Monday, November 8, 2010

What Is The Highest Triple Beam Balance Is

S 21 - the killing machine of the Khmer Rouge perpetrators and victims

Rithy Panh and Christine Chaumeau

On 17 April 1975 the Khmer Rouge took power in Cambodia.

They impose immediately the forced evacuation from the cities, labor camps, terror, executions ... all accompanied by a massive famine.

Between 1975 and 1979 and then die about two million people as a cambodian four is the victim of executions or deprivation.

S-21, the main " Security Office of the regime of Pol Pot , located in Phnom Penh, a former Tuol Sleng high school in the district, was transformed into reality in the killing center, where thousands of people were tortured and destroyed.

For about three years, Rithy Pahn and his team looked for survivors and their tormentors.

convinced them to meet again at S-21 today Museum of Genocide, to compare the testimony, reliving the memory of gestures and bodies.

Through the courageous and dramatic confrontation between victims and perpetrators that this book testifies and marks, the author tries to understand how the ' Angkar (Organization) has been able to clear the man, to implement its policy of systematic annihilation, management practices such as administrative, bureaucratic, everyday, the mechanism of death machine.

The author, with strong determination and gentle detachment, calls to uncover the terrible recent past because a new combination of memory opens the way for reconciliation and opens up the door, now locked in an acceptable future.
Rithy Pahn (Phnom Penh, 1964) is the cambodian filmmaker known for his courageous effort to bear witness to the genocide, in fact, happened in Cambodia at the hands of the Khmer Rouge.

lost most of the family by the Khmer Rouge captured and interned in a detention camp for "re-educated " in 1979 at the age of fifteen years, managed to escape to Thailand and get to France, where he graduated in Paris at the Institut des Hautes Etudes Cinématographiques.

Christine Chameau, a journalist, has lived for more than three years in Cambodia.

has worked with Phnom Penh Post, Radio France International, the Express and National Geographic.
This book shows us the appalling atrocities committed by the communist Pol Pot, the notorious Khmer Rouge who have distinguished themselves for their ruthlessness and crimes against humanity.

Their work of depersonalization of the individual was the basis for a project of annihilation which envisaged from the beginning the extermination of all those in Cambodia, which exceed the total number of 4 million.

were in fact exterminated two million people, methodically and relentlessly, and many of those have passed on their last journey through S-21, the infamous concentration camp where the executions are continuing at a rapid pace, day after day, after a journey of torture and violence against those who refused to confess any crime attributed to them.

Once again, humanity has had to suffer the consequences of a communist regime, a bloody and aberrant ideology that is identified with a permanent symbiosis between the blood of the victims and the violent power, coercive, hierarchs Marxists.
Before inviting blog readers to read this book-length document, I would like to stress once again that the Italian communism has its origins in the same symbolic and stereotypical characters from which the deportations were developed in Russia, the Cambodian genocide, or extermination of ethnic Tibetans.

is not enough that the P D has metamorphosed the retrospective cultural history from which it derives.

It is not enough now, after almost a century after the birth of Stalinism, the various Dalem or try Napolitano to distance itself with the horrors of communism, and then, subtly, inneggino characters like Togliatti, common criminal who is also stained with the blood of his own companions. It is not enough ...

Even today the Communist intellectuals NOT deny the atrocities that characterized the history of communism, from its birth until today, as NOT try to remedy the intentional misinformation put in place for decades by themselves, in order of mystifying events. Fortunately

There are authors who left us the tetimonianze conclusive of what really happened, as precisely Rithy Pahn.

Others were less fortunate, because on their way to journalists or writers, have suffered a sharp setback and ultimately, by just those communists who can not bear to have been exposed.

An example is in fact from Anna Politkovskaya and the other 35 journalists killed in Russia by Putin's regime of assassins. Why

their sacrifice is not forgotten we have to try to disseminate their writings, books, publications, and act as a sounding board for their meritorious opera a favore della libertà.

Non mi stancherò mai di ringraziare queste persone che coraggiosamente mettono a repentaglio la loro stessa esistenza, e che troppo spesso vengono sacrificate spietatamente.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Funny Opening Lines For Wedding Speeches

di Giancarlo Lehner e Francesco Bigazzi


Questo libro è molto More than just a narrative on the subject that is so much on the stomach to the Communists, not only Italians, namely that the blood of which are imbued with their own leaders in the land of Russia at the time of Stalin, but it is a real own historical research, even accompanied by the minutes of the interrogations of prisoners or deported.
The documents were gathered from collections in the Soviet archives that contained, after the fall of the Berlin Wall were opened temporarily for consultations with scholars and historians.
Giancarlo Lehner and Francesco Bigazzi give us insight into this situation and relationship tra gli emigrati italiani in Russia, il PCd’I e la NKVD moscovita.

Il ruolo di Togliatti , alias Ercole Ercoli , alias “ il Migliore ” è ben delineato, in tutta la sua nefasta drammaticità, così come quello dei suoi collaboratori comunisti italiani.

Il tragico percorso di molti italiani si è sviluppato attraverso un cammino fatto di disillusione, amarezza, arresto, deportazione, e morte, costellato dalla supervisione dei loro stessi compagni di Partito, come Togliatti e Robotti , Who support the continuation up to the total elimination.

For decades the Communist sham has hidden these murders volunteers, these aberrations perpetrated by cowards who still today P D , praising this trash, calls "the best !

Now, a brief summary of what we offer this work entitled apppunto:

" perpetrators and victims "
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In the '20s and '30s Russia was, in the eyes of the Western community, as a sort of Eden, of " Promised Land", a cradle of proletarian socialism in which the Comintern was a beacon that points the way to go.

Many Europeans, Communists, and bound in brotherhood by the same political faith, and then walked towards achieving this path, often clandestinely, the Soviet Union.

Often, anti-fascists declared, along with the political persecution of many Western countries, or politicians leading Communists, including the founders of the same PCd'I , and members of the highest officials of the Party, is moved to Moscow with the whole family to start a new life in the name of Communism and the ideals of equality and justice that has always chased.

Soon, however, once immersed in the Soviet reality, they realized with bitterness that the situation was very different from what they expected it to be.

The living conditions were harsh, as well as those working.
addition, the total non-alignment to Stalinism, many of them identified as Trotskyites or Bordiguists and then as enemies hostile to the Revolution, bourgeois, or spies of foreign governments, condemning them to be investigated, arrested, tortured, killed deportatie.

What is most monstrous is the fact that these communities, including many Italians, have been killed at the hands of the fascist enemy, a relentless enemy, but by the same " companions" have proved themselves the most ruthless enemies .

In Moscow, at that time operated a group of compatriots who were headed to Togliatti, the No. 2 of the Comintern (the organ of international spread of Communism).

It was, in short, a gang of Italians were devout communists, who occupied a 360-degree full-time to monitor, assess, intervene and identify those who were purged, in the name of a revolutionary political radicalism.

The "band" Communist and criminal who is satiated with the blood of his own comrades, now known and written on the pages of history that they themselves have tried to erase and hide.


Palmiro Togliatti , Alias \u200b\u200bErcole Ercoli, aka "the Best", n ° 2 of the Comintern.
Paul Robotti , brother of Togliatti, and guardian of orthodoxy Bolshevik.
Back in Italy in 1947.
Antonio Roasio
Ilio Barontini
Domenico Ciufoli
Aldo Morandi Elena

E 'then to remember the figure of John Parodi who married Clementine, let this be deported to a concentration camp, never to intervene to help her.
Parodi, after 1945 he made his career in CGIL, but never spending a single word to her.

Clementina also contributed to the conviction of cold determination with the testimony of informers and accusatory Elena Montagnana

The headlong rush to the accusation, in fact, this group of "denounce" in the name of a "revolutionary vigilance" plays a role that is identified with an absurd culture of hatred, death, the gallows. It was even the subject

Amadeo Bordiga, who despite being the founder of the Communist Party of Italy with Togliatti and Gramsci, it suffered a humiliating irreverent and taken away.
was accused of attacking the USSR in the Italian newspaper " Prometheus," and this was regarded as a prominent member of the Trotskyite philosophy, and an enemy to fight, for which in 1930 was expelled from the Party he had created.

The Communist leader soon found himself at odds with the same Togliatti, which is why he and his followers were long persecuted, even in the Soviet Union.

considered enemies of the Russian Revolution and made the subject of informers, many of them were proposed by the same Togliatti all'NKVD for the deportation and execution. Today

history, and access to archives, which for years have jealously guarded this secret, he tells us how " the Best" (as the Communists Togliatti still call it) to compile lists of real Italians who settled in Russia, to put a ferocious repression.

There is no documentary evidence showing the complicity of the Communist Party of Italy with the industry of the death of Stalin.

There are witnesses who survived the concentration camps, such as Don Enel Franzoni, who died a few years ago.
sentenced to deportation managed to stay alive and return to Italy, where he ended his career as a chaplain in the parish church of Santa Maria delle Grazie, Via Saffi Bologna.

was decorated during his lifetime, with the medal for valor.

We were able to get news on truth "inconvenient" thanks to unceasing efforts of both scholars and writers such as researchers and historians of the caliber of Marcello Armstrong, Romulus Caccavallo , Elena Dundovich , Francesca Gori, and Emanuela Guercetti .

I want to quote some of the Italian victims innunmerevoli of Togliatti and Robotti, and " band" of our own communists in Russia:

OTHELLO GAGGI , anarchic and not approved to communism, was denounced as trotzista all'NKVD.
Morirà nel 1945 in carcere dopo aver scontato 3 anni di galera e 3 anni di confino in Siberia.

GINO MANTELLI , condannato in Italia per aver ucciso un fascista, espatriò clandestinamente e con l’aiuto del PCd’I e arrivò in Urss nel 1924
Fu poi oggetto delle attenzioni di Robotti che, con l’appoggio di Togliatti , gli fece comminare una pena a 3 anni di confino e 5 anni di gulag.
Le sue precarie condizioni di salute non gli consentivano di svolgere attività lavorative durante la prigionia, e per questo fu accusato di sabotaggio e condannato quindi alla pena capitale nel 1938.

GIOVANNI BELLUSICH , judged by the "gang" as a counterrevolutionary.
sentenced to three years of confinement, five years in the gulag. Shot in 1938.

DANTE CORNELI was a real "hero" of the '900, author of "The revived Tiburtine ", but it is still unknown to many because of the power of the communist machine uninformed.
Dante reminds us, among other things, that the Communist Party of Italy 28/12/1934, through the French press, Belgian, Swiss, etc., denounced as suspicious than 501 ANTIFASCIS TI Italian exiles or fugitives.
The date is important because from that time was recorded the first fatal raid of Italian Communists in the Soviet Union. They were arrested because
Ezio Biondini Merini alias, alias Torre Aldo Corelli, Giuseppe Sensi , Gaggi Othello, Gino Capes, John Bellusich , Rodolfo Bernetich .

EZIO BLONDE alias John Merini, Italy suffered in prison and exile because of his anti-fascist activities, from 1926 to 1930.
In 1931 he fled to France, from where she left for Russia sent to you by the Leninist Party to attend school. He had friendly relations with
Dante Corneli, Department , Bernetich , Calligaris , Gorelli , Sensi, Mantelli, ie those who Paul Robotti called "Trotskyists worthy of being shipped to Siberia .
It was to this supposed "Trotskyism -Bordiguism " who was expelled from the Communist Party of Italy .
Immediately after he was arrested in Russia and repeatedly condemned to hard labor, for a total of 15 years of the sentence.
survived this long period of lager, but then tragic fate mocked. Giancarlo Pajetta
am confident that it was an official visit to Moscow on his ordeal, and this was again sentenced to 25 years in the camps.
was killed by an inmate in an ax

Of all the victims, are performed by the authors of the reports and documents of the interrogations that led to the unfortunate fate of each of them.
. ~ ~ ~
recommend that everyone reading this, but especially those who look at the "hammer and sickle " with a look dreamy and full of meanings, inconsapevolente, identifies such a perfect symbol of freedom and equality.

And 'the truth must be spread widely and openly, to affirm what is now enshrined in history itself: the

COMMUNISM is an absolute evil.

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