Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Lacunar Infarct Left Thalamus I Recently

banking secrecy does not cover abuses in the sale of property for tax evaders

The Swiss Federal Court, consistent with the policy agendas of OECD criminalization of laundering of proceeds from a tax offenses, has ordered the seizure of 11 million.
The sum was the difference between the price official and the actual sale of a French real estate.
The buyer had deposited into a Swiss bank account the sum of the balance of the price of the property, of course not to include this additional payment in the act of buying and selling public.

To deepen the role of financial intermediaries (Swiss bank officers, lawyers, notaries, trustees) in these situations, click here .

I invite you to the next workshop on the topic.

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Friday, December 24, 2010

Creative Sound Blaster X-fimb


Deputy National Secretary Vicar MIS Raffaele Bruno made the following statement: "The phenomenon of the disease found in the banking crisis our country is the southern banks, which covered both the major public institutions that private banks to small size, assuming real systematic features of instability. This analysis, which I was able to explain in my capacity as Deputy National Secretary and Deputy Head of the Department for the Southern Political Idea of \u200b\u200bthe Social Movement, at a conference on "Banks and the South, organized by the Banco di Napoli and the Union Entrepreneurs of Campania, is unfortunately confirmed by the number of special administration measures and compulsory winding-up relative to banks based in the southern regions relocation of property occurred in recent years to the benefit of companies headquartered in North Central is having a devastating effect on economic and social fabric of the South, since the banks operated by decision-makers nonlocal increased their aversion to give trust to business and to help those in need. Today the banks of the South from the North practice run rate itself already from moneylenders and even three or four points higher than what is practiced in northern regions. That is, an entrepreneur seeking financial assistance to a bank in terms of equality, pay up to five points higher interest rate compared to an entrepreneur of the Centre and North. All banks have controlled the north then the specific task of rounding up the savings and then invest them in the southern regions of the North, with the result that the South is becoming poorer and southern entrepreneurs have less chance of being aiutati dalle banche. Certo, fare banca al Sud significa confrontarsi, da un lato, con una realtà imprenditoriale a più alta rischiosità, carattere a sua volta originato, a parità di altre condizioni, dall'incapacità cronica dello Stato e degli Enti Locali di offrire in modo efficace i beni pubblici primari: tutela dei diritti della persona e della proprietà, autentici catalizzatori del lievito dell'economia di mercato, rappresentato dalla fiducia. L'assenza della miglior miscela tra regole e fiducia rappresenta la più grave carenza con cui devono confrontarsi banche e imprese del Mezzogiorno, e rispetto alle quali la parte migliore dei ceti produttivi poco può. Il Mezzogiorno ha patito per decenni i costi economici e sociali di una sorta di tacito "patto scellerato" che negli scorsi decenni ha legato il triangolo politica – impresa – banca nella reciproca protezione delle rispettive rendite di posizione. L'intreccio tra politica, banca, impresa, famiglia e istituzioni di controllo è rimarchevole. In generale, la grande politica affaristica ha disegnato regole del gioco che indirizzavano le risorse verso usi pubblici e privati economicamente improduttivi, ma elettoralmente vantaggiosi. Tante imprese collegate ad affaristi, malavita e banchieri senza scrupoli asserviti alla politica traevano vantaggio da quell'intreccio, che definiva mercati e settori poco competitivi.L'inefficacia delle istituzioni pubbliche – tempi e modi della burocrazia and justice in the head - completed the picture, in which political and professional income have come to determine a difficult knot to untie. But today we have fallen from the frying pan into the fire. By large banks managed by the political power that gave easy to trust the politicians and Camorra Tangentopoli, we went to a credit system that the South is completely in the hands of speculation in the North. Faced with this situation so far no one has moved a finger. Today we return to discuss the problem, but just because someone wants to get a little personal propaganda. All political parties, trade unions and politicians are in fact complicit in southern and someone has paid their silence. That's why we were alone we Movement Idea to ask a parliamentary inquiry on Social Credit and protesting for days in the southern headquarters of the Toledo when even the largest and most prestigious bank in southern Italy: the Banco di Napoli, was sold off IMO San Paolo di Torino for a handful billions of lire. "

Why Are Is My Scrotum Peeling



Deputy National Secretary of the Vicar MIS Rauti Raffaele Bruno said

"Sopravvivere tra Giugliano Pianura e tutta l'area a nord di Napoli, a Castelvolturno, Parete e tutta l'area casertana, nota come "La Terra dei fuochi", è davvero diventato difficile. La Magistratura ha finalmente diffidati decine di proprietari dei fondi agricoli ed esponenti del clan dei casalesi che dietro il business delle discariche illegali hanno guadagnato ingenti somme di denaro e avvelenate le falde acquifere di mezza Campania provocando un disastro ecologico immenso. Mi auguro che i colpevoli siano puniti duramente e che la classe politica che governa avvii subito la bonifica del territorio"!

Napoli, 24 dicembre 2010                        The press officer of the MIS with Rauti


Saturday, December 18, 2010

Cubefield Unblocked By School

bank secrecy cover?

The blanket of secrecy, Swiss, Austrian, Luxembourg, Singapore, or of different nationalities, not needed more to cover the tax evaders.

After the G20 in 2009 that integrated the nations with banking secrecy rules in gray or black lists, they have adapted or are adapting, the international standard.

The international standard is determined by treaties pledging two nations and called the "Convention against double taxation and tax evasion."

The OECD Model Convention provided and used by all nations ecoomicamente "advanced" states that the tax authorities of two nations to exchange information upon request.

The abuse of secrecy to prevent access to data on the availability of capital from taxpayers Tax administrations in the future will be dangerous and impracticable.
Big banks refuse to open new relationships with customers who fail to demonstrate the "tax compliance".

I invite you to the next workshop on the topic.

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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Used Taylor Yogurt Machines


There is much talk of Darfur, as it should, or even thousands of innocent victims who were slaughtered in the indifference of the world.

We talk a lot more football and how the goals are achieved by the various sports stars of the moment.

Personally I think it is fair to give, a greater resonance to what is happening in this region of Africa plagued by conflict between the bloodiest occurred on that continent.

The Hague International Criminal Court in a recent press has accused the president sudanese di crimini di guerra e di crimini contro l'umanità commessi nella regione del Darfur, ed ha emesso un mandato di cattura internazionale nei suoi confronti.
Un secondo mandato di arresto della Cpi è stato spiccato per capi d'accusa che evocano il genocidio verso i gruppi dei Four, dei Masalit e dei Zaghawa :
genocidio per omicidio, genocidio per grave attentato all'integrità fisica e mentale e genocidio per sottomissione intenzionale di ciascun gruppo a condizioni di vita che ne comportano la distruzione fisica ”.

To understand how we have come to a real bloody conflict that involves the entire Sudan and the nomadic and sedentary populations, I did a thorough search on the net, and I do not pay, I read a book, written by Luke Pierantoni, titled " Darfur."

Pierantoni's work is informative, complete, and comprehensive, evisceration and also the problem in all its aspects and angles, giving an overall picture completely.

recommend that everyone read these pages, from which I extrapolated the essential lines, in their dramatic continuity.

Here is an analysis of the facts, according a historiographical survey and socio-political, which can give us a picture of how this tragedy could have happened.
The causes that led to the current situation in Darfur are complex and due to the fact that since the dawn of time the area has witnessed a problem: the peaceful coexistence of nomadic and sedentary ones.

The old balance of the region, which is that of southern Sudan, cut from the Sahel, the semi-arid and steppe belt that runs through almost the entire continent, was based on a harmonic interaction between the tribes sedentary ethnic African and Arab nomadic groups with a majority ethnic group.

The traditional system, called " Hakura," the entire Darfur was divided into Dar (lots of land), assigned to any specific tribe. In periods of drought

enjoying the hospitality of the nomadic tribes of the area, stopping at each other and receiving hospitality, offered in exchange for which their livestock for plowing and tilling the farmland.

Whether the sedentary tribes wanted more land available, both those who wished to nomads " settled down", was expected to be able to "rent "the other tribes of Dar, Nazir to pay one-tenth of the harvest.

The balance, however, was undermined by the advance of desertification, in the past, during the colonial era more than a little worried the British rule.

In the 80s the worsening climate went so far as to cause serious famine that claimed the lives of about 90,000 Darfuris.

These environmental factors meant that the nomadic tribes gradually move increasingly close to those of sedentary, causing inevitable frictions that are then degenerated into conflict.

This crisis, caused by the greenhouse effect is said, has seen other performers suffer effects such as the Tuareg, who live in semi-desert areas of Chad, Libya, Burkina Faso and Niger, and deprived of their natural habitat, have started to species extinction.
This nomadic ethnic group gradually began to disappear, taking with them their traditional values, cultural heritage of ancient prerogatives.

In Sudan, conflicts between nomadic and sedentary ones resulted in a real war, with invaluable social costs and hundreds of thousands of lives vanished in a frenzy of gigantic proportions.

This could happen not only because of environmental changes, as in Darfur, there have always been famines and drought, but mainly for reasons related to issues of public policy.

In particular, it was a fracture to occur, a crisis of the old traditional system which held the balance of the company and which was to prevent the emergence of conflicts, through a series of rites and traditions in a simultaneous symbolic values \u200b\u200bassumed the appearance a well-designed mechanism peacemaker between different populations.

The old nomenclature of leadership in the organization was composed of three hierarchical layers.

Starting from the lowest level, that of the clan leaders, whose authority was recognized by several families, the figure of reference between them is that of Sheikh.

The second level was covered by Omda (the African tribes in Darfur called shart), which administered different clans.

The supreme leader was called or Nazir Sultan.

In the case of populations composed of several groups which had, for historical or geographical, recruited more marked differences, there were more Nazir.

The "system" was then set up almost like that of a monarchical order, based on a hierarchy similar to that of the nobility and aristocracy of Western Europe.

In this context, Sheikh respects the authority of the Omda (or shart) which, in turn, respect the authority of Nazir (or Sultan).

leaders always come from the same family, handed down the office of Nazir inheritance from father to son, usually the eldest son.

In cases where the offspring is large, the new Nazir will be chosen by Omda according to his human virtues, and his generosity.

tribal conflicts and disputes are handled by Nazir who are coming together to find solutions, often consisting of compensation or payments between the parties, decided in meetings similar to the Western political conferences.

During these meetings the Nazir were assisted by persons delegated by the Sultan himself, as the Fagir (the doctor or sorcerer) and Ajaw, a sort of mediator who perform arbitration in inter-tribal relations, and their decisions were generally respected by all.

When the British arrived in Darfur, their primary concern was to maintain order and avoid inter-tribal conflicts, so as not to waste their energies in a region that had few natural resources, so they availed themselves of the option to maintain valid pre-existing power through the allocation di valore di Legge al sistema di governo tribale, mediante l’istituzione del “ Native Administration Act ” del 1925.

Questo sistema rimase in vigore anche dopo che il Sudan ottenne l’indipendenza dalla Gran Bretagna nel 1956, e quindi i leader tribali continuarono ad interpretare un ruolo di grande importanza nella gestione della “ cosa pubblica ” in Darfur.

Nel 1969 il sistema cambiò improvvisamente a causa di un colpo di Stato attuato dal Colonnello Jaafar Nimeini, che istituì una dittatura militare.

Il nuovo regime, che faceva l’occhiolino al blocco comunista, introdusse una serie di riforme ispirate al modello socialista.

Nimeini in 1972 abolished the "Native Administration Act and outlawed the Ajaw, replacing their power to the state.

At the same time new figures that were selected, according to the plans of the dictator, they should play the primary role played by tribal leaders, identifying the various elements of the petty bourgeoisie culture media such as small shopkeepers, teachers and bureaucrats low.

The noble families were so undermined by the advance of the bourgeois middle class, and with them began to shake the old traditional property right, of course, from the ancient families of nobility.

I conflitti tribali iniziarono ad accumularsi creando un arretrato che pesa ancora oggi sui rapporti fra le popolazioni che vivono nel Darfur.

Nel 1982 Nimeiri promulgò il “ Land act ” con il quale fu deciso che tutte le terre non registrate dovevano considerarsi come Demanio Pubblico.

In Sudan, tutte le terre tranne quelle intorno al Nilo, non erano registrate, quindi l’intero territorio nazionale fu di fatto “demanializzato”.

Con questo, cessò il sistema del 10 % del raccolto, che aveva reso possibile la convivenza fra le tribù nomadi e quelle sedentarie per cinquecento anni.

Nimeiri, con questa decisione, ha distrutto gli equilibri sociali che erano durati secoli, probabilmente per disfarsi di una classe dirigente che considerava una nemica.

I ledare tribali erano degli aristocratici ricchi, colti e raffinati, e spesso i loro rampolli venivano mandati in Europa a compiere il loro ciclo di studi.

Frequentando Università come quella di Cambridge, Oxford, o la Sorbona, ne uscivano imbevuti di valori occidentali, e non potevano quindi non nutrire una naturale avversione per una dittatura militare filo-socialista.

Nimeiri cercò di sostituire questa classe dirigente con il ceto medio di cui il suo regime tutelava gli interessi.

Il governo attuale è arrivato addirittura motion to appoint the new pro-government tribal leaders and come from middle class, called Amiri.

You might also consider that the old social system was cooperating with the British colonial regime that, glad to find allies, limited only to children of tribal chiefs access to education and information.

In this context, Darfur, however, remained one of the most depressed areas of the country because of the privileges, of course, the old families, and to the detriment of the population.

But the fact remains that he has destroyed the mechanisms that have maintained stability in Darfur for several centuries, had a high cost that this nation still suffers today.

Currently, most military clashes between them there are Darfurians, particularly among the tribes "Arab" tribes and "African".

This distinction derives from the ethnic groups of origin, and finds himself among a new and identifiable difference is that between nomadic and sedentary populations.

The ethnic conflict was then manipulated and exacerbated by national politics and government from that of neighboring countries.

Many nomadic tribes living in the vast territories, which are separated only by a virtual border line.
For example, the Zaghawa live in both Chad and Sudan, both in the Kakwa Uganda and in Sudan, Latuka in Kenya, Uganda and Sudan, Eritrea and Sudan in Rashaida, etc..

This confused reality has come to revive the ethnic conflict between states, such as in Sudan, where armed groups often have found the support of neighboring countries.
A key role was played by Libya, wanting to create an "Arab belt" in Africa, the disputed strip of desert Aouzou (rich in uranium) in Chad.

Since President Nimeiri at the time (80) held the power and was in bad relations with Gaddafi, it created a situation in which Libya began a “gioco” destabilizzante in Darfur, funzionale alla guerra che stava combattendo contro il Ciad.

Così dalla Libia iniziarono ad arrivare crescenti carichi di armi (soprattutto kalashnikov) che finirono dritte nelle mani dei nomadi arabi.

Da allora le relazioni tra Sudan e Libia si sono normalizzate, dopo la caduta di Nimeiri, ma sono peggiorate quelle tra Sudan e Ciad.

Quest’ultimo sostiene le fazioni Zaghawa dei ribelli Darfuriani, mentre il Sudan, per contro, aiuta i ribelli del Ciad.

Tutto ciò indica quindi la natura interregionale dei conflitti africani, tra cui quello del Darfur, dovuto infatti in gran parte alle pressioni e alle strumentalizzazioni politiche neighboring countries.

course, are also internal political manipulations.

Claims autonomy of the '60s and '70s all'establishment name of certain African tribes, particularly the Fur and Masalit, led to the emergence of two political movements: the
Sunnie Ranaissance Front Front and Darfur.

representing the interests of these two policies were essentially those of sedentary tribes that had held power at the time of the Sultanate.

In 1981, the strong following of the movements led to the leader of the DRF, Dreig Ahmed, a political Fur, to be appointed Governor in Darfur. This appointment was perceived

as a threat by nomadic groups, who then decided to create the Arab Gathering political movement that soon, unfortunately, would become a radical and violent political faction.

Dreig was leaked umma party, a party headed by the successor of the Mahdi, Sadiq al Mahdi, western culture, tied to people like Clinton and Gorbachev himself and a member of their club in Madrid.

In 1969 the military coup of Nimeiri reduced the Umma Party to go underground, and the same Sadiq was forced to leave the country and into exile in Libya. All this while

Colonel Gheddafy continued to supply weapons to armed groups linked to Arabic Gathering.

sworn enemy of the umma Party is instead the DUP (Democratic Union Party) to a religious sect led by the family Mirghani.

The DUP has also received acclaim in some provinces Darfuris traditionally linked all'Umma Party, which then began to favor the Arab tribes, instead of those in their sedentary tribal disputes.

was this state of affairs to have employed to Arabic Gathering contours more extremists on one side of the strong arms of Gaddafi and the other strong support of the umma Party began to behave markedly racist.

In the early '80s were born In fact, clashes between opposing armed gangs linked to Arabic and African civil Gathering ..

in 1986 ended the dictatorship of Nimeiri, Sadiq and was elected as Prime Minister on the basis of democratic elections.
The war ended in 1989 with an inter-tribal conference, but the worsening of environmental conditions and the crisis of traditional social structures led to the implosion of the entire society, leading to the start of the second war in Darfur, which is defined by the United Nations as "the worst humanitarian crisis in the world."

conclude this review, extracted through the analysis of some of the highlights of the book " Darfur "by Luca Pierantoni.

The continuation of the original reading may give further clarification on the continuation of a vision of a bloody and fratricidal war that had no equal, and that everyone should know.
~ ~ ~

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Wearing Underwear Make

Breccia in the Bank Secrecy? The Swiss tax

The last ECOFIN meeting with the participation of Finance Ministers of the European nations, has produced the linked document in the title. This is a meeting where we agreed on anything except sull'abbattimento obstacles to the exchange of information between tax authorities in Europe.

not find an agreement per risolvere il problema dell'indebolimento dell'Euro.
Non è stata trovata una politica comune per affrontare il debito dei cosidetti PIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Greece, Spain).
In pratica non esiste una politica economica europea, ma varie "visioni" che rispecchiano l'interpretazione dei politici dei rispettivi interessi nazionali (... speriamo almeno quelli).

Al contrario, molto velocemente, i ministri si sono accordati per dare la possibilità ai funzionari delle amministrazioni fiscali europee di accedere ai dati bancari dei contribuenti, abbattendo gli ultimi rimasugli del segreto bancario.
Ciò significa che in realtà il problema dell'evasione è un dettaglio minore: trova tutti d'accordo.

would be interesting to know the "value" of tax avoidance that passes through the European and Swiss banks, the OECD has spent perhaps a few million euro of taxpayers to compile reliable statistics on the matter.

Special attention was devoted to the ECOFIN the "unfair tax competition" with regard to the income of businesses. Of course meaning "unfair" the countries that attract investors through tax policies guided by efficiency and respect for the "producers of wealth."

In this regard, Liechtenstein was "encouraged" to continue the forced adaptation to European directives on the taxation of business. Even

Switzerland has been notified of the "concern" for tax practices "which distort competition" practiced by some Swiss cantons. Switzerland was "encouraged" to continue the discussions in the country for the implementation of EU rules on taxation of business income. Another concern was expressed for the meager results of the 'income in "firmly demanding the revision of the current. As for the exchange of tax information between Switzerland and the EU member states, the ECOFIN requires a fast and complete adaptation to the Swiss standard of the OECD.

One has the impression that the complex economic problems in Europe will find their solution Liechtenstein and Switzerland, in fact ECOFIN meeting has not talked about eliminating waste of the various public administrations, to improve services for achieving a competitive European business, reducing tax burdens to increase the economic capacity of households and the competitiveness international business.

Meanwhile FIAT relocation ...

I invite you to the next workshop on the topic.

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