Sunday, October 10, 2010

President George Cb For Sale


is how freedom is trampled upon in communist regimes:

People, here is a list of awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, which, unfortunately, have the misfortune to live in countries where the rule of the communist dictatorship ...

The political vision of these governments is near absolutist, for belonging to the same ideals, to the Communists in Italy takes pride in flaunting a banner that represents the hammer and sickle, even knowing that this flag, its meaning, is gross with the blood of many innocents.

Often this part is ignored by the majority delle persone, ma io non accetto che si continui a nascondere il fatto che il comunismo ha fatto molti più morti innocenti del nazismo, e che ci siano individui in mezzo a noi che osannano il marxismo, che è stata la filosofia da cui ha avuto origine questo mostro orrendo.

Nelle nostre città ci sono strade intitolate a Lenin e a Stalin, i feroci fautori ed esecutori di un comunismo esasperato che ha prodotto cento milioni di morti nel secolo scorso.

Come mai la Coscienza collettiva si ribella al solo sentir nominare Hitler o qualsiasi altro gerarca nazista, mentre invece accoglie con indifferenza i nomi dei criminali comunisti ?

The answer to this question is a subtle political correspondence in which for fifty years the Communists have carried on in our house, made up of lies and manipulation of historical reality.

His main actors, from criminal Togliatti, represented the elite of the Italian Communist Party, and of all political formations, operating a transformer of convenience, are grouped together in a symbiosis of intent Marxist flavor dramatically.

Various Longo, Berlinguer, Napolitano, D'Alema, Fassino are nothing more than the heirs of these tricksters, each other so much that no one has ever denied the past and the origins from which they come.

A past, remember, who tied a double thread the Italian Communists to Stalin, and that often is soaked with the blood of those who were sacrificed in the name of orthodoxy exasperated.

Today, finally, the opening of the archives has been enabled scientists to develop an objective truth of the facts, clearly contrary to the alleged date of occupation by the Communists who have trod the parliamentary benches.

To them it's all my contempt, and to them I say: Look how

is still trampled on freedom in your "communist paradise"!

Call these "human waste" to go to those places and stay there, rather than stay here to poison the air we breathe.

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Returning to the Nobel Prize ... read what is the practice followed by the Communists against them:

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2010 - Liu Xiaobo

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Nobel Peace Prize in 2010 Liu Xiaobo, who is in prison.
Beijing's wrath: "It is an obscenity"
police at his house, summoned the Ambassador of Norway.
(taken from the site "

The Nobel Peace Prize goes to Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo.
thus confirm the predictions of the vigil, despite pressure from Beijing.
Moreover, before the official announcement, the Norwegian committee stated that this would be a "choice to defend."
According to the reasons that led to the decision, Liu represents "the symbol of the campaign for the respect and enforcement of fundamental human rights" in China.

They did not wait for the reaction of Beijing
the police immediately went to the home of Liu, to prevent his wife to make statements to the press and the BBC broadcast of the ad Nobel were discontinued.

Soon after, the coming of the official comment of the government, which speaks of "obscenity."
According to the Foreign Ministry, Liu Xiaobo is a "criminal" who was convicted of 'the Chinese justice. "
The decision, the statement continues, is likely to "harm relations between China and Norway."
In fact, the Norwegian ambassador to Beijing was summoned by the government
" They wanted to put on their opinion, their disagreement and their protest " said a spokesman for the Norwegian Foreign Ministry, noting that the Norwegian government is not responsible for the award of recognition for Liu, established by a committee independent.
U.S. President Barack Obama, Nobel Peace Prize last year, welcomed the choice of Liu Xiaobo and asked the Chinese authorities for his release.

Liu Xiaobo is serving a sentence of eleven years' imprisonment for "inciting subversion."
The intellectual, who had spent long periods in prison, was accused of being one of the promoters of "Charta 08 ", the pro-democracy movement that promulgated a document to this effect was signed by more than 8 000 people, including more than 2,000 Chinese.
Liu was arrested in late 2008 but the sentence imposed on him was on Christmas Day 2009 , probably in the hope of reducing the coverage of Western media.

After a year of detention, December 23, 2009 was held on the process;
25, was sentenced to 11 years in prison and two years' disqualification from public office.
The sentence was upheld on appeal on 11 February 2010.

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China: Liu Xiaobo's wife disappeared, the Nobel Peace Prize 2010
(From "DIES IN)
While the new Nobel laureate for peace is unattainable in a Chinese prison, his wife's cell phone is off and no longer able to contact the woman who sent the last text message to Radio Free Asia last night.

Police have kept the journalists away from the prison where Liu is serving a sentence of 11 years for subversion, his lawyer said that the wife of Liu, who had promised that the police would take her husband to give news del premio, ora sembra scomparsa.

E' possibile che la donna sia mani della polizia.

La polizia cinese spesso costringe i critici politici, i dissidenti religiosi e, talvolta, i loro familiari, a lasciare Pechino rinchiudendoli in residenze di campagna, tenendoli lontani dalla capitale cinese per giorni e settimane.

Le autorità cinesi hanno chiamato Liu un criminale poco dopo l'assegnazionde del premio e il 'Quotidiano del popolo' ha scritto che il premio è "una vetrina arrogante di ideologia occidentale", che non rispetta il popolo cinese.

Il presidente Barack Obama, vincitore lo scorso anno del Nobel per la pace, ha chiesto l'immediato rilascio di Liu. Talvolta la Cina ha scarcerato alcune persone a seguito delle pressioni internazionali.

La moglie del Nobel per la pace 2010 sperava di poter andare in Norvegia per ricevere il premio a posto del marito, se lui non fosse potuto andare.
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Moglie di Liu Xiaobo incontra il marito in carcere.
Presa in custodia dalla polizia la notte seguente al conferimento del premio.
L'avvocato del premio nobel: "non siamo riusciti a metterci in contatto con lei"
(Tratto da ””)

Un gruppo umanitario di Hong Kong said that the wife of Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo, who won the Nobel Peace Prize 2010, would be able to meet her husband in prison.

The following night at the awards with her husband, the woman was taken into custody by police.
Xikui Ding, Liu Xuiaobo lawyer, said:

" We were unable to get in touch with her, we do not know where he is. We are concerned, we believe that the police have taken to lead by Liu .

Liu is serving a sentence of eleven years of prison sentence imposed for subversion.

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also to other dissidents have been forbidden by their governments in the past to go to Norway to receive the award.

1975 - Andrei Sakharov

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Soviet physicist and activist for civil rights, not could receive the award in person.
for demonstrating against the entry of Soviet troops in Afghanistan was arrested in 1980 and was exiled to Gorky, where his wife Elena Bonner has established his only contact with the outside world.
(from the site "
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1983 - Lech Wałęsa

The decision shook the foundations of the USSR, provoking a wave of demonstrations for freedom throughout the Soviet bloc.
The founder of Solidarity could not collect the prize in person, for fear that he be allowed to return home.
His wife made for him and donated money to the headquarters of Solidarity in exile in Brussels.
(from the site "

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1989 - Dalai Lama

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Tenzin Gyatso, the Dalai Tibetan Lama, was awarded for dell'onoreficenza its struggle for liberation of Tibet.
Since 1959 the Dalai Lama lives in exile in India.
(from the site "

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1991 - Aung San Suu Kyi

In 1991, the Burmese activist San Suu Kyi received the Nobel Prize for Peace, and used the money to build a health system and education, in favor of the Burmese people.

The choice did not please the military junta that rules the country, which did not accept international calls for his release.
(from the site "
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