibaldi dopo la manifestazione che il 10 settembre scorso portò centinaia di cittadini in piazza per protestare contro il degrado della zona.

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Sabato 29 gennaio 2011, alle ore 17,30, presso il Complesso Monumentale Santa Maria la Nova - Sala Consiglio Provinciale di Napoli, avra luogo una conferenza Mr. PINE RAUTÂ on: "The next global stage: challenges and opportunities of a world without borders." Speaking Luigi Rispoli (President of the Provincial Council of Naples, Peter Golia (gional publisher) Raffaele Bruno (President of the Cultural Wind d).

el South

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Saturday, January 29, 2011 at 17.30 hours, at the Monumental Complex Santa Maria la Nova - Sala Provincial Council of Naples, will be a conference Mr. PINE RAUTÂ on: "The next global stage: challenges and opportunities of a world without borders." Speaking Luigi Rispoli (President of the Provincial Council of Naples, Peter Golia (gional publisher) Raffaele Bruno (President of the Cultural Wind d).

el South