Monday, November 8, 2010

What Is The Highest Triple Beam Balance Is

S 21 - the killing machine of the Khmer Rouge perpetrators and victims

Rithy Panh and Christine Chaumeau

On 17 April 1975 the Khmer Rouge took power in Cambodia.

They impose immediately the forced evacuation from the cities, labor camps, terror, executions ... all accompanied by a massive famine.

Between 1975 and 1979 and then die about two million people as a cambodian four is the victim of executions or deprivation.

S-21, the main " Security Office of the regime of Pol Pot , located in Phnom Penh, a former Tuol Sleng high school in the district, was transformed into reality in the killing center, where thousands of people were tortured and destroyed.

For about three years, Rithy Pahn and his team looked for survivors and their tormentors.

convinced them to meet again at S-21 today Museum of Genocide, to compare the testimony, reliving the memory of gestures and bodies.

Through the courageous and dramatic confrontation between victims and perpetrators that this book testifies and marks, the author tries to understand how the ' Angkar (Organization) has been able to clear the man, to implement its policy of systematic annihilation, management practices such as administrative, bureaucratic, everyday, the mechanism of death machine.

The author, with strong determination and gentle detachment, calls to uncover the terrible recent past because a new combination of memory opens the way for reconciliation and opens up the door, now locked in an acceptable future.
Rithy Pahn (Phnom Penh, 1964) is the cambodian filmmaker known for his courageous effort to bear witness to the genocide, in fact, happened in Cambodia at the hands of the Khmer Rouge.

lost most of the family by the Khmer Rouge captured and interned in a detention camp for "re-educated " in 1979 at the age of fifteen years, managed to escape to Thailand and get to France, where he graduated in Paris at the Institut des Hautes Etudes Cinématographiques.

Christine Chameau, a journalist, has lived for more than three years in Cambodia.

has worked with Phnom Penh Post, Radio France International, the Express and National Geographic.
This book shows us the appalling atrocities committed by the communist Pol Pot, the notorious Khmer Rouge who have distinguished themselves for their ruthlessness and crimes against humanity.

Their work of depersonalization of the individual was the basis for a project of annihilation which envisaged from the beginning the extermination of all those in Cambodia, which exceed the total number of 4 million.

were in fact exterminated two million people, methodically and relentlessly, and many of those have passed on their last journey through S-21, the infamous concentration camp where the executions are continuing at a rapid pace, day after day, after a journey of torture and violence against those who refused to confess any crime attributed to them.

Once again, humanity has had to suffer the consequences of a communist regime, a bloody and aberrant ideology that is identified with a permanent symbiosis between the blood of the victims and the violent power, coercive, hierarchs Marxists.
Before inviting blog readers to read this book-length document, I would like to stress once again that the Italian communism has its origins in the same symbolic and stereotypical characters from which the deportations were developed in Russia, the Cambodian genocide, or extermination of ethnic Tibetans.

is not enough that the P D has metamorphosed the retrospective cultural history from which it derives.

It is not enough now, after almost a century after the birth of Stalinism, the various Dalem or try Napolitano to distance itself with the horrors of communism, and then, subtly, inneggino characters like Togliatti, common criminal who is also stained with the blood of his own companions. It is not enough ...

Even today the Communist intellectuals NOT deny the atrocities that characterized the history of communism, from its birth until today, as NOT try to remedy the intentional misinformation put in place for decades by themselves, in order of mystifying events. Fortunately

There are authors who left us the tetimonianze conclusive of what really happened, as precisely Rithy Pahn.

Others were less fortunate, because on their way to journalists or writers, have suffered a sharp setback and ultimately, by just those communists who can not bear to have been exposed.

An example is in fact from Anna Politkovskaya and the other 35 journalists killed in Russia by Putin's regime of assassins. Why

their sacrifice is not forgotten we have to try to disseminate their writings, books, publications, and act as a sounding board for their meritorious opera a favore della libertà.

Non mi stancherò mai di ringraziare queste persone che coraggiosamente mettono a repentaglio la loro stessa esistenza, e che troppo spesso vengono sacrificate spietatamente.


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