Sunday, February 6, 2011

Do Women Prefer Shaved Genitals


La giornata del 10 febbraio, in cui si commemorano le vittime delle foibe, è l’occasione per denunciare la mostruosa crudeltà del comunismo e lo spirito disumano di vendetta che animò i “ titoini ” – i partigiani di Tito, con i loro complici italiani militanti sotto le bandiere del Pci togliattiano – nella loro resa dei conti a danno dei “vinti” di cui sparsero il sangue innocente.

Si trattò di un’azione sistematica, di inaudita ferocia, messa in atto dai comunisti (jugoslavi, ma con la complicità degli italiani) ai danni degli italiani (non comunisti) che furono gettati nelle cavità carsiche, a volte still alive.

In the period from October 1943 to May 1945, more than 10,000 were tortured and killed by Italian communist partisans of Tito.

The Italians were taken prisoner in the workplace and in their homes.

Then, they were thrown - still alive - in karst cavities which is called the massacre: the
foibe, in fact.

They were ordinary people.

anyone, provided it was Italian: sailor, teacher, clerk, miner, financier, or military.

then killed for ethnic reasons, as well as political, in most cases from the gun People's Liberation Army of Yugoslavia.

were also killed, with other motivations, Italian citizens of Slovene and Croatian, as well as some citizens of German and Hungarian nationality living in the River.

Among the victims of a hundred Italian origin of Sardinian
worked as miners moved Sulcis dall'Acai (Carboni Italian Company) of carbon to the wells of the company Rasa in Istria.

In addition, 300,000 Italians were forced to leave Istria and Dalmatia, that the lands which were historically established.

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The sinkholes were used on several occasions and, in particular, immediately after the end of World War II to infoibare ("push in foiba ") thousands of Italians, fascists and anti-fascists, guilty of opposing the communist expansionism Slavic advocated by Josip Broz, better known as "Marshal Tito .

In this regard it is interesting to report the allegation made by Kardelj (Tito's deputy), who could say that " we were asked to leave the Italians by all means and it was done .
Nobody knows how many have been the infoibati: some estimates speak of 10-15000 martyred.

The victims were brought, after atrocious tortures, near the foiba, here's jailers, do not pay already inflicted ill-treatment, blocked the wrists and feet with wire to each person with the help of pliers, and thereafter bound to each other all through the wire.

the massacres, in most cases, they shot the first victim of the group tumbled into ruin in foiba pushing themselves to others.
Over the years, these martyrs were vilified and forgotten.

note that, sfogliando il “ Vocabolario della lingua italiana ” edito dalla Treccani, ci si imbatte in una definizione parecchio evasiva di foiba :
In geologia fisica, tipo di dolina; in partic., nella regione istriana, grande conca chiusa (derivante da doline fuse assieme) sul cui fondo si apre un inghiottitoio. Vedi anche infoibare ”.

Sapete cosa significa infoibare ?

Gettare in una foiba, e più in particolare ammazzare una persona e gettarne il cadavere in una foiba, o farla morire gettandola in una foiba (il verbo è nato e s’è diffuso alla fine della seconda guerra mondiale) ”.

Queste victims are the many links in a long chain, which is the path of blood and pain that Communism has brought to the world.

The various rings, which mercilessly stand to witness the barbarity of the Communist take different names, depending on the references, but we can easily identify, for example, Stalin's Soviet labor camps, the holomodor (induced famine by the Russian Communists in Ukraine, which caused millions of deaths from hunger), the Berlin Wall (now collapsed), the Chinese Laogai, the persecution of the Tibetan people, the Khmer Rouge and Pol Pot's regime, Togliatti, head of the victims Italian in Russia (also communist), Cuba, etc., etc..

The list of atrocities and the victims killed by the communists is endless, and it is estimated that in the last century have reached the appalling figure of 100 million units (worldwide).

is why it is important to remember, through the day of remembrance of the victims Foibe, not only for the whole episode in itself, but because they represent a sad piece of a larger mosaic of death and terror, which has a single name: communism ...

still ranks of highbrow, in bad faith, attempting to obscure reality, changing it at will in an attempt to hide the wickedness of this ultimate evil, as did the PCI Togliatti since the war.

The metamorphosis in Italy characterize the heirs of communism Berlinguer, not enough to make the Communists today are worthy to sit in a democratic forum, because they have blood on their hands, often brotherly love.

Their presence should not be tolerated, so that, revolting, advocates of Nazi ideology.

different roots of the same evil, these philosophies are nothing more than an abomination which we should have unnatural disgust.

When, occasionally, I see red flags, even in political rallies, I wonder if whoever flies really knows what it is, or whether, instead, is not addicted and interpreter of ideological manipulation.

is not even remotely conceivable, in fact, that a sane person, aware of how communism has been soaked in the blood of millions of innocent people, can wave the flag.

With this post I want to embrace all those who have fallen victims of the communist cancer, starting with the Martyrs of the ravines, and endless space in the universe of those who lost their lives in the name of freedom.

remember them and do not let you try to divide the victims of totalitarianism, in morti di serie A e in morti serie B.

TENIAMO ALTA L’ATTENZIONE perché non si tenti di cambiare le carte in tavola, e non si cerchi di nascondere le enormi mattanze compiute dai feroci criminali comunisti.

DIFFONDIAMO , e facciamo conoscere, i testi che eviscerano le problematiche storiche con sufficiente obiettività, e denunciamo le falsità diffuse dagli intellettualoidi della sinistra.

Mi unisco a chi legge queste righe per rivolgere insieme una preghiera, in ricordo delle vittime della barbarie comunista, auspicando che il futuro in cui vivranno i nostri figli e nipoti sia privo di quel cancro marcescente e schifoso che si chiama comunismo.



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