Monday, September 20, 2010

No Sew Fleece Tie Scarf

Cave: WHY ' ? PD

On 10 February is the day of remembrance of martyrs Foibe, but I do not want to wait that time, as there should be a time limit for the memory of what happened, we must not only remember the martyrs in the days default.

's why I made this post today, in September, that I dedicate to the brothers died at the hands of communist barbarism, and criminals who then tried to distort history, such as PCI, from Togliatti.

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Section and extrapolated by "Cave" by Gianni Oliva - Mondadori

The Yugoslav strategy, dopo l’occupazione del territorio della Venezia Giulia nel 1944, è stata quella di insediare i comitati popolari di liberazione come organi amministrativi, allo scopo di stabilire forme organizzate di potere riconducibili all’autorità di Belgrado.
L’essere arrivati per primi e l’aver costituito una forma di controllo non erano però, di per sé, condizioni sufficienti a garantire l’annessione della Regione alla nuova Jugoslavia di Tito.

Per vedere riconosciute alla Conferenza di Pace le proprie aspirazioni territoriali, il Maresciallo comunista Tito aveva bisogno di una Venezia Giulia pacificata nel segno della rivoluzione sociale e sotto la bandiera nazionale della Jugoslavia.

Per reach this state of affairs, then it became necessary in order to work radical cleansing of the territory, able to very quickly eliminate all those who were opposed to the new power and that they could organize an internal opposition.

In other words, the purge was to eliminate any voice of dissent, and was directed not only to the fascists as such, but against all who oppose the Yugoslav communists.

were then eliminated opponents, whether they were war criminals or Nazi collaborators, whether they were genuine anti-fascists or communists even sensitive national issue, opposed the annexation.

A meeting of the Central Committee of the Slovenian PC August 28, 1944 sanctioned the following information:

Busy first

Keep prepared all the equipment! Everywhere, as far as possible, Slovenian and Yugoslav flags. With the exception of Trieste, do not allow any other place in Italian events.

Reinforce ' OZNA (special service of Police of the Yugoslav Ministry of Defence, who enjoyed a wide autonomy, and was "linked" directly to the apex of power in Belgrade)

Prepare Trieste staff Qualified: Police

Purge now

And he continued:
In particular, attention should be paid to prevent any anti-fascist Italians constitute the administrative authorities, which could legitimately in the public eye and in front the Anglo-Americans.

A dispatch by Edvard Kardelj (one of the most important collaborators of Tito) of 30 April the leaders of Slovenia gave various indications, including:
... it followed the principle of democracy not to give too much now ... The first to

follow the mandates of the leaders of the PC were the Yugoslav Army and units of IV partisan Slovenian and Croatian.
They make arrests and disarming of all military indiscriminately, whether they were fascist militiamen, police, financial police, or police, and irrespective of the findings of individual responsibility.

The Italian was wearing a uniform in itself a crime that led to the deportation or death.

It is a typical example of the fate of the financiers of the legion of Trieste.

They had never combined to anti-partisan actions, in fact had cooperated with the CLN and end the insurgency, but nonetheless were eliminated by mass.

Having fought against the Germans in last days of war, as in the case of the Civic Guard, was not a merit to the Yugoslavs, but the proof of specific intent for the same forces that had already supported the fascists, to continue to play their role in changing antislava flag.

action against civilians was entrusted to the police of ' OZNA .

Many of those arrested were undertaken in concentration camps in Slovenia, while many others were killed immediately after his arrest.
The director of the bottom of the fascist repression was no longer, since he was the representative of the antagonism of the past, now defeated, but instead pointed to as an "enemy of the people" who che si opponevano all’instaurazione della società socialista, vale a dire alla Jugoslavia di Tito.

Infatti i primi ad essere colpiti furono gli esponenti del Movimento autonomista zanelliano che si erano battuti negli anni 20 contro i fascisti per lo Stato libero di Fiume.
Durante il periodo dell’occupazione tedesca si era mostrato capace di aggregare vasti consensi tra la popolazione cittadina.
Fin dai primi giorni di Maggio perciò alcuni leader storici del Movimento furono trucidati ed altri costretti alla fuga, estirpando così eventuali possibilità di sviluppo a latenti poli di alternativa, rispetto a quelli previsti dal regime titino.

L’” epurazione preventiva ” si abbattè anche sugli esponenti del CLN di Fiume, Gorizia, e di Trieste.

La tristemente famosa “squadra volante” di Trieste formata da otto persone (tra cui Nerino Gobbo, Edoardo Musina, Teodoro Cumar) con base aoperativa a Villa Segre, agiva come banda criminale, e si rese responsabile di almeno 18 infoibamenti, prima di essere fermata dalle stesse autorità di Belgrado (Musina sarà condannato all’ergastolo).

I procedimenti “ epurativi ” erano rapidi :
l’irruzione nelle case sulla base di sospetti o di semplici delazioni anonime, l’arresto e la violenza, spesso the confiscation of valuables, money, furniture, ill relatives, the destruction of the premises, the rapes.

A climate of terror that went beyond the same limits of the Yugoslav political authorities.
raged uncontrolled and arbitrary arrests, especially among the Italians of Gorizia.

The objective of ' OZNA was purely repressive and his men acted in a violent and quick, with the typical arrogance and ferocity of the secret police.

On 23 October 1945, the British ambassador in Belgrade to the Yugoslav authorities forwarded a list of 2,472 names of Italian citizens who went missing, and accused the government of Tito disregard the art. 6 of the agreement signed on June 9, which included the release of "residents in the area to stop and deported."
The answer denied any form of excess, which is not excluded from a just punishment of a limited number of war criminals, fascists and Nazis, which would still have fallen.

The reality however is that the history presented to us: that a specific plan of destruction, all that was directed against Italy and Italian, genocide, ethnic cleansing to remove all traces of Italian.

arrests, deportations, murders, infoibamenti followed one another without any intervening to protect victims unhappy, guilty only of being Italian.

began in 1945 a mass exodus of the Italians, the first from Rijeka and Pula, then by smaller towns, which will continue thereafter until 1956: 300,000 people who fled from the setting of communism.
In a statement to the manager of the PCI occupied Italy addressed to the Yugoslav Central Committee of the PC, it says:
"... Comrade Ercoli (Togliatti) says that we must by all means promote employment for the region by Julian troops of Marshal Tito ... "

E 'Italian Communism to urge cooperation with the Yugoslav army, in the name of unity in the liberation struggle, the Communists are
Giuliani are Italian nationals involved in the new power structures Titoist;
are Communist-inspired posters and articles that praise the victory of the Partisan Belgrade.

that public opinion is usually identified as some of the fiercest persecutors those criminals who have earned the title of "bodyguards", or let loose with red scarves around his neck and pinned the red stars on jackets.

The Communist left, squeezed between the presumptions of responsibility and liability, hounded by the propaganda of the Cold War, and attached to the circles of the exodus, has every interest in supporting the occupation of the territories that interpretation refers to the principles of political justice and the popular fury.

is that the facts of the spring of 1945 thus lose its specific character and end up finding a feared acquittal in the historical dynamics of class struggle.

Also, after Tito's break with Stalin, Yugoslavia was condemned by Moscow as a saboteur and traitor, and accused of favoring Western imperialism (thesis which also aligns the PCI).

At this point begins to look to the West il governo di Belgrado come ad un possibile riferimento.

In questa prospettiva viene meno l’interesse a fare chiarezza sulla sorte di migliaia di cittadini italiani scomparsi.

Le spiegazioni fornite da Belgrado circa il carattere politico e antifascista delle eliminazioni e la generale colpevolezza addossata ai morti diventano una sorta di versione ufficiale accettata dalla diplomazia occidentale, che non ritorna più sull’argomento.

Il “ silenzio storico ” si presenta come la risposta più facile ed immediata :
non parlare di quanto è accaduto nella primavera del 1945 fa comodo anche al PCI che, dopo il trattato di pace di Parigi, rappresenta una apparent contradiction between his position as National Party and its links with Moscow.

On September 15, 1947 comes into force, in fact, the peace treaty, according to the terms established in Paris. The

Gorizia and the rest remain in Friuli Italy, and Trieste (and district) to form the area A of the Free Territory of Trieste (under the administration of the allies until October 26, 1954).

The historical research has not allowed a partial reading of what happened, (despite the guilty silence imposed by the Italian Communists), enabling us to define the meaning of the sinkholes.

The term alludes to the horror of a death shameful in karst chasms and involves a complete reversal of values \u200b\u200band behaviors:
throw the corpses where they lay waste implies the total barbarism of the fight, the retreat of civilization to a stage primitvo, the dark and looming threat of annihilation.

This is mass murder, which does not have to plan numerical comparisons with what happened during the same period in other northern areas liberated from German occupation.

As such, it can not be stored as a unique work of anti-fascist political purge, or traced in simplistic terms the spontaneity of popular fury.

The violent transition of powers between the regimes that had fought for years in a fight then broke out in a total tension that could gain a foothold in the atmosphere of the tumultuous spring of 1945, when the executioner was able to self-legitimizing violence without going through the road of trials and investigations of responsibility.

hunting the enemy, as the Italian master, and fascist, opened, both by those who had fought in partisan Slovenia and Croatia, both by large sectors of the Slav population.

Their goal was both miliatre and political: to combat the enemies of the moment (the German soldiers and fascists of Salò) and potential enemies the future (anti-, Italian and Slavic).

Thus, in those days when near Kocevje, in the heart of Slovenia, opponents were massacred thousands of ethnic Slavs, in Trieste, Gorizia and Istria were death, next to the Italians, many Slovenes and Croats anticommunist.

total control of the territory Julian winds through several leaps of ideological, ethnic, social and power, which interact with each other created space for the inclusion of personal tensions, intolerance of political and criminal acts, which resulted in mass killings and the phenomenon of sinkholes.

Today, after the opening of the archives (though not total) the historical research has been able to reconcile these pages of the past, identify the direct and indirect responsibilities of those who interpreted the role of involvement.

emphasize again, in this respect, the heavy responsibility of Palmiro Togliatti, named "Best " by the Italian Communists. His criminal
role in allowing the Communists to take over the Slavic territories Giuliani is no less heavy responsibilities found on the victims of Stalin which he himself has endorsed the fate. Today the Italian left

cry every year the anniversary of his death, he celebrates his person as a great statesman and Communist values.

In fact, the biggest thing now is historically documented is his great cowardice, and his criminal activities in the pay of Stalin, as the number two member of the Comintern.

The "companions" of P D , heirs of a PDS, which in turn derives from the oak, in a metamorphosis that draws directly from the origins PCI of Togliatti, would do well to be ashamed and to deny companion Ercoli (Togliatti another nickname), because otherwise, the moral responsibility of all those dead infoibati also would fall on them. The dead

foibe have no less right to a remembrance and a historical truth than the Holocaust, although it seems that the left tends to the contrary.
The truth that for many years the Italian Communists have tried to hide like a huge boulder weighing on them, but nevertheless continue undeterred to celebrate the murderess Togliatti.

History and the Italians demand an account of what ...
The ambiguous figures of many Italian politicians communists and their atrocities, are now consegante to posterity by historians and scholars distinguished above any suspicion, and grows ever more awareness among the communities themselves have praised a cruel animal, which is often fed by the blood of his own children ...

Therefore, communism is doomed to disappear as the Nazis ... it's just a matter of time!


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