Sunday, June 20, 2010

Belly Button Pain After C Section


I have had the good fortune to read the story of Dante Corneli, he same written after surviving 24 years of exile in the camps of the former Soviet Union.
Published by "La Pietra" the book is titled "The revived Tiburtina" and was published in 1977. Corneli
The story that sees the protagonist goes through the years, starting in 1922 in Italy, in Tivoli to continue in Russia.
Dante, in the years after World War I, he became first secretary of the Socialist, Communist and Section then, to arrive finally at the Labour town of Latium.
followed her anti-fascist activities led him to be involved in a gunfight, in which the secretary was killed Local beam.
age of 22, then had to leave Tivoli, running away from home and affections, thus beginning his odyssey.
Having crossed the border illegally reached Switzerland, to head to Vienna, the first leg of the journey that would take him to Russia, which he regarded as the first workers' state in history, a bastion of socialist construction of the free and equal .
After having lived in Austria for a few months, he reached Berlin, where he began his first journey to Petrograd, and finally to Moscow.
The reality that greeted him was that he lived surrounded by the Soviet population, steeped in poverty, misery, and confusion.
immediately found employment in a furniture factory, as a laborer, and shared a bedroom with sleeping with a fellow worker.
The Bolshevik revolution was to deal with a hungry population and an economy to collapse and had to resort to extreme measures, dictatorial, which took the name of "war communism .

applications were upgraded to the police apparatus, military and party, and this led to the violation of those principles of freedom, justice and democracy, which had overthrown the old Tsarist regime.
Already at the end of 1920, in fact, between the same file of the Bolshevik Party rose the voices of dissent Opposition workers, who demanded the restoration of democratic standards.

In 1921 the workers had risen by Kronstad, screaming political and economic demands.
was only then that Lenin launched the NEP (New Economic Policy) boosting free trade, small and medium private industry, and crafts.
In this difficult situation began Dante Corneli's stay in Moscow.

The author describes the variety of situations related to the difficult context and recalls the frequent visits of many italiani, comunisti, emigrati come lui a Mosca.
Insieme partecipavano a celebrazioni politiche, oppure andavano a conoscere Trozkij personalmente, così come usavano entrare e uscire liberamente dalle sedi del Comintern o del Partito comunista bolscevico.
Corneli ebbe l’occasione di poter cambiare lavoro e fu assunto alla cartiera di Dobrush, di cui in precedenza conobbe il Direttore, Galavanov.
La N.E.P. incominciava a dare i suoi frutti, e la situazione era sensibilmente migliorata.
Nacque una nuova borghesia e dei “nuovi commercianti” chiamati nepman che grazie all’uso costante della corruzione dell’apparato burocratico, riuscivano a procurare le necessarie materie prime alle fabbriche, since the baby was socialist Lenin had proved unable to do so.
Corneli then moved to Moscow and got a job at the furniture factory No. 3.

He was able to see firsthand how social inequalities had increased dramatically.
In the socialist paradise, the industrial leaders, officials of party and state, as well as senior officials, artists and writers enjoyed substantial wages and better housing.

in Moscow found his old comrades, and they knew others.
He was then entrusted to the Secretariat of the Group's consolidated political emigrants and with the knowledge to Italian which the Soviet authorities had asseganto senior positions, as Marabini, who headed the Italian Cooperation, or Charles Codevilla, an important member of the Comintern, or Ambrogi and Verdara, made the complaint.
also attended the school policy from October 1924 to June 1925 and had to master these same people that would then separate during the "purges " Stalin, as Krylenko, Zinoviev, Bukharin, Radek, and others.
Later, after the school policy, she married a young communist named Lydia, moved to Rostov, at the disposal of PC dl Committee of the North Caucasus.
came in a factory that produced farm machinery political activism and began to devote himself to the party, becoming a trustee of the factory committees, the President of the Municipality of production, and a member of the Soviet of Rostov.
He could see for themselves how the political mechanisms that governed the social economy company was in breach of workers' control and democratic processes, considered hindrance to the activities of production managers.
The directors of the trust it had powers to enable them to have redundancies, recruitment, appointments, salary increases, disciplinary action, awards, or citations to the courts to those who committed offenses against the production. The institution of
piecework urged workers to exploitation without end, and in 1926 the production limits were raised by 10 percent, resulting in the factory where he worked Corneli a general strike.
Moscow's intervention was immediate. After the harsh rebukes
was suspended by the piece, but only to be replaced by 'socialist emulation , a system that provided for the establishment of teams of Udarniki (workers assault).
Their task was to achieve a high level of production, which would serve as an example and an encouragement to others, and will create the standard by which to define the new piece.
were imposed profiling of operai e del personale tecnico-amministrativo, non solo nella fabbrica di macchine agricole, ma in tutto il Paese.
Fu accantonata la RKI (Ispezione operaia-contadina) istituita da Lenin per combattere i favoritismi, il peculato e gli intrallazzi nella Pubblica Amministrazione.

Con Dante Corneli lavoravano anche altri italiani, come Civalleri, Bocchino, Aldo Gorelli, Carlo Costa, ed Ernesto Blum, che successivamente finiranno poi tutti nei lager.
La sua fase discendente probabilmente iniziò a metà del 1926, quando il Comitato direttivo dell’organizzazione di partito della fabbrica approvò a resolution which, in essence, stated:
" In recent years the working class is losing one after the other achievements of the October Revolution. While the capitalist elements in town and country are being strengthened throughout the bureaucracy is stifling the most elementary rules of democracy . "

With this resolution, at the same time, it was forming the block-trozkista Zinoviev, who joined the factory in only four, including himself Corneli.
was then hampered by the party, which also prevented him from speaking during the meetings, and then ceased all political activity, staying out of the party for two years.

The years 1928 and 1929 saw the peasants to oppose the delivery of state grain storage, and subsequent forced requisitions.
Stalin opened a clearance of debris of the capitalist city and the countryside, collectivization and industrialization.
Many came to be deceived by this policy, including opponents who had fought for these targets, and returned in the party.

Corneli summer of 1929 also made a retraction and got back the party ticket.
was chosen as Deputy Director for the Boards of production, and was elected member of the Soviet Rostov, as well as president of the factory.
was also recruited to carry out operations aimed at hitting local nepman by searches and seizures of any wealth found in their own homes.
also organizes a lot of common production incurred as a result of a new Stalinist collectivization campaign, which asked to be always new collective farms, agricultural cooperatives.
The consequences of collectivization were disastrous, but Stalin insisted on the implementation of the First Five-Year Plan, carried out in four years later, in a period of serious disruption to the Soviet economy.
was elected chairman of the factory, but soon found himself difficulties in carrying out the production according to the rhythms of the plan.
In the middle of 1932 then the inspector came from Moscow, by means of an official name Apparatcikov which almost immediately confronted him, saying quote:
" You can not fool me, I can see that you carry out your duties of Chairman of the factory with the commitment and abilities required. In your own ComnPORT become affected by the nostalgia trozkiste.
However you are advised . "

Corneli after the conversation immediately left the shop and moved back to Moscow after seven years from the last time.
caposettore was appointed to the Policy School of Western peoples, then the School sottocaposettore Leninist.
He was told that the director, the companion Kirsanova, former mamascia school officials at the time of the PC, was aware of his past trozkista, but had not lost his confidence in him.
The Italians with whom he was in contact at that time were John (Foschi), Chiarini, Asti (Happy Plato) Romolini (Luigi Amadesi), Isakov, Mazzi, Roasio Merino (Biondini), Bucciarelli, Furini, Cerquetti.
Some of them were deported and died at the hands of that community to which they were accustomed.

It happened then that the husband of Kirsanova, the historian Jaroslavskij, fell into disgrace, and this persuaded to leave the school Corneli Leninist.
was taken to the Directorate General of hydraulic works and the reclamation of the Commissioner for Agriculture.

will be working with other Italians, including the engineer Amodei, Marcello Castellani, Sartori, Albertelli, Elodia Manservigi, Elena Robotti, Furio Smorti (Ludovico Garaccioni) and Alma Lex.
In 1933 he was informed that the Central Committee had intended to Tashkent, Central Asia, at a peripheral branch of the police.
Corneli knew that since the 1925-1926 fellow deviated opponents or were confined to regions far from the party, and turned to the First Deputy Prime Minister to intervene in its favor because Reingold.
After listening to him, he answered that no one could do anything against a decision of the Central Committee.
Corneli receive then became Minister Yakovlev said that sarcastically that he should feel proud of the confidence dimostratagli by the Central Committee. A
Dante was nothing to do but leave for Tashkent.
On his arrival he found simply appalling living conditions.
The militia removed from the streets, loaded onto trucks, the bodies of the dead from hunger, and you could see people wandering dying for starvation. He returned
in Moscow, but he found himself jobless, and with the threat of being expelled from the party.
met a Florentine friend who gave it in the factory production of ball bearings where he worked, called " Kaganovich.
Shortly after he was elected trustee of the Committee of the factory.
also found here including many Italians from Turin Andersen, War, Picelli, Sarti, Baldi, Sicilians, Vattovaz, Pizzirani, Roveda, Masi, and Large.
After the seventeenth congress of the PC in 1934, in which the Kirov Postyscev Petrovsky and context on the exemption of Stalin, there was a reaction to this attempt to overthrow.
Stalin infatti iniziò una nuova epurazione del partito, caratterizzata da un controllo minuzioso del passato di ogni iscritto e dalla raccolta della relativa documentazione.
All’inizio del 1934 infatti, anche la moglie di Corneli fu convocata dall’NKVD, che le propose di diventare informatrice.
In seguito Dante si accorse che la moglie spesso rovistava tra le sue carte, e l’affrontò dicendole che poteva dire al Commissario tranquillamente ciò che lui faceva.
Successivamente ci fu l’uccisione di Kirov, fatto che decretò l’inizio di uno dei periodi più drammatici della rivoluzione russa.
Iniziarono subito le persecuzioni, e nel giro di pochi mesi nella sola Leningrado furono arrestate 40.000 people. In the factory where he worked
Corneli began with the arrest of a former Communist, followed by the captain Petrov, then by the shift manager Pokunov.
Repression fury with the followers of Trozki and Zinoviev, blamed the killing of Kirov. Corneli
also expected at least to be questioned, and in fact was called by the Control Commission of the local party organization.
was forced to endure a crossfire of questions about his past activity trozkista held ten years earlier.

It was this aspect of his past, his political faith linked to an admission of intent with cultural ideas Trozkiste to make it unpopular with the regime of Stalin.
Di lì a poco infatti iniziò il suo calvario, con la prima condanna a 5 anni di lager, che divennero 10 e mezzo a causa della guerra con la Germania, poi il confino eil secondo arresto, fino ad arrivare ad un totale di 24 anni di deportazione.
Lungo questo percorso, che non voglio descrivere per lasciare al lettore il piacere della scoperta delle nefandezze del “paradiso” comunista, Corneli incontrò numerosi italiani, molti dei quali non sopravvissero alle crudezze di vita imposte dai gulag e morirono, con il beneplacito e la consapevolezza di personaggi politici italiani come Togliatti (n° due del komintern).
Tra gli altri, durante la lettura possiamo identificare Francesco Ghezzi, anarchist Emiliano, Pio Pizzirani, Bologna, Genoa, or the Pear and the Biella Barale, as well as political emigrants Rossi, Federico Nanni and Matteuzzi of Castel San Pietro, and even Alfredo Francesco Mauri and Prato.
I close this review by pointing the finger at the same communist ideology, emphasizing the evil committed against the proletariat and its poorer classes, in a process of continuous and flagrant violation of human rights, inviting those who still professed communist to make an examination objective facts, today, after the opening of Soviet archives and Eastern Europe.
invite the followers of Stalin, Togliatti, Berlinguer and to put themselves in the shoes of the victims sacrificed on the altar of communism has brought only grief and pain, the whole planet.
invite everyone to read Dante Corneli:
" The revived Tiburtine ," Communism and Nazism and to consider themselves as links in a chain of terror and repression.

And to think that in many Italian cities, streets and squares are still called Lenin or Stalingrad.
But you know ... the weeds never die!
~ ~ ~


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