Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Ultimate Electronics Layaway

Anna Politkovskaya

A BEGINNING months, namely October 7 was the anniversary of the death of Anna Politkovskaya , the courageous Russian journalist who wrote for "Novaya gazeta , murdered in 2006 by assassins Putin because of his commitment to the defense of the weakest.

Anna Politkovskaya was about to publish another of his articles against the man who today is president of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, was killed when hit by gunfire in the hallway of his home in the center of Moscow.
The journalist wrote of the Russian republic of Chechnya as a small black hole of consciousness, where massacres, rapes and torture were the norm for soldiers and militiamen.

I remember, remember the covers of his most significant books in which bravely tells of how the truth is not official in Putin's Russia.

The list of those who interpret the uncomfortable role of dissidents in Russia gets longer every day, but the overwhelming power and arrogance of a cruel regime, that of Putin , it shall systematically eliminate its representatives.

In Chechnya the civilian population is the subject of unprecedented violence, ranging from rapes to torture, to murder and slaughter.
The Russian journalists have become synonymous and expression of a compliance regime in place which are only those that support and emphasize the positive choices of who holds power detrimental.

The media, except for the Novaya Gazeta and a few others, are now subject to a power system that leaves no room for intellectual independence and freedom of speech.

The power is all in the hands of a criminal, the notorious former KGB colonel, by the name of Vladimir Putin and that, incidentally, seems like a lot to our Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.
I, however, I'm on the side of Novaya Gazeta, the independent Russian newspaper, whose reporters have always been under the scrutiny of Soviet repression.

I am on the side of Anna, and the 300 Russian journalists killed in the name of freedom ...
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