Friday, February 19, 2010

Shoprite Job Application

Jung Chang

If there were still doubts about the criminal policy in Maoist China, in an environment steeped in communism is mandatory that you breathe at all levels of society, would be sufficient to fugarli Read " Wild Swans," Jung Chang's book written with the support of John Halliday .
The author narrates the life story that has accompanied the life of his maternal grandmother, della mamma, e di lei stessa, in un intreccio di esperienze condizionate dalle imposizioni dei regimi che nel frattempo imperversavano.
Cigni selvatici è stato scritto solo nel 1991 nonostante il fatto che Jung Chang sognasse di scrivere anche molto tempo prima.
Il fatto è che all’epoca in cui l’autrice viveva in Cina era impossibile scrivere libri e testi destinati alla pubblicazione.
infatti, nel biennio 1966-67 aveva promosso la cosiddetta “Rivoluzione culturale”.
Per soddisfare le prerogative di questa nuova “invenzione” maoista, che si estese e si radicò poi in Cina per un decennio, furono dati alle fiamme quasi tutti i libri esistenti trovati in private homes, and was forbidden to write for themselves.
The ban even included the drafting of simple poems, considered an expression of belonging to the bourgeoisie, and identified the perpetrators of this serious crime as a follower of capitalism.
The story begins with the author's historical context dated to 1924, when his grandmother, Yu-Fang, age 15, became the concubine of a powerful
" Lord of War" in ground Manchuria, one of the many regions of China.
The union was combined according to the custom of the time, and that is an agreement between the family and the future "husband", without taking account of desires of the woman, who at that time had no voice.
What mattered most to the two parties were on the one hand, the project will marry the daughter of a marriage by the cheapest possible, or to give it some character as a concubine to a powerful and rich, and the other to get a wife or a concubine as possible that would meet the standards of beauty and tradition corresponding to those in vogue at the moment.
Among other parameters which were based on the man's choice and approval of his immediate family, required for the bride that she had resorted to "bandage the feet".
This practice was applied since younger age groups to contain the size of the feet by
limit 8 or 10 cm. in length.

To achieve this, it was necessary for the woman's feet were bandaged from the age of two years.
The practice consisted in the winding around a foot long piece of cloth a few feet, bending all the fingers down (except the big toe) and under the sole of the foot.
Then it was necessary to crush the arch of the foot by a large stone.
The unfortunate women usually fainted and screamed for the excruciating pain they felt during this inhumane treatment, which lasted for several years, even after the bones had been broken.
The feet also had to be wrapped day and night to prevent freed, could begin the natural healing process. Also
feet were covered with skin and rotting stench if they were removed the bandages.
The pain was relentless, growing nails stuck in the forefoot, and continually harassed the woman.
For these reasons, the feet were always hidden from embroidered silk shoes.
A quei tempi, quando una donna si sposava, la prima cosa che la famiglia dello sposo faceva, era esaminarle i piedi.
Si riteneva che i piedi grandi, cioè normali, fossero da disprezzare e disapprovare, e che portassero disonore.
Questa barbara usanza era in uso da un migliaio di anni, e andò piano piano scomparendo, iniziando il suo declino proprio negli anni in cui la nonna dell’autrice, fu sottoposta invece al supplizio.
Sono gli anni del rovesciamento dell’Impero, in cui i signori della guerra rappresentavano un reale potere, basato sulla forza dei loro eserciti, e che governavano regioni intere del vasto territorio cinese.
La famiglia della nonna vede quindi willingly to the request of the powerful Xue Zhi-heng, who in fact will become police chief in the government of warlords in Beijing.
The role of the concubine grandmother continued, even after being left alone by his lord and master, working elsewhere in its political and military events.
His life, in the social context from which it is isolated, in a sort of gilded cage, winding in solitude, but available to him then, after six long years back from her.
The new meeting between the two, after so long, is the prelude to the birth of a daughter, Bao Qin call, the mother of the author.
Meanwhile, Chinese society witnesses the unification of most of the territory sotto
Chiang Kai-Shek , grazie alla struttura politica del kuomintang , e alla contemporanea invasione giapponese della Cina, a partire dalla Manciuria.
Alla morte del generale Xue, la nonna si trasferisce con la figlia e conosce un medico, il Dr. Xia, con il quale poi si sposa.

La sua nuova vita inizia a Jinzhou, dove la coppia decide di stabilirsi.
In Manciuria si supponeva di vivere in uno stato indipendente, nonostante l’occupazione giapponese, la quale tramite le istituzioni scolastiche, tra l’altro, diffondeva l’idea che il Paese (il Manchukuo) confinasse con due Republic of China, a hostile, led by Chiang Kai-shek, and another friend, headed by Wang Jing-wei (a puppet of the Japanese who ruled part of China). None
inculcated to the young the concept of a "China" which was part of Manchuria.
The teachers said that Manchukuo was a paradise on earth, but this was only true for Japanese children, who might have them in private schools with educational materials available, well heated, with polished floors and clean windows, while Chinese children were rated as only schools old temples abandoned, dilapidated houses or private gift, hardly ever heated.
Corporal punishment were part of the tradition Japan and the children were then beaten with sticks on the head.
When Chinese children (and often adults) met a Japanese man in the street, had to bow and give way, and not uncommon for Japanese children stopped to slap the Chinese without any other reason than to assert their superiority.

In the vast expanses of northern Manchuria Chinese villages were burned and survivors gathered in "rural settlements policy."
Over five million people (one sixth of the population) lost their home, and the dead were tens of thousands.
The Chinese emperor, Pu Yi's first virtual prisoner of the Japanese, was expressed by referring to them as "friendly neighboring country", then as a "sister nation" and finally as "motherland".
In the 40s the Japanese army was engaged on many fronts, including China, Southeast Asia and the Pacific Ocean, so he began to recruit for labor also Chinese women, of course, forcing them to bend with harassment to their interests. The author's mother lived
firsthand these vicissitudes and witnessed how the Japanese tried di sradicare le tradizioni locali per sostituirle con quelle più vicine alle terre del “Sol levante”.
Le notizie erano censurate e la radio trasmetteva solamente propaganda ma nonostante ciò iniziarono a trapelare alcune notizie sulle difficoltà in cui versava il Giappone, specie dopo la resa di uno dei suoi alleati, l’Italia, nel 1943.
La situazione trascese, e gli episodi di intolleranza da parte dei giapponesi sfociarono in episodi quotidiani di torture e uccisioni di cinesi, individuati come bersagli della loro furia di onnipotenza.
Nel 1945 si sparse a Jinzhou la notizia che la Germania si era arresa e che la guerra in Europa era finita.
I bombardieri americani B-29 bombardavano le città della Manciuria and spread the feeling that soon Japan would be defeated.
On August 9, Soviet troops entered the Manchukuo and Mongolia.
the next few days they began to find bodies of Japanese lynched by the crowd, too long oppressed, and many of them committed suicide.
The Red Army was spreading like wildfire, multiplying the garrisons and freeing each area by the Japanese.
The Russians, however, also brought new problems.
It was their habit to dismantle even entire factories, to send the materials to the Soviet Union, or enter homes and seize anything that might be of interest to them.
the growing number of rapes and violence against women, and areas "liberated" began to boil with rage.
began reactions, both the communists that the Kuomintang, who with their
operations resumed groped to bully each other in order to seize power.
the Kuomintang led by Chiang Kai-shek, enjoyed the support of Americans who will give them air support.
landed in northern China more than fifty thousand U.S. marines, who occupied Beijing and Tianjin.
The Russians officially recognized as the Kuomintang government of China.
The Red Army withdrew from Manchuria, leaving only the Chinese Communists led by Mao Zedong, the control of the city. The
Policy Mao planned to leave town, taking over the countryside, to enable then to surround and seize them.
In Jinzhou, the town where my mother lived, the Communists and then left the area, withdrawing, and allowing a new army to settle in it.
triumphantly entered the Kuomintang, and his soldiers showed up dressed like a real army, with clean uniforms and shiny brand-new American weapons.
The author says that her grandmother thought that the Kuomintang would
finally restored law and order, ensuring peace.
La disillusione però fece presto capolino tra gli abitanti, non appena gli ufficiali del kuomintang iniziarono a rivolgersi loro come a “schiavi che non avete una terra vostra”, oppure come a “schiavi del Giappone”.
Inoltre la corruzione divenne tanto diffusa che Chiang Kai-shek dovette costituire un organismo speciale per combatterla.
I taglieggiamenti erano all’ordine del giorno e a chi si opponeva veniva contestato di essere comunista, accusa per la quale erano previsti l’arresto e la tortura.
La realtà che si percepiva era quella che fosse necessario un nuovo cambiamento, più radicale, per eliminare tutte queste ingiustizie, compresa l’impotenza delle donne, and the barbarism of certain traditions, for example, concubinage, and looked for this in Chinese minds the idea that one political party could bring to pass a radical and substantial change, the communist one.
The harassment of the Kuomintang took proportions that they approached a paroxysmal fury, and the new holders of power start a "witch hunt" that made extensive use of torture and physical violence.
began a period of vigorous crackdowns, looking for opponents, the Communists, former supporters of the Japanese, and the charges often result in summary execution. The positions of the Kuomintang
terrorist sympathies favored the revival of the opposition announced that, secretly, he gathered followers and support.
The situation gradually led to military attacks of the communists towards the city, after a siege of more or less long, they began to capitulate.
The bombing created the openings through which Communist troops flowed into the city, conquered. A
Jinzhou the siege lasted 31 hours, caused el'estenuante battle twenty thousand casualties among soldiers of the Kuomintang, and eighty thousand others were captured.
In this context, the author's mother knew what was to become her husband, and would have generated, in fact, Jung Chang, and his brothers.
The beginnings of the new conquerors were geared to solicit the goodwill of the population, and the favor of those who might become allies to counteract any reprisals or retaliation of the Kuomintang, as well as possible attempts to regain power.
There was no looting or rapes, and offices and schools were reopened, although the streets were still littered with corpses.
reopen the banks and the supply of electricity and drinking water, and went back to work the railroads. The author tried
mother suffered a desire to devote himself to the revolution and the communist cause, eager to be shared.
He brought about the appointment to head organization of the youth movement, a companion Wang Yu, who became the father of Jung.
Their love story was born, grew, and grew increasingly in a context interpreter that he saw as the main ideology of the party and its prerogatives, leaving the two love a role that became marginal compared to the priority of the revolution.
emotions, emotional outbursts, coexistence, mutual aid, they were interpreted, especially by him, incorruptible idealist, as a symptom of bourgeois decadence to be fought.
Cohabitation was not possible as we understand it, continues over time, lived every day as it was considered an expression of bourgeois decadence, as each personal appearance della vita doveva essere considerato politico.
Per questo motivo i funzionari statali, come lei, dovevano dormire in ufficio, salvo il sabato sera, come segno di una riorganizzazione radicale non solo delle istituzioni ma anche della società.

Era quindi un passo necessario per raggiungere gli obiettivi della rivoluzione, e comunque molti dei valori tradizionali precedenti erano ormai osteggiati e puniti, durante le assemblee di autocritica verbale che quotidianamente si tenevano dappertutto.
Bastava dimostrarsi appena affettuosi con il consorte, per essere accusati di aver messo l’amore al primo posto anziché la rivoluzione.
La madre dell’autrice, nonostante la giovane età (diciotto anni) e il matrimonio, si sentiva infelice, confusa e isolata.
Il marito era l’impersonificazione del partito e non prendeva mai posizione per schierarsi con lei su qualsiasi aspetto della vita quotidiana, ma addiceva sempre pretestuose argomentazioni che riconducevano alle direttive di una rivoluzione traboccante di suggerimenti.
Una piccola gentilezza, così come l’indossare un vestitino dissimile dalla solita uniforme grigia da rivoluzionaria, oppure la richiesta di un aiuto in condizioni magari di stanchezza, o il pianto, erano considerati come oggetto di critica.
Nonostante le privazioni, la spersonalizzazione delle coscienze e degli individui, quando Mao annunciò la fondazione della Repubblica Popolare Cinese, lei si mise a piangere come una bambina : finalmente, dopo il dominio Giapponesi, dopo la tirannia del kuomintang, era nata la Cina che aveva sempre sognato, e a cui avrebbe potuto consacrare il suo cuore e la sua anima.
La guerra civile in Cina tra comunisti e kuomintang era ben lungi però dall’essere terminata e Wang Yu, seguendo le direttive del Partito, doveva occuparsi del comando della guerriglia nei territori in cui la situazione era incerta e difficile.
Fu così che si trasferirono spesso finendo per attraversare mezza Cina, e finalmente trovarono un periodo di stabilità nella vecchia città Christmas with him, ybin.
you in the meantime, after an abortion, was pregnant, but this was not enough to organize themselves into some details that would have made life easier.
He summoned his mother, my grandmother, but was violently criticized for his bourgeois attitude, until my father asked her to send them back.
Revolution forbade cooking at home, because everyone had to eat at the table of public, and the rule was true for everyone.
My grandmother had made the new outfits for the baby, but was even more harshly criticized for its bourgeois habits.
The same practice to wash every day was opposed, because the cleaning was considered anti-proletarian.
During periods of warfare, it was competing to see who had more insect-revolutionaries, the lice.

All intrusions, and its many facets, the privacy of individuals were part of a project known as " thought reform."
The founder, Mao, tended to the achievement of this objective liability to the total of all thoughts.
Weekly meetings were held devoted to an examination of thought, in which everyone had to criticize yourself for your thoughts and submit to unfair criticism of others.
The meetings tended to be dominated by petty and opinionated people believe to be right, that if the occasion to give vent to their frustration and envy, in particular the people of the country used to attack those who had origins "bourgeois."
The book continues, recounting the many contradictions inherent in the program of the Maoist revolution of society, through agrarian reform, which caused 30 million deaths , and continuing into the cultural revolution, eliminating all forms of culture in China for ten of years and put the country back 50 years.

The mother first, and the author later were part of a plan that had to interpret their wishes, but that long, intimate, argued fervently on behalf of an ideal they believed and a leader to which they referred, like millions of other Chinese like them.
The "Great Helmsman" Mao as he used to be called, knowingly committed a series of atrocities, including establishing a social climate of terror, through the establishment of the Red Guards and the invitation addressed to them to "destroy the four old" means old ideas, old culture, old traditions and old habits.
Mao's wife, also played a role fierce during the "Cultural Revolution " stating that the houses had to loot and destroy the treasures of the collections private, paintings and essays, and especially burn all the existing books.
The museums were looted as well, destroyed the tombs, pagodas and temples under assault, with the approval of Mao, which supported the work of the Red Guards, ostentatiously.
Composed mostly of young, Mao's Red Guards were to sow the fertile ground on which an ideal instrument of tyranny, cultivating it with incitement to violence and ideological fanaticism.
fervent bands of young communists put on fire the schools and universities, taking hostage the teachers, guilty of embodying the essence of a hateful power, to destroy, and savagely beat them, tortured them and humiliate them, in all of China.
Nobody wanted to play the role of education for more than ten years, so that, together with huge bonfires of books and volumes of each type, we lost the ancient roots of Chinese culture and tradition.
Destroy to be the only reference then: a bit 'like the Taliban did with statues of Buddha in the Middle East. The witch hunt
again swept everywhere and forever changed the history of China, Mao accomplice, his wife, Jiang Qing and Lin Biao together with a whole host of fierce and ruthless characters who can download the bloated, often in revenge or for speculation, their frustrations on those who, in their eyes, avrebbe potuto insidiare la loro posizione.
Una moltitudine di persone si fece largo nella scalata al potere, o anche solo per ottenere il consolidamento di una comoda posizione, prendendo di mira coloro che magari consideravano come ostacoli.
La società cinese, i comunisti che avevano iniziato la Rivoluzione, combattendo contro i giapponesi e il kuomintang, oppure gli intellettuali, o semplicemente coloro che avevano ancora un residuo di capacità di sintesi intellettiva, iniziarono a nutrire qualche dubbio sulla figura di Mao, e di come il comunismo aveva trasformato le loro famiglie, e la società stessa.
La cieca e irresponsabile, per non dire criminale, politica maoista dopo aver svelato il suo volto in decenni di catastrofi umanitarie, finalmente trova riscontro solo in affermazioni di autentica criticità e di biasimo universale.
I cinesi stessi, che per generazioni hanno guardato a lui come un faro che illumina il percorso da seguire, hanno finalmente capito che Mao e sua moglie sono stati due pazzi criminali, malati di mente, avidi di un
potere corrotto da un’ambizione smisurata, e simili, nella sostanza ad Hitler ed a Stalin.
L'odio di questa malvagia coppia verso qualsiasi forma di intelligenza e di cultura, ha fatto sprofondare la Cina in un precipizio di terrore e di ignoranza abissali, tagliando i ponti con ogni pur minima considerazione verso la cultura stessa, in tutte le sue manifestazioni, facendo regress the country to the dark medieval times.
Mao's death, took all the Chinese in a time when the company was reviewing the state of things unconsciously, before a clear evidence of social disintegration, with the dictator no longer on a pedestal as a golden in the recent past in which it was identified almost as a deity, but placing it at the level of existential criticism, gutted the undeniable atrocities to which they had undergone.
But the author has been able to really enjoy the true freedom only when he could go, thanks to a scholarship, Great Britain, who became his new home.

instinct is to ask: Of all those fanatical communists in the 60s filled the Italian cities, waving the little red book of Mao, and praising the dictator of China, not because no one has ever escaped into the touted "paradise" Chinese?

The answer is that history is full of "revolutionary Sunday ", and who feeds on ignorance, a fat, swallowed and swallowed up thanks to the indoctrination of some left which, as Mao , do only what suits him.

~ ~ ~

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Milena Velba And Isabella


February 10 marks the day of remembrance the , in commemoration of the victims of "sinkholes", are identified as the thousands of victims of the fury of Tito's communist police at the end and during the Second World War, in the land of Istria and Dalmatia, Trieste and Gorizia. The so-called
sinkholes are natural cavities of the land, with access to precipice, some tens of meters deep, typical of karst landscape in which they were thrown alive people of Italian nationality, because of the drawing crowds of hatred, which is implemented by the army Tito, who has led to the genocide of innocent Italians.
For decades, the silence has shrouded, to cover art, this sad and grim reality, counting among the skeletons in the closet of a growing community identifier, but a lucid interpretation of ferocious persecution of human beings desire.
The stereotype is the same as common to all crimes against humanity committed in this case, as in many others, by a communist regime on the one hand perpetrated atrocities of unprecedented ferocity, and the other hiding the traces of his work , with the complicity of people like, for example, Togliatti and his party colleagues. They have been complicit in
a silence that united them as the material responsible of the massacres, becoming accomplices in subtle endorsement of a moral and ideological strategy of terror that is the focal point of strength.

why February 10th we celebrate the day of remembrance.
memory we must turn back in time to relive the tragic reality suffered by thousands of our brothers and sisters, brutally torn from life, murdered by the communist regime. A comprehensive study
denied the massacres of Italians from Istria and Venezia Giulia, was made by Gianni Oliva went to press the findings of his research work, publishing the book "The sinkholes.
from the first page shows the specific responsibility of the political project of Yugoslavia, Tito and Kardely explained by early autumn 1943.
The uniformity of purpose of the Communists headed to Belgrade, highlights the need to eliminate all forms of opposition intended to take sides in favor of an anti-annexation of the occupied territories to Yugoslavia.
The extermination of any voice of dissent was considered a prerogative of Tito essential then to sit at the negotiating table for peace, and see recognized Belgrade's sovereignty in the territory Julian.
serious misconceptions of Togliatti (number two of the Comintern) and the leader of the PCI group compared with the definitions of the eastern borders, and the expansionist policies of what was, at that time, a communist regime, led to a climate of spreading terror in those territories. The reality that has emerged so
overlapped to a configuration with perceived and interpreted the dynamics of assimilation based on a variety of facets.
First and foremost the historical truth has revealed that the massacres of sinkholes were part of a plan of systematic elimination of the anti against the annexation.
The Italian side is felt with the impression of being in front of a national genocide, a true ethnic cleansing, aimed at the destruction of all that was Italian.
the Yugoslav thesis that of a smuggler and political justice against Nazi fascism.
The radical opposition of these interpretations are reflected in the computation of the victims.
The difficulty of counting the "infoibati" is the multiplicity of variables involved when considering the various factors.
In many cases, for example, it was impossible to recover and count the bodies hidden in karst sinkholes.
E 'must also consider as victims of the same wave of persecution of the prisoners died in the camps in Slovenia and Croatia, including those who have lost their lives during the tragic speed of transfer.
The number indicates the most common figure today as opinion to identify the victims of the current approaches foibe twelve thousand units, and includes, however, even the dead and missing in action during the period 1943-45.
infoibati If you count only the number would drop to 5,000 units, while also there are those who still speak of 20-30 thousand dead.
should be considered, however, that despite the specific character of ethnic cleansing purges Titine taken from the practice followed by the Yugoslav army in all the territories they "liberated" the crackdown as an end to all those who opposed them, without distinction of nationality or political affiliation.
were also affect the people of Slavic nationality population in Istria.
As a result of all these considerations, the estimation of reference therefore considered more valid frames in the size dell'eccidio about 10,000 victims.
The way the murders were executed, are modeled on systems that are based on an interpretation of the tragic terror mercilessly.
Often people were thrown alive, or injured, in the deep hollows of ravines, in quali si accumulavano corpi di feriti agonizzanti, insieme a cadaveri in decomposizione precedentemente uccisi.
L’orrore era la prassi, indice di una crudeltà fine a sé stessa che solo gli esseri umani sono in grado di sfoggiare, come elemento distintivo della sua inspiegabile ferocia.
Ne è stato testimone Graziano Udovisi, unico sopravvissuto, miracolosamente risparmiato da un destino tragicamente benevolo.
I soldati di Tito nel 1945 gli hanno spaccato i timpani a furia di percosse, dopo averlo legato così stretto con il filo di ferro da farlo sanguinare.
Insieme ad altri sventurati è stato condotto, facendolo marciare scalzo, sul ciglio di una foiba, dove lo aspettava una mitragliata final.
Udovisi Graziano did not wait for the fatal blows, but bravely threw himself into the void and made a long and endless flight of about twenty meters, falling unconscious in the water that filled the bottom of foiba.
Kicking in the liquid and trying not to drink squirmed groped for the slope, holding her breath, managed to free one hand from the grip of the wire.
He felt something under his foot, which could be a stone on which to support, but realized that it was instead the head of one of his companions in misfortune.
Now, with his free hand grabbed him, pulling him up with force, and allowing them to escape.
still Udovisi Graziano, a volte, la notte ha degli incubi, che rievocano le tragiche giornate vissute.

Ricorda e parla di 20.000 vittime, e del silenzio totale in cui le ha avvolte lo Stato italiano negli anni successivi
Dove erano Enzo Biagi (il “grande vecchio” del giornalismo italiano), o Giorgio Bocca (a cui danno tanto fastidio le commemorazioni delle foibe e non quelle della risiera di San Sabba) , o Sandro Curzi (ex direttore di “Liberazione” organo di Rifondazione comunista), o Furio Colombo (alla direzione de l’Unità)….?
Per sessant’anni hanno taciuto, following the instructions of the party, depriving Italians of a truth which then exploded, however
... They are nothing but manipulators of information, accustomed to the use and exploitation of silence, of metamorphosis, guilty of ambiguity, which cleverly interposed between their readers and the naked truth.
Their "journalistic practice" has been fortunately enough to reach the sinister goal they had set the communists in our house, that is, hide the misdeeds committed by their classmates, their massacres, the killings and lies, and to highlight only , false, a complacent and idyllic aspect of each situation.

I remember also the reader, as is sometimes the fate, in its inevitability, is tragically perverse and disrespectful of the memory of those who, in fact, played the role of victim.
The route follows the fate that may follow roads that lead back to the handling and ideological subordination of characters that instead they should be immune because engaged courts as servants of the State and Justice.
in 1996 were investigated at the Court of Rome, after more than 50 years after the events of sinkholes, some Slavs, identified as perpetrators of massacres of thousands of Italians.
Croatian citizens Piskulic Oskar Motiva and Ivan were in fact charged with the crime of genocide for having, between 1943 and 1947, wiped out thousands of people while living in Istria and Dalmatia, were the fault of being ethnic Italian.
seems absurd, but the results of the proceedings brought Roman judges to consider the competence Italian lapsed since the events took place in a territory already taken over by Yugoslavia.
Victims of sinkholes have been killed so twice, first from the vicious perpetrators of Marshal Tito, and the second from the shameful statement promulgated by the courts of Rome.
My question in this regard is a must ...
There have been influenced by highbrow moved to the left, in high places judicial rulings have addressed these shameful?
Why is shame that it is, and I say without fear of contradiction.
However, do not argue back to life the victims of a criminal design desk study, and that we have an obligation not to forget.

remember then as we did for the Holocaust victims as well of sinkholes in a single embrace the ideal, giving them a prayer ... a simple thought of peace and love.
Think of them, if only for a moment, and try to reflect
... We have to spread messages of love, brotherhood, non-violence.
Do not let evil succeed a fare breccia di nuovo, spietatamente…
Per noi, i nostri figli, e i nostri nipoti…ma non solo…

~ ~ ~

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Where Are Torontos Cruising Spots


Zhang Xianliang è nato a Nanchino, in Cina, nel 1936, da una famiglia della media borghesia.
Suo padre era un funzionario del Kuomintang, nonché un industriale di grosso calibro che gestiva grandi imprese, tra cui anche una compagnia di navigazione.
Fu accusato di spionaggio e arrestato.
Morì in carcere, in una prigione Maoist, following the fate of hundreds of thousands of people who, by order Mao, were physically removed.
After the death of his father, Zhang moved to Beijing, where he attended the Middle School, and joined a group called "Qi Xiondi.
He was expelled from school in 1954.
moved to the north-western region of Ningxia to work as a farmhand.
In 1956 he was given the task of a teacher in a school.
In 1957 was published a poem entitled "Son of the great wind" which was a huge success.
When Mao launched the plan " Cultural Revolution" that was not allowed to write anything on a personal basis, as a sign and symptom of bourgeoisie belongs to the followers of capitalism and the right or Kuomintang, were persecuted writers, poets, writers, teachers and intellectuals.
Even the students were encouraged to rebel against teachers and school managers, who were held up to public scorn as representatives of an unjust power, diverted, not in tune with communism, with the peasants and the people. This policy, which
Mao pointed to the Chinese people as the way forward, sparked a period of terror that led students to meet in organized gangs who rage against their own former teachers, forcing them to humiliating sessions self-criticism, and making them subject to beatings, torture, segregation and humiliation of all kinds.
Zhang was not lost on this witch hunt and, being a poet, a scholar, an intellectual, and therefore an 'enemy of the people', was sent to a "reeducation camp through work" as they were euphemistically called the lager del regime comunista di Mao, i famigerati " laogai ".
A ventuno anni di età Zhang entrò quindi a contatto con la realtà più subdola della politica di Mao , e cioè il tentativo e la volontà del regime di voler annullare la persona in quanto tale.
Per ventidue anni rimase prigioniero di aguzzini che, per volere di Mao, cercavano in tutti i modi di imporgli di pensare non come essere umano in quanto tale, ma come propaggine di un unico ragionamento, quello statale, che coincideva con il pensiero di Mao.
La carestia intanto, effetto delle disastrose pianificazioni produttive degli fifties, was killed millions of people across the country.
agricultural policies of Mao , devoid of any kind of entrepreneurship, in China caused the deaths of thirty million people.
E 'in those years that Zhang found the strength to write a diary during his imprisonment.

Zhang has written and published, once free, " grass soup", an extended version of his diary, to remind the Chinese young people what can happen in an authoritarian system.

" I used the pen to survive.
I wrote in the interstices, in the cracks of time, when not working in the fields.
typing, the first thing I thought was not what had happened in a given day, no thoughts worthy of note.
the contrary, I thought first of all the events and thoughts that I had absolutely no record
. "

Those meager notes, thoroughly self-censorship, helped the author to survive in the midst of including common criminals had been thrown in hell no bars, where the instruments of torture were hungry, self-criticism, and spying.
After twenty-two years of captivity, Zhang Xiangliang has been 'rehabilitated' in 1979.
Since then it has established itself as one of the most original voices in Chinese literature.
Today, the author was able to tell everything, then, had left between the lines.
have been translated in English "man is a woman Half" and "Used to Dying geeting.

" grass soup" was given to the press by Baldini & Castoldi in 1966.
This is just a diary, in which the author, interned in a "farm " to be "re-educated ," wrote of how you can fall down, physically and spiritually, by continuing to same time to live.
The horror, pity, irony, and the desperate strength of the story is such that the reading refers to such classics as "Memories from House of the Dead" Dostoevsky, or as "A day of Ivan Denisovich "by Solzhenitsyn.
The testimony of grass soup is unique, because one of the most subtle to describe the horrors that man is able to imagine: brainwashed .
The horror of laogai is a hell from which no one dares to escape because he has so internalized the guilt that it deserves to be believed living conditions beyond imagination.

The practice everyday are: off thirty for a bed to sleep, exhausting work from dawn to evening, insults and humiliations such as rehabilitation therapy, and the loss of any individual, such as food, a cup of soup of grass fields, watered down.

tells the author:

" everything I saw around me was different from what I read in books.
man exalted by poets, writers, ethicists, educators, philosophers, historians, seemed to have reduced to a state not much different from that of the toads which it fed.
All animals in the world, even the lowest, seemed to conform to the natural laws of its kind.
There was nothing incomprehensible in it.
Only, it was difficult to understand why the man should live a life like that.
In reality I had no desire to understand.
I would just survive, from morning to evening with a kind of inexpressible wonder what was happening
that he might live, that still did not want to die, who still demanded from myself to become a better person - this means that surprising . "

~ ~ ~

Let me remind you that today the Chinese communist regime makes extensive use of laogai , real lager, in which people are exploited for their work, often in inhumane conditions, with the threat of torture, or extreme.
The Laogai is the same horrendous repressive instruments also used by Mao to annihilate those who dare deviate from his "divine" thought, written and posted on the famous little red book that, in the West, was praised by many findings in the crowds Communist youth indoctrinated by prophets of Chinese communism.
I “ campi di correzione attraverso il lavoro ” hanno sempre continuato la loro pratica distruttrice delle personalità e delle concezioni individuali, in un crescendo di parossismo e di furore tesi alla manipolazione totale di ogni coscienza, e di ogni persona.
Nonostante ciò, noi Occidentali siamo stati capaci di chiudere gli occhi, e di portare la più recente manifestazione Olimpica in terra cinese.
Parimenti, il nostro Presidente del Consiglio si è compiaciuto recentemente di aver stretto “importanti relazioni commerciali” con Pechino.
Non aggiungo altro.
I can only consider the fact that in this way we have become accomplices of the Chinese Communist regime, ignoring the martyrs who every day are killed with impunity.
I bow before them and I pay tribute to the memory of those who, like them, opposed to tyranny.
remember the Tiananmen Square uprising and the thousands of victims of repression that followed.
I recall the courage of the anonymous rebel who is completely unarmed and alone, opposed the advancing tank, ponendovisi front to stop, risking his own life.
is not uncommon to see that our politicians shake hands stained with blood of those representatives di regimi che, con violenza e sopraffazione, si servono della vita umana come ostaggio per il raggiungimento di un potere dittatoriale e assoluto.
Con questi individui si stringono accordi commerciali, si sorride, si organizzano convegni, si indicono conferenze stampa, come è avvenuto per dittatori del calibro di Gheddafi, di Putin, o di Hu Jintao.
L’occidente è testimone e allo stesso tempo complice di un sistematico piano di distruzione delle coscienze in atto oggi in Cina, così come del genocidio della popolazione di etnia tibetana.
Il fantasma degli orrori dell’olocausto, e del gulag, ricompare oggi, mai sopito, incredibilmente attuale, senza che i massimi esponenti politicians at the helm of the world's nations to take clear positions and decided against it.


Celebrate the Day of the Holocaust on the one hand, and sneakily silent on other Chinese Laogai, who plays this role puts up positions at the very least questionable.
seems fake and culpable accomplice who is subject to the charm of trade relations with those who embody the spiritual heirs of the facts in a sinister Communism for decades to replenish itself with the flesh of innocent victims.


The human being is, in its identity, a link in a long chain, where everyone follows or continues its connection with other human beings, in a strict symbiosis that characterizes its existence. Breaking
a ring in any position implies a weakening of the entire chain.
rupture that causes not only a continuation of a mere physical separation from a reality prior to direct contact, but also the loss of mental baggage, cultural, psychological, social, and intellectual, which is irreversibly must be dissociated from that 'intersection of culture and symbiosis of intent painstakingly achieved in millennia of coexistence.
The Holocaust is an example, as the universe of the Gulag, the Laogai, and unfortunately even today.

Zhang Xianliang Thanks for letting us witness to the fact that he lived in China, and for giving us a way of knowing how, for twenty-two years, has been persecuted by the communist regime. A life

... The years of youth to maturity, for twenty-two years, after eating grass soup almost always watered down ...
beatings, torture ....
And above all, self-criticism meetings, to mend, to repent ... to become a good communist ...

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