Friday, December 24, 2010

Creative Sound Blaster X-fimb


Deputy National Secretary Vicar MIS Raffaele Bruno made the following statement: "The phenomenon of the disease found in the banking crisis our country is the southern banks, which covered both the major public institutions that private banks to small size, assuming real systematic features of instability. This analysis, which I was able to explain in my capacity as Deputy National Secretary and Deputy Head of the Department for the Southern Political Idea of \u200b\u200bthe Social Movement, at a conference on "Banks and the South, organized by the Banco di Napoli and the Union Entrepreneurs of Campania, is unfortunately confirmed by the number of special administration measures and compulsory winding-up relative to banks based in the southern regions relocation of property occurred in recent years to the benefit of companies headquartered in North Central is having a devastating effect on economic and social fabric of the South, since the banks operated by decision-makers nonlocal increased their aversion to give trust to business and to help those in need. Today the banks of the South from the North practice run rate itself already from moneylenders and even three or four points higher than what is practiced in northern regions. That is, an entrepreneur seeking financial assistance to a bank in terms of equality, pay up to five points higher interest rate compared to an entrepreneur of the Centre and North. All banks have controlled the north then the specific task of rounding up the savings and then invest them in the southern regions of the North, with the result that the South is becoming poorer and southern entrepreneurs have less chance of being aiutati dalle banche. Certo, fare banca al Sud significa confrontarsi, da un lato, con una realtà imprenditoriale a più alta rischiosità, carattere a sua volta originato, a parità di altre condizioni, dall'incapacità cronica dello Stato e degli Enti Locali di offrire in modo efficace i beni pubblici primari: tutela dei diritti della persona e della proprietà, autentici catalizzatori del lievito dell'economia di mercato, rappresentato dalla fiducia. L'assenza della miglior miscela tra regole e fiducia rappresenta la più grave carenza con cui devono confrontarsi banche e imprese del Mezzogiorno, e rispetto alle quali la parte migliore dei ceti produttivi poco può. Il Mezzogiorno ha patito per decenni i costi economici e sociali di una sorta di tacito "patto scellerato" che negli scorsi decenni ha legato il triangolo politica – impresa – banca nella reciproca protezione delle rispettive rendite di posizione. L'intreccio tra politica, banca, impresa, famiglia e istituzioni di controllo è rimarchevole. In generale, la grande politica affaristica ha disegnato regole del gioco che indirizzavano le risorse verso usi pubblici e privati economicamente improduttivi, ma elettoralmente vantaggiosi. Tante imprese collegate ad affaristi, malavita e banchieri senza scrupoli asserviti alla politica traevano vantaggio da quell'intreccio, che definiva mercati e settori poco competitivi.L'inefficacia delle istituzioni pubbliche – tempi e modi della burocrazia and justice in the head - completed the picture, in which political and professional income have come to determine a difficult knot to untie. But today we have fallen from the frying pan into the fire. By large banks managed by the political power that gave easy to trust the politicians and Camorra Tangentopoli, we went to a credit system that the South is completely in the hands of speculation in the North. Faced with this situation so far no one has moved a finger. Today we return to discuss the problem, but just because someone wants to get a little personal propaganda. All political parties, trade unions and politicians are in fact complicit in southern and someone has paid their silence. That's why we were alone we Movement Idea to ask a parliamentary inquiry on Social Credit and protesting for days in the southern headquarters of the Toledo when even the largest and most prestigious bank in southern Italy: the Banco di Napoli, was sold off IMO San Paolo di Torino for a handful billions of lire. "


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