Friday, August 14, 2009

Bath Towels With Cats


We hear often of the so-called "debt", but what is the national debt! As reported in the supplement to the statistical bulletin of Bankitalia public financing, and debt needs' public debt rose to 1.8127 trillion. The government made it known that every Italian citizen has a debt with the state about € 30,000, but you can! Institutions, politicians, trade unions say that taxes can not be reduced that much, can not be tax-free salaries and overtime, because with a debt so the country can afford. Public debt and a real obstacle to any economic recovery. But it is real thing!
Since the early 90's the top priority of our country's fiscal policy has been to reduce the public debt accumulated in the past. For this purpose it is done over the years to counter-deep structure of all major areas of social spending, (from health, social security, from assistance to school) that have reduced strongly the level of social protection for citizens. Also, with a gigantic project of privatization and restructuring, the state has progressively dismantled its presence in the productive sectors. Finally, the programs have been drastically reduced public investment in construction of infrastructure, technology in the modernization of public administration, environmental regeneration of the area, in the development policies of the South. The staff employed by the public administration has undergone a dramatic weight loss. Today, even more than ever, the priority of economic policy remains that of reducing the public debt. But what is this debt!
What is debt?
begin to explain that if there is a debt, there is also a credit. Who are the debtors? And who the creditors? For public debt includes the debt of the state against other persons, individuals, enterprises, banks, or foreign persons, who have signed bonds (such as BOT and CCT) to cover the financial gap state. Year after year, always close the state budget with a deficit, or revenue (mainly tax) always pass the outputs (government spending), the fine is to be realized an untenable situation, the same as that of an individual who routinely spends more than they earn and is therefore forced to borrow a spiral mechanism. The presence of a deficit can be attributed usually to excess spending, which in turn caused by unexpected or extraordinary expenses, such as war or natural disaster, or from excessive spending exceeds income, dictated by specific economic policies in support of demand from policy choices aimed at creating and maintaining the political consensus, the inability or unwillingness to reduce unnecessary costs. For the same reasons, the deficit can then also be attributed to weak fiscal policies, leading to less money in state coffers to the extent necessary to cover the costs of public administration. Take an example. Take a family da padre, madre e due figli. Il capo famiglia ha un lavoro con un reddito di 1.500 euro al mese. L'intera famiglia dovrà vivere ogni mese con i 1.500 euro. Se c'è la fanno, hanno saputo amministrare bene quella somma di denaro, quindi non avranno debito con nessuno, non saranno costretti a chiedere un mutuo alla banca o ad altri soggetti. Se invece la famiglia spende più di 1.500 euro al mese, essi saranno costretti a cercare i soldi mancanti da un'altra parte. Se li dovranno far prestare da qualcuno, (la banca), quindi hanno fatto un debito. Loro saranno debitori della banca, mentre la banca sarà creditrice di quella famiglia. Lo stesso avviene con lo stato italiano. Ogni anno, negli ultimi 40 anni, lo stato ha speso molto più di quello he could earn (income tax), and here to get new money issued (still does) " Bonds . Citizens who make great sacrifices with some money, then deposit them sottoscivendo bonds (BOTs and CCTs). The state with the money covering the hole that you created, but that money of the people, sooner or later the end of the "Title", the state will have to return them, and with interest. Here you created the debt, that money with interest, came to about 1.7504 trillion euro.
At this point I want to make some considerations. Who ruled in the past 40 years, has not been able to do, making bad choices. The most Italian political parties have been eaten in Italy, (see Tangentopoli ). Pultroppo and above all our fault, we were the Italians to put those people in government, with the vote. Even today the people are very ignorant about politics, does not understand anything about politics, not about politics, do not inform policy.
is also true that the state spends more than quadagni with taxes, but how much money should fall into the pockets of the state do not fall for tax evasion. How many Italians still do not pay taxes. The concept of tax avoidance include all those methods to reduce or eliminate the levy tax through the violation of specific tax rules. Typically occurs through sales transactions made without the issue of the invoice or receipt voucher (so-called sales "black"), with a resulting loss in tax declaration and payment of tax. There is also a much more serious variant of evasion, tax fraud, which occurs with sophisticated mechanisms that create an appearance of regularity, beneath which lurks, however, evasion, making it more difficult work of finding that 'financial administration. A typical instrument is the inclusion of tax fraud in the accounts of false invoices to reduce the tax base. There are many tasks in Italy, many professionals, who earn hundreds and thousands of euro per year, and then we say less than half. Pay for all to pay less / pay less to pay them all ricordiamocelo. If the pagassimo all taxes would be less, much less, but there are so many morons who think they are smarter than others, not paying them, putting everything back. There seems right!
money issuance.
return to government debt, but I'm thinking because the Italian state instead of issuing government bonds does not give money! Why instead of printing government bonds does not print money! Why borrow from individuals, companies, foreign countries, banks, when they know they will still have to repay that money with interest. Why not issue banknotes? Would not it be more convenient for the Italian state! No Title of State or no debt. For information
tell you that the Italian state, as all states of the European Communities issue their own currency (I mean money) that is not mettallo paper. The mint state coins coins 1-2-5-10-20-50 cents and € 1-2, while the paper lies with the European Central Bank, the ECB. Why does this happen? Who gains? Have you ever heard of seigniorage. Be very careful now that I explain the biggest fraud in history, the "Banking Seigniorage."


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