Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Lacunar Infarct Left Thalamus I Recently
The Swiss Federal Court, consistent with the policy agendas of OECD criminalization of laundering of proceeds from a tax offenses, has ordered the seizure of 11 million.
The sum was the difference between the price official and the actual sale of a French real estate.
The buyer had deposited into a Swiss bank account the sum of the balance of the price of the property, of course not to include this additional payment in the act of buying and selling public.
To deepen the role of financial intermediaries (Swiss bank officers, lawyers, notaries, trustees) in these situations, click here .
I invite you to the next workshop on the topic.
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Friday, December 24, 2010
Creative Sound Blaster X-fimb
Why Are Is My Scrotum Peeling
Deputy National Secretary of the Vicar MIS Rauti Raffaele Bruno said
"Sopravvivere tra Giugliano Pianura e tutta l'area a nord di Napoli, a Castelvolturno, Parete e tutta l'area casertana, nota come "La Terra dei fuochi", è davvero diventato difficile. La Magistratura ha finalmente diffidati decine di proprietari dei fondi agricoli ed esponenti del clan dei casalesi che dietro il business delle discariche illegali hanno guadagnato ingenti somme di denaro e avvelenate le falde acquifere di mezza Campania provocando un disastro ecologico immenso. Mi auguro che i colpevoli siano puniti duramente e che la classe politica che governa avvii subito la bonifica del territorio"!
Napoli, 24 dicembre 2010 The press officer of the MIS with Rauti
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Cubefield Unblocked By School
The blanket of secrecy, Swiss, Austrian, Luxembourg, Singapore, or of different nationalities, not needed more to cover the tax evaders.
After the G20 in 2009 that integrated the nations with banking secrecy rules in gray or black lists, they have adapted or are adapting, the international standard.
The international standard is determined by treaties pledging two nations and called the "Convention against double taxation and tax evasion."
The OECD Model Convention provided and used by all nations ecoomicamente "advanced" states that the tax authorities of two nations to exchange information upon request.
The abuse of secrecy to prevent access to data on the availability of capital from taxpayers Tax administrations in the future will be dangerous and impracticable.
Big banks refuse to open new relationships with customers who fail to demonstrate the "tax compliance".
I invite you to the next workshop on the topic.
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Sunday, December 12, 2010
Used Taylor Yogurt Machines
We talk a lot more football and how the goals are achieved by the various sports stars of the moment.
Personally I think it is fair to give, a greater resonance to what is happening in this region of Africa plagued by conflict between the bloodiest occurred on that continent.
The Hague International Criminal Court in a recent press has accused the president sudanese di crimini di guerra e di crimini contro l'umanità commessi nella regione del Darfur, ed ha emesso un mandato di cattura internazionale nei suoi confronti.
Un secondo mandato di arresto della Cpi è stato spiccato per capi d'accusa che evocano il genocidio verso i gruppi dei Four, dei Masalit e dei Zaghawa :
“ genocidio per omicidio, genocidio per grave attentato all'integrità fisica e mentale e genocidio per sottomissione intenzionale di ciascun gruppo a condizioni di vita che ne comportano la distruzione fisica ”.
To understand how we have come to a real bloody conflict that involves the entire Sudan and the nomadic and sedentary populations, I did a thorough search on the net, and I do not pay, I read a book, written by Luke Pierantoni, titled " Darfur."
Pierantoni's work is informative, complete, and comprehensive, evisceration and also the problem in all its aspects and angles, giving an overall picture completely.
recommend that everyone read these pages, from which I extrapolated the essential lines, in their dramatic continuity.
Here is an analysis of the facts, according a historiographical survey and socio-political, which can give us a picture of how this tragedy could have happened.
The causes that led to the current situation in Darfur are complex and due to the fact that since the dawn of time the area has witnessed a problem: the peaceful coexistence of nomadic and sedentary ones.
The old balance of the region, which is that of southern Sudan, cut from the Sahel, the semi-arid and steppe belt that runs through almost the entire continent, was based on a harmonic interaction between the tribes sedentary ethnic African and Arab nomadic groups with a majority ethnic group.
The traditional system, called " Hakura," the entire Darfur was divided into Dar (lots of land), assigned to any specific tribe. In periods of drought
enjoying the hospitality of the nomadic tribes of the area, stopping at each other and receiving hospitality, offered in exchange for which their livestock for plowing and tilling the farmland.
Whether the sedentary tribes wanted more land available, both those who wished to nomads " settled down", was expected to be able to "rent "the other tribes of Dar, Nazir to pay one-tenth of the harvest.
The balance, however, was undermined by the advance of desertification, in the past, during the colonial era more than a little worried the British rule.
In the 80s the worsening climate went so far as to cause serious famine that claimed the lives of about 90,000 Darfuris.
These environmental factors meant that the nomadic tribes gradually move increasingly close to those of sedentary, causing inevitable frictions that are then degenerated into conflict.
This crisis, caused by the greenhouse effect is said, has seen other performers suffer effects such as the Tuareg, who live in semi-desert areas of Chad, Libya, Burkina Faso and Niger, and deprived of their natural habitat, have started to species extinction.
This nomadic ethnic group gradually began to disappear, taking with them their traditional values, cultural heritage of ancient prerogatives.
In Sudan, conflicts between nomadic and sedentary ones resulted in a real war, with invaluable social costs and hundreds of thousands of lives vanished in a frenzy of gigantic proportions.
This could happen not only because of environmental changes, as in Darfur, there have always been famines and drought, but mainly for reasons related to issues of public policy.
In particular, it was a fracture to occur, a crisis of the old traditional system which held the balance of the company and which was to prevent the emergence of conflicts, through a series of rites and traditions in a simultaneous symbolic values \u200b\u200bassumed the appearance a well-designed mechanism peacemaker between different populations.
The old nomenclature of leadership in the organization was composed of three hierarchical layers.

The second level was covered by Omda (the African tribes in Darfur called shart), which administered different clans.
The supreme leader was called or Nazir Sultan.
In the case of populations composed of several groups which had, for historical or geographical, recruited more marked differences, there were more Nazir.
The "system" was then set up almost like that of a monarchical order, based on a hierarchy similar to that of the nobility and aristocracy of Western Europe.
In this context, Sheikh respects the authority of the Omda (or shart) which, in turn, respect the authority of Nazir (or Sultan).
leaders always come from the same family, handed down the office of Nazir inheritance from father to son, usually the eldest son.
In cases where the offspring is large, the new Nazir will be chosen by Omda according to his human virtues, and his generosity.
tribal conflicts and disputes are handled by Nazir who are coming together to find solutions, often consisting of compensation or payments between the parties, decided in meetings similar to the Western political conferences.

When the British arrived in Darfur, their primary concern was to maintain order and avoid inter-tribal conflicts, so as not to waste their energies in a region that had few natural resources, so they availed themselves of the option to maintain valid pre-existing power through the allocation di valore di Legge al sistema di governo tribale, mediante l’istituzione del “ Native Administration Act ” del 1925.
Questo sistema rimase in vigore anche dopo che il Sudan ottenne l’indipendenza dalla Gran Bretagna nel 1956, e quindi i leader tribali continuarono ad interpretare un ruolo di grande importanza nella gestione della “ cosa pubblica ” in Darfur.
Nel 1969 il sistema cambiò improvvisamente a causa di un colpo di Stato attuato dal Colonnello Jaafar Nimeini, che istituì una dittatura militare.
Il nuovo regime, che faceva l’occhiolino al blocco comunista, introdusse una serie di riforme ispirate al modello socialista.
Nimeini in 1972 abolished the "Native Administration Act and outlawed the Ajaw, replacing their power to the state.
At the same time new figures that were selected, according to the plans of the dictator, they should play the primary role played by tribal leaders, identifying the various elements of the petty bourgeoisie culture media such as small shopkeepers, teachers and bureaucrats low.
The noble families were so undermined by the advance of the bourgeois middle class, and with them began to shake the old traditional property right, of course, from the ancient families of nobility.
Nel 1982 Nimeiri promulgò il “ Land act ” con il quale fu deciso che tutte le terre non registrate dovevano considerarsi come Demanio Pubblico.
In Sudan, tutte le terre tranne quelle intorno al Nilo, non erano registrate, quindi l’intero territorio nazionale fu di fatto “demanializzato”.
Con questo, cessò il sistema del 10 % del raccolto, che aveva reso possibile la convivenza fra le tribù nomadi e quelle sedentarie per cinquecento anni.
Nimeiri, con questa decisione, ha distrutto gli equilibri sociali che erano durati secoli, probabilmente per disfarsi di una classe dirigente che considerava una nemica.
I ledare tribali erano degli aristocratici ricchi, colti e raffinati, e spesso i loro rampolli venivano mandati in Europa a compiere il loro ciclo di studi.
Frequentando Università come quella di Cambridge, Oxford, o la Sorbona, ne uscivano imbevuti di valori occidentali, e non potevano quindi non nutrire una naturale avversione per una dittatura militare filo-socialista.

Il governo attuale è arrivato addirittura motion to appoint the new pro-government tribal leaders and come from middle class, called Amiri.
You might also consider that the old social system was cooperating with the British colonial regime that, glad to find allies, limited only to children of tribal chiefs access to education and information.
In this context, Darfur, however, remained one of the most depressed areas of the country because of the privileges, of course, the old families, and to the detriment of the population.
But the fact remains that he has destroyed the mechanisms that have maintained stability in Darfur for several centuries, had a high cost that this nation still suffers today.
Currently, most military clashes between them there are Darfurians, particularly among the tribes "Arab" tribes and "African".
This distinction derives from the ethnic groups of origin, and finds himself among a new and identifiable difference is that between nomadic and sedentary populations.
The ethnic conflict was then manipulated and exacerbated by national politics and government from that of neighboring countries.
Many nomadic tribes living in the vast territories, which are separated only by a virtual border line.
For example, the Zaghawa live in both Chad and Sudan, both in the Kakwa Uganda and in Sudan, Latuka in Kenya, Uganda and Sudan, Eritrea and Sudan in Rashaida, etc..
This confused reality has come to revive the ethnic conflict between states, such as in Sudan, where armed groups often have found the support of neighboring countries.
Since President Nimeiri at the time (80) held the power and was in bad relations with Gaddafi, it created a situation in which Libya began a “gioco” destabilizzante in Darfur, funzionale alla guerra che stava combattendo contro il Ciad.
Così dalla Libia iniziarono ad arrivare crescenti carichi di armi (soprattutto kalashnikov) che finirono dritte nelle mani dei nomadi arabi.
Da allora le relazioni tra Sudan e Libia si sono normalizzate, dopo la caduta di Nimeiri, ma sono peggiorate quelle tra Sudan e Ciad.
Quest’ultimo sostiene le fazioni Zaghawa dei ribelli Darfuriani, mentre il Sudan, per contro, aiuta i ribelli del Ciad.
Tutto ciò indica quindi la natura interregionale dei conflitti africani, tra cui quello del Darfur, dovuto infatti in gran parte alle pressioni e alle strumentalizzazioni politiche neighboring countries.
course, are also internal political manipulations.
Claims autonomy of the '60s and '70s all'establishment name of certain African tribes, particularly the Fur and Masalit, led to the emergence of two political movements: the
Sunnie Ranaissance Front Front and Darfur.
representing the interests of these two policies were essentially those of sedentary tribes that had held power at the time of the Sultanate.
In 1981, the strong following of the movements led to the leader of the DRF, Dreig Ahmed, a political Fur, to be appointed Governor in Darfur. This appointment was perceived
as a threat by nomadic groups, who then decided to create the Arab Gathering political movement that soon, unfortunately, would become a radical and violent political faction.
Dreig was leaked umma party, a party headed by the successor of the Mahdi, Sadiq al Mahdi, western culture, tied to people like Clinton and Gorbachev himself and a member of their club in Madrid.
In 1969 the military coup of Nimeiri reduced the Umma Party to go underground, and the same Sadiq was forced to leave the country and into exile in Libya. All this while
Colonel Gheddafy continued to supply weapons to armed groups linked to Arabic Gathering.
sworn enemy of the umma Party is instead the DUP (Democratic Union Party) to a religious sect led by the family Mirghani.
The DUP has also received acclaim in some provinces Darfuris traditionally linked all'Umma Party, which then began to favor the Arab tribes, instead of those in their sedentary tribal disputes.

In the early '80s were born In fact, clashes between opposing armed gangs linked to Arabic and African civil Gathering ..
in 1986 ended the dictatorship of Nimeiri, Sadiq and was elected as Prime Minister on the basis of democratic elections.
conclude this review, extracted through the analysis of some of the highlights of the book " Darfur "by Luca Pierantoni.
The continuation of the original reading may give further clarification on the continuation of a vision of a bloody and fratricidal war that had no equal, and that everyone should know.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Wearing Underwear Make
The last ECOFIN meeting with the participation of Finance Ministers of the European nations, has produced the linked document in the title. This is a meeting where we agreed on anything except sull'abbattimento obstacles to the exchange of information between tax authorities in Europe.
not find an agreement per risolvere il problema dell'indebolimento dell'Euro.
Non è stata trovata una politica comune per affrontare il debito dei cosidetti PIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Greece, Spain).
In pratica non esiste una politica economica europea, ma varie "visioni" che rispecchiano l'interpretazione dei politici dei rispettivi interessi nazionali (... speriamo almeno quelli).
Al contrario, molto velocemente, i ministri si sono accordati per dare la possibilità ai funzionari delle amministrazioni fiscali europee di accedere ai dati bancari dei contribuenti, abbattendo gli ultimi rimasugli del segreto bancario.
Ciò significa che in realtà il problema dell'evasione è un dettaglio minore: trova tutti d'accordo.
would be interesting to know the "value" of tax avoidance that passes through the European and Swiss banks, the OECD has spent perhaps a few million euro of taxpayers to compile reliable statistics on the matter.
Special attention was devoted to the ECOFIN the "unfair tax competition" with regard to the income of businesses. Of course meaning "unfair" the countries that attract investors through tax policies guided by efficiency and respect for the "producers of wealth."
In this regard, Liechtenstein was "encouraged" to continue the forced adaptation to European directives on the taxation of business. Even
Switzerland has been notified of the "concern" for tax practices "which distort competition" practiced by some Swiss cantons. Switzerland was "encouraged" to continue the discussions in the country for the implementation of EU rules on taxation of business income. Another concern was expressed for the meager results of the 'income in "firmly demanding the revision of the current. As for the exchange of tax information between Switzerland and the EU member states, the ECOFIN requires a fast and complete adaptation to the Swiss standard of the OECD.
One has the impression that the complex economic problems in Europe will find their solution Liechtenstein and Switzerland, in fact ECOFIN meeting has not talked about eliminating waste of the various public administrations, to improve services for achieving a competitive European business, reducing tax burdens to increase the economic capacity of households and the competitiveness international business.
Meanwhile FIAT relocation ...
I invite you to the next workshop on the topic.
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Monday, November 8, 2010
What Is The Highest Triple Beam Balance Is
On 17 April 1975 the Khmer Rouge took power in Cambodia.
They impose immediately the forced evacuation from the cities, labor camps, terror, executions ... all accompanied by a massive famine.

S-21, the main " Security Office of the regime of Pol Pot , located in Phnom Penh, a former Tuol Sleng high school in the district, was transformed into reality in the killing center, where thousands of people were tortured and destroyed.
For about three years, Rithy Pahn and his team looked for survivors and their tormentors.
convinced them to meet again at S-21 today Museum of Genocide, to compare the testimony, reliving the memory of gestures and bodies.
Through the courageous and dramatic confrontation between victims and perpetrators that this book testifies and marks, the author tries to understand how the ' Angkar (Organization) has been able to clear the man, to implement its policy of systematic annihilation, management practices such as administrative, bureaucratic, everyday, the mechanism of death machine.
The author, with strong determination and gentle detachment, calls to uncover the terrible recent past because a new combination of memory opens the way for reconciliation and opens up the door, now locked in an acceptable future.
lost most of the family by the Khmer Rouge captured and interned in a detention camp for "re-educated " in 1979 at the age of fifteen years, managed to escape to Thailand and get to France, where he graduated in Paris at the Institut des Hautes Etudes Cinématographiques.
Christine Chameau, a journalist, has lived for more than three years in Cambodia.
has worked with Phnom Penh Post, Radio France International, the Express and National Geographic.
Their work of depersonalization of the individual was the basis for a project of annihilation which envisaged from the beginning the extermination of all those in Cambodia, which exceed the total number of 4 million.
were in fact exterminated two million people, methodically and relentlessly, and many of those have passed on their last journey through S-21, the infamous concentration camp where the executions are continuing at a rapid pace, day after day, after a journey of torture and violence against those who refused to confess any crime attributed to them.
Once again, humanity has had to suffer the consequences of a communist regime, a bloody and aberrant ideology that is identified with a permanent symbiosis between the blood of the victims and the violent power, coercive, hierarchs Marxists.
Before inviting blog readers to read this book-length document, I would like to stress once again that the Italian communism has its origins in the same symbolic and stereotypical characters from which the deportations were developed in Russia, the Cambodian genocide, or extermination of ethnic Tibetans.
is not enough that the P D has metamorphosed the retrospective cultural history from which it derives.
It is not enough now, after almost a century after the birth of Stalinism, the various Dalem or try Napolitano to distance itself with the horrors of communism, and then, subtly, inneggino characters like Togliatti, common criminal who is also stained with the blood of his own companions. It is not enough ...
There are authors who left us the tetimonianze conclusive of what really happened, as precisely Rithy Pahn.
Others were less fortunate, because on their way to journalists or writers, have suffered a sharp setback and ultimately, by just those communists who can not bear to have been exposed.
An example is in fact from Anna Politkovskaya and the other 35 journalists killed in Russia by Putin's regime of assassins. Why
their sacrifice is not forgotten we have to try to disseminate their writings, books, publications, and act as a sounding board for their meritorious opera a favore della libertà.
Non mi stancherò mai di ringraziare queste persone che coraggiosamente mettono a repentaglio la loro stessa esistenza, e che troppo spesso vengono sacrificate spietatamente.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Funny Opening Lines For Wedding Speeches
The documents were gathered from collections in the Soviet archives that contained, after the fall of the Berlin Wall were opened temporarily for consultations with scholars and historians.
Giancarlo Lehner and Francesco Bigazzi give us insight into this situation and relationship tra gli emigrati italiani in Russia, il PCd’I e la NKVD moscovita.
Il ruolo di Togliatti , alias Ercole Ercoli , alias “ il Migliore ” è ben delineato, in tutta la sua nefasta drammaticità, così come quello dei suoi collaboratori comunisti italiani.
Il tragico percorso di molti italiani si è sviluppato attraverso un cammino fatto di disillusione, amarezza, arresto, deportazione, e morte, costellato dalla supervisione dei loro stessi compagni di Partito, come Togliatti e Robotti , Who support the continuation up to the total elimination.

For decades the Communist sham has hidden these murders volunteers, these aberrations perpetrated by cowards who still today P D , praising this trash, calls "the best !
Now, a brief summary of what we offer this work entitled apppunto:
Many Europeans, Communists, and bound in brotherhood by the same political faith, and then walked towards achieving this path, often clandestinely, the Soviet Union.

Soon, however, once immersed in the Soviet reality, they realized with bitterness that the situation was very different from what they expected it to be.
The living conditions were harsh, as well as those working.
addition, the total non-alignment to Stalinism, many of them identified as Trotskyites or Bordiguists and then as enemies hostile to the Revolution, bourgeois, or spies of foreign governments, condemning them to be investigated, arrested, tortured, killed deportatie.
What is most monstrous is the fact that these communities, including many Italians, have been killed at the hands of the fascist enemy, a relentless enemy, but by the same " companions" have proved themselves the most ruthless enemies .
In Moscow, at that time operated a group of compatriots who were headed to Togliatti, the No. 2 of the Comintern (the organ of international spread of Communism).
It was, in short, a gang of Italians were devout communists, who occupied a 360-degree full-time to monitor, assess, intervene and identify those who were purged, in the name of a revolutionary political radicalism.
The "band" Communist and criminal who is satiated with the blood of his own comrades, now known and written on the pages of history that they themselves have tried to erase and hide.
Palmiro Togliatti , Alias \u200b\u200bErcole Ercoli, aka "the Best", n ° 2 of the Comintern.
Paul Robotti , brother of Togliatti, and guardian of orthodoxy Bolshevik.
Back in Italy in 1947.
Antonio Roasio
Ilio Barontini
Domenico Ciufoli
Aldo Morandi Elena
Parodi, after 1945 he made his career in CGIL, but never spending a single word to her.
Clementina also contributed to the conviction of cold determination with the testimony of informers and accusatory Elena Montagnana
The headlong rush to the accusation, in fact, this group of "denounce" in the name of a "revolutionary vigilance" plays a role that is identified with an absurd culture of hatred, death, the gallows. It was even the subject
Amadeo Bordiga, who despite being the founder of the Communist Party of Italy with Togliatti and Gramsci, it suffered a humiliating irreverent and taken away.
was accused of attacking the USSR in the Italian newspaper " Prometheus," and this was regarded as a prominent member of the Trotskyite philosophy, and an enemy to fight, for which in 1930 was expelled from the Party he had created.
The Communist leader soon found himself at odds with the same Togliatti, which is why he and his followers were long persecuted, even in the Soviet Union.
history, and access to archives, which for years have jealously guarded this secret, he tells us how " the Best" (as the Communists Togliatti still call it) to compile lists of real Italians who settled in Russia, to put a ferocious repression.
There is no documentary evidence showing the complicity of the Communist Party of Italy with the industry of the death of Stalin.
There are witnesses who survived the concentration camps, such as Don Enel Franzoni, who died a few years ago.
sentenced to deportation managed to stay alive and return to Italy, where he ended his career as a chaplain in the parish church of Santa Maria delle Grazie, Via Saffi Bologna.
was decorated during his lifetime, with the medal for valor.
We were able to get news on truth "inconvenient" thanks to unceasing efforts of both scholars and writers such as researchers and historians of the caliber of Marcello Armstrong, Romulus Caccavallo , Elena Dundovich , Francesca Gori, and Emanuela Guercetti .
I want to quote some of the Italian victims innunmerevoli of Togliatti and Robotti, and " band" of our own communists in Russia:
OTHELLO GAGGI , anarchic and not approved to communism, was denounced as trotzista all'NKVD.
Morirà nel 1945 in carcere dopo aver scontato 3 anni di galera e 3 anni di confino in Siberia.
GINO MANTELLI , condannato in Italia per aver ucciso un fascista, espatriò clandestinamente e con l’aiuto del PCd’I e arrivò in Urss nel 1924
Fu poi oggetto delle attenzioni di Robotti che, con l’appoggio di Togliatti , gli fece comminare una pena a 3 anni di confino e 5 anni di gulag.
Le sue precarie condizioni di salute non gli consentivano di svolgere attività lavorative durante la prigionia, e per questo fu accusato di sabotaggio e condannato quindi alla pena capitale nel 1938.
GIOVANNI BELLUSICH , judged by the "gang" as a counterrevolutionary.
sentenced to three years of confinement, five years in the gulag. Shot in 1938.
DANTE CORNELI was a real "hero" of the '900, author of "The revived Tiburtine ", but it is still unknown to many because of the power of the communist machine uninformed.
Dante reminds us, among other things, that the Communist Party of Italy 28/12/1934, through the French press, Belgian, Swiss, etc., denounced as suspicious than 501 ANTIFASCIS TI Italian exiles or fugitives.
The date is important because from that time was recorded the first fatal raid of Italian Communists in the Soviet Union. They were arrested because
Ezio Biondini Merini alias, alias Torre Aldo Corelli, Giuseppe Sensi , Gaggi Othello, Gino Capes, John Bellusich , Rodolfo Bernetich .
EZIO BLONDE alias John Merini, Italy suffered in prison and exile because of his anti-fascist activities, from 1926 to 1930.
In 1931 he fled to France, from where she left for Russia sent to you by the Leninist Party to attend school. He had friendly relations with
Dante Corneli, Department , Bernetich , Calligaris , Gorelli , Sensi, Mantelli, ie those who Paul Robotti called "Trotskyists worthy of being shipped to Siberia .
It was to this supposed "Trotskyism -Bordiguism " who was expelled from the Communist Party of Italy .
Immediately after he was arrested in Russia and repeatedly condemned to hard labor, for a total of 15 years of the sentence.
survived this long period of lager, but then tragic fate mocked. Giancarlo Pajetta
am confident that it was an official visit to Moscow on his ordeal, and this was again sentenced to 25 years in the camps.
was killed by an inmate in an ax
Of all the victims, are performed by the authors of the reports and documents of the interrogations that led to the unfortunate fate of each of them.
. ~ ~ ~
recommend that everyone reading this, but especially those who look at the "hammer and sickle " with a look dreamy and full of meanings, inconsapevolente, identifies such a perfect symbol of freedom and equality.
And 'the truth must be spread widely and openly, to affirm what is now enshrined in history itself: the
COMMUNISM is an absolute evil.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Ultimate Electronics Layaway
Anna Politkovskaya was about to publish another of his articles against the man who today is president of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, was killed when hit by gunfire in the hallway of his home in the center of Moscow.
I remember, remember the covers of his most significant books in which bravely tells of how the truth is not official in Putin's Russia.
The list of those who interpret the uncomfortable role of dissidents in Russia gets longer every day, but the overwhelming power and arrogance of a cruel regime, that of Putin , it shall systematically eliminate its representatives.
In Chechnya the civilian population is the subject of unprecedented violence, ranging from rapes to torture, to murder and slaughter.
The media, except for the Novaya Gazeta and a few others, are now subject to a power system that leaves no room for intellectual independence and freedom of speech.
The power is all in the hands of a criminal, the notorious former KGB colonel, by the name of Vladimir Putin and that, incidentally, seems like a lot to our Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.
I am on the side of Anna, and the 300 Russian journalists killed in the name of freedom ...
Monday, October 25, 2010
Pie Chart About Smoking
Let me share the following information that you sent me mail GREENPEACE.
Hello Emanuele,
we're sure you'll be interested to know how to invest the money of its customers, the banking group BNP Paribas (which controls Italy BNL).
Angra3 is a reactor that uses technology so old that could not be built in Europe:
70% of the packaged components lies since the work was suspended after the Chernobyl disaster in 1986!
justifies its investment in the European nuclear (the EPR model, what they want to do in Italy ...) with its the presumed safety of the project and then invest in a shack nuclear-old almost 25 years.
Customers of BNP , and BNL in Italy, they know that their money used to finance nuclear power?
What if, at some point, many began to ask BNL to stop investment radioactive?
Since 45% of the deposits of BNP / BNL is derived from payments by customers, bank executives could not remain indifferent?
I do not think ...
work made it to the campaign against the banks Nuclear Spin
this message to your contacts, share it on Facebook, tell your friends.

Domenico Belli
Ufficialmente, dovrebbe costare circa 3,5 miliardi di euro.
The construction of Angra 3 should start in 2010.
The reactor should be operational in 2015-2016.
On the Brazilian coast, 130 km west of Rio de Janeiro and 220 km east of Sao Paulo.
Angra 3, the reactor should be built with the money of the depositors of BNP / BNL , is a typical example of "Sleeping Beauty " nuclear.
This is a second generation reactor, designed by Siemens in the 70s.
The construction work began in 1984 but were suspended after the Chernobyl tragedy in 1986.
70% of the components of the reactor has since CA storage at the site of Angra 3.
In 2007 the Brazilian government announced that it wants to complete the construction of Angra 3, and in 2008 the company public Electronuclear signed an agreement with French company Areva (the same who designed the EPR reactor on the basis of the "new nuclear Italian) to finish the construction of the plant.
(IN) nuclear safety
Based on a proposed 30 years ago, and with many components already produced (and stored for decades), Angra 3 reactor is a rather distant from modern safety standards.
No improvement or maintenance project could lead Angra 3 even close to the (presumed) safety standards for the project declaimed EPR (European Pressurized Reactor).
The construction of Angra 3 was approved in 1975 by a Presidential Decree (No. 75870/75).
This decree was subsequently canceled in 1991 (Presidential Decree of 02.15.1991). Incredibly, in 2007 the Brazilian government has decided they start the construction of Angra 3 on the basis of the Decree of 1975 (which, of course, no longer exists).
The reason is very simple: the new Constitution of Brazil, adopted in 1988, provides for a vote in Parliament (the Congress) for the construction of a nuclear plant.
Obviously, the Brazilian government knew that Congress would never have raised this (not so) Sleeping Beauty.
controllers and controlled
The biggest supporter Angra 3 has always been the CNEN, the Brazilian Nuclear Agency. No one, to be honest, it expects a real independence on the part of an organization like this, but the CNEN is indeed " exaggerated."
As the CNEN regulatory body may issue licenses to those who can operate in Angra 3 and between these actors is INB, an offshoot of CNEN that provides the fuel for nuclear reactors. The
CNEN also deals with the impacts of incidents occur in plants INB, while Nuclep, a group that produces components for the nuclear industry that word always belongs to the CNEN is like a big umbrella that protects suppliers, operators and contractors together with those who provide the licenses, and writes the rules.
business but not a guarantee of safety.
And in fact the 70 that we discuss how to make "independent" CNEN.
In 1985, with the usual presidential decree, created a Nuclear Program Evaluation Committee, whose report recommended, inter alia, to make the independent CNEN, (as now required by the International Convention on Nuclear Safety, adopted by Brazil 1998).
In over twenty-five years, has not really done anything.
That a 1405 MW reactor costs only 3.5 miliardi di euro non lo crede più nessuno.
Anche se parte delle componenti è stata acquistata già negli anni ’80 (vatti a fidare) la realtà è che i progetti che circolano oggi costano parecchio di più.
Inoltre, il finanziamento in euro aumenta il rischio finanziario del progetto : il Real, la moneta brasiliana, ha fluttuato del 37% in un anno, rispetto all’euro.
Questa volatilità avrà un impatto sui costi del progetto.
Anche la necessità di aggiornamenti e adattamenti strutturali molto estesi, per cercare di migliorare gli standard di un progetto vecchio di trent’anni, avrà un impatto sui costi e, verosimilmente, sull’efficenza, la produttività e safety.
Finally, Angra 3 is so named because the same site there are already two reactors (Angra 1 and 2):
their combined power is 2,000 MW and has cost less than EUR 7.5 billion, ie 3 , € 7 million / MW.
How can Angra 3 costs less than € 2.5 million / MW? Assuming that the cost remains the same (with higher safety standards, costs increased) Angra 3 would cost well over 5 billion euro!
The potential of renewable energy in Brazil is huge and the costs of energy production estimates range electricity [For example: Joaquim F. de Carvalho, L. Ildo Sauer: Does Brazil Need New Nuclear Power Plants? Energy Policy 37 (2009) 1580-1584] clearly say that the cost of energy produced at Angra 3 (estimated at U.S. $ 113 / MWh) is higher than that produced by the CHP sugarcane (74 $ / MWh ) natural gas ( $ 79 / MWh ) hydroelectric ( $ 46 / MWh ), and even of 'wind ( $ 107 / MWh ) technology, whose production costs are going down.
When some program (very expensive) is proved completely useless for the community is useful to try to understand who is really needed.
In Brazil, we find that the creator (and co-ordinator from 1979 to 2004) naval nuclear program in Brazil, Admiral Othon Luiz Pinheiro da Silva, is the president of Electronuclear , the company that would operate in Angra 3.
In 2006, the admiral said (a few months before the government's decision to reopen Angra 3) that the nuclear submarine are critical for Brazil if the country wants to be considered a great power.
It is well known that the plutonium extracted from reactor waste can build nuclear warheads.
Among other things, Brazil has signed the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty only in 1994 and has never ratified the Additional Protocol on inspections.
More than once Brazil has prevented Atomic Energy Agency access to its core.
Well ... now you know who really need Angra 3.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
President George Cb For Sale
People, here is a list of awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, which, unfortunately, have the misfortune to live in countries where the rule of the communist dictatorship ...
The political vision of these governments is near absolutist, for belonging to the same ideals, to the Communists in Italy takes pride in flaunting a banner that represents the hammer and sickle, even knowing that this flag, its meaning, is gross with the blood of many innocents.
Often this part is ignored by the majority delle persone, ma io non accetto che si continui a nascondere il fatto che il comunismo ha fatto molti più morti innocenti del nazismo, e che ci siano individui in mezzo a noi che osannano il marxismo, che è stata la filosofia da cui ha avuto origine questo mostro orrendo.
Nelle nostre città ci sono strade intitolate a Lenin e a Stalin, i feroci fautori ed esecutori di un comunismo esasperato che ha prodotto cento milioni di morti nel secolo scorso.
Come mai la Coscienza collettiva si ribella al solo sentir nominare Hitler o qualsiasi altro gerarca nazista, mentre invece accoglie con indifferenza i nomi dei criminali comunisti ?
Various Longo, Berlinguer, Napolitano, D'Alema, Fassino are nothing more than the heirs of these tricksters, each other so much that no one has ever denied the past and the origins from which they come.
A past, remember, who tied a double thread the Italian Communists to Stalin, and that often is soaked with the blood of those who were sacrificed in the name of orthodoxy exasperated.
Today, finally, the opening of the archives has been enabled scientists to develop an objective truth of the facts, clearly contrary to the alleged date of occupation by the Communists who have trod the parliamentary benches.
To them it's all my contempt, and to them I say: Look how
is still trampled on freedom in your "communist paradise"!
Call these "human waste" to go to those places and stay there, rather than stay here to poison the air we breathe.
Beijing's wrath: "It is an obscenity"
police at his house, summoned the Ambassador of Norway.
(taken from the site "Corriere.it)
The Nobel Peace Prize goes to Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo.
thus confirm the predictions of the vigil, despite pressure from Beijing.
Moreover, before the official announcement, the Norwegian committee stated that this would be a "choice to defend."
According to the reasons that led to the decision, Liu represents "the symbol of the campaign for the respect and enforcement of fundamental human rights" in China.
They did not wait for the reaction of Beijing
the police immediately went to the home of Liu, to prevent his wife to make statements to the press and the BBC broadcast of the ad Nobel were discontinued.
Soon after, the coming of the official comment of the government, which speaks of "obscenity."
According to the Foreign Ministry, Liu Xiaobo is a "criminal" who was convicted of 'the Chinese justice. "
The decision, the statement continues, is likely to "harm relations between China and Norway."
In fact, the Norwegian ambassador to Beijing was summoned by the government
" They wanted to put on their opinion, their disagreement and their protest " said a spokesman for the Norwegian Foreign Ministry, noting that the Norwegian government is not responsible for the award of recognition for Liu, established by a committee independent.
U.S. President Barack Obama, Nobel Peace Prize last year, welcomed the choice of Liu Xiaobo and asked the Chinese authorities for his release.
Liu Xiaobo is serving a sentence of eleven years' imprisonment for "inciting subversion."
The intellectual, who had spent long periods in prison, was accused of being one of the promoters of "Charta 08 ", the pro-democracy movement that promulgated a document to this effect was signed by more than 8 000 people, including more than 2,000 Chinese.
Liu was arrested in late 2008 but the sentence imposed on him was on Christmas Day 2009 , probably in the hope of reducing the coverage of Western media.
After a year of detention, December 23, 2009 was held on the process;
25, was sentenced to 11 years in prison and two years' disqualification from public office.
The sentence was upheld on appeal on 11 February 2010.
(From "DIES IN)
While the new Nobel laureate for peace is unattainable in a Chinese prison, his wife's cell phone is off and no longer able to contact the woman who sent the last text message to Radio Free Asia last night.
Police have kept the journalists away from the prison where Liu is serving a sentence of 11 years for subversion, his lawyer said that the wife of Liu, who had promised that the police would take her husband to give news del premio, ora sembra scomparsa.
E' possibile che la donna sia mani della polizia.
La polizia cinese spesso costringe i critici politici, i dissidenti religiosi e, talvolta, i loro familiari, a lasciare Pechino rinchiudendoli in residenze di campagna, tenendoli lontani dalla capitale cinese per giorni e settimane.
Le autorità cinesi hanno chiamato Liu un criminale poco dopo l'assegnazionde del premio e il 'Quotidiano del popolo' ha scritto che il premio è "una vetrina arrogante di ideologia occidentale", che non rispetta il popolo cinese.
Il presidente Barack Obama, vincitore lo scorso anno del Nobel per la pace, ha chiesto l'immediato rilascio di Liu. Talvolta la Cina ha scarcerato alcune persone a seguito delle pressioni internazionali.
La moglie del Nobel per la pace 2010 sperava di poter andare in Norvegia per ricevere il premio a posto del marito, se lui non fosse potuto andare.
Presa in custodia dalla polizia la notte seguente al conferimento del premio.
L'avvocato del premio nobel: "non siamo riusciti a metterci in contatto con lei" .
(Tratto da ”www.voceditalia.it”)
Xikui Ding, Liu Xuiaobo lawyer, said:
1975 - Andrei Sakharov
for demonstrating against the entry of Soviet troops in Afghanistan was arrested in 1980 and was exiled to Gorky, where his wife Elena Bonner has established his only contact with the outside world.
(from the site "Stampa.it)
The founder of Solidarity could not collect the prize in person, for fear that he be allowed to return home.
His wife made for him and donated money to the headquarters of Solidarity in exile in Brussels.
(from the site "Stampa.it)
Since 1959 the Dalai Lama lives in exile in India.
(from the site "Stampa.it)
In 1991, the Burmese activist San Suu Kyi received the Nobel Prize for Peace, and used the money to build a health system and education, in favor of the Burmese people.
The choice did not please the military junta that rules the country, which did not accept international calls for his release.