Sunday, August 22, 2010

Plus Size Clothing In The Walden Galleria


I want to highlight the fact that the Italian Communists, including those through shameful phase polymorphism are given the name of "democracy", yet take very seriously the real criminals, enemies of humanity, to which they relate with respect and admiration.

I refer in particular to Palmiro Togliatti known criminal and murderess of her own peers, number two of the Comintern, second only to Stalin, which was servile performer.

Despite the fact that this disgusting character, who embodies the most sinister Communism, are ascribed heavy responsibility in terms of human life, appears, and confirmed by world-renowned scholars and historians, the Italian people pidiessini celebrate the anniversaries of his death.

They can then, comrades, to hide their true nature, which is that of a chameleon stereotype bathed in the blood of innocent victims, and once a year and then hail the executioner, who even called "the Best .
Here below is an excerpt from an article that is symptomatic of the years when Togliatti was rife, wagging his tail behind Stalin, the greatest criminal in history.

Equation: PCI Togliatti = = = = blood Stalin P D expresses the rawness of an anachronistic system of power upon which we should all reflect, to prevent our children and grandchildren to reoccur them model as the infamous already experienced.

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TOGLIATTI PCI and the crimes of the Soviet Union.
The common myth, the god voracious, has run well nourished with the blood of his followers , including not a few Italians who emigrated to the Soviet Union to escape fascism.
These were then purged, and Italy no one lifted a finger to prevent it.

E 'historically proven that indeed, Togliatti, as No. 2 of the Comintern, they endorse execution.
But to this day it was decided to preserve the legend Togliatti and the myth of the "Best ", as this criminal is still defined today by the Communists, who have celebrated the anniversary of the death yesterday, August 21 2010.

Let's do some 'clarity on what happened in the Soviet Union during the period when Togliatti was second only to Stalin in the guide Comintern, the body for the international spread of communism: It should be noted that
the death sentences of anti-Fascists were far more numerous in the Soviet Union under Stalin than in Italy under Mussolini.
Only between 1935 and 1939 - during the "Great Terror " - there are 110 Italians were shot immediately after his arrest following a summary trial. He looked
Overall, the 1020 anti-Fascist persecution of the community of Italian exiles.

searches are continuing by the Memorial Research Centre in Moscow and its subsidiaries in the territory of the former Soviet Union with new discoveries like the case of the 550 Italians who lived far from the capital, now with Russian citizenship, and in 1942 were deported to Kazakhstan in the North as originating in a country that was at war with the USSR:
Soviet citizens, but foreigners, even from internal enemies.

this situation and the reconstruction of individual stories, Giancarlo Lehner, the collapse of the Soviet Union, has devoted several books and research, together with Francesco Bigazzi from " Dialogues of terror" (Ponte alle Thank you, Florence, 1991) to "The tragedy of the Italian Communists " (Mondadori, Milan 1999).
Now with " perpetrators and victims. The crimes of the Communist Party in the Soviet Union "(Mondadori, Milano 2006, pp.436) Lehner track a comprehensive framework using new unpublished documents that relate in particular interrogation of indicted:
a museum of horrors where we see communists accused of being fascists and counter-agents;
first complain and then are forced to sign the minutes in which the facts admit absolutely false and absurd.
But Lehner arises primarily a historical question:
where it is, and what is the solution of continuity with this past?
is essentially the question about the showdown with communism in Italy.
To what extent can you separate the PCI from Togliatti ?
And again, you can split the
Togliatti secretary of the Communist Party in dopoguerra dal Togliatti-Ercoli , dirigente del Komintern negli anni Trenta ?
Si può scindere il Togliatti italiano ” a sua volta in due :
il Togliatti sotto Stalin dal Togliatti dopo Stalin ?

Il “ partito nuovo ” costituito da Togliatti nel dopoguerra ha i suoi dirigenti e “ quadri ” nazionali e locali che sono iscritti al partito dagli anni Trenta, e vede al suo vertice numerosi dirigenti direttamente coinvolti in quei fatti :
una “ storia segreta "whose guardians were defined by the young - remember Fabrizio Onofri (Communist leader) -" those who knew .

fact on this question - the persecution and massacre of anti-fascists - the complaints were not lacking on the part of anti-non-communist, but in Italy the "rubber wall " prepared by the PCI has inexorably right along decades:
until the dissolution of the Communist Party this topic was considered an invention, a provocation and not an exaggeration, of anti-hatched with intent to sabotage. Yet
The first complaints date back to the very beginning of the "Great Terror " Stalin, Togliatti which was immediately effective and zealous.

early as December 1934, shortly after the mysterious killing of Sergei Kirov Mironovic , the secretary of the CPSU Leningrad, when Stalin ordered the mass purges of the Communist Party on disposition of Togliatti ten immediately expels migrants exposing them to the Soviet police, and draw up a list of 501 names that spread abroad by highlighting them as spies and provocateurs.
Cleanup also include other community of exiled foreign ;
including the best known case in Europe is to Victor Serge, best known in Paris in what until then had been the translator's "official" works of Lenin in French.

In June 1935 , the " International Congress of Writers for the Defence of Culture ," one of the most famous anti-fascist unity initiatives promoted by the propaganda of the Comintern , Willy Münzenberg, explodes the case of 'anti-Fascism in Moscow persecuted. In his speech

Gaetano Salvemini denounces the arrest Serge of uniting Stalin to Hitler :
" I do not feel right to protest against the Gestapo and Ovra - he says - if I tried to forget that there is a Soviet political police.
In Germany there are concentration camps, in Italy there are islands used as places of punishment, and in Soviet Russia is Siberia.
is in Russia that is Victor Serge
prisoner. " The intervention of

Salvemini shakes the audience, scuffles broke out with the communists who attack the anti-Fascists who applaud.
André Malraux , which is the actual president, to calm the community, said that the forum would not allow that we are talking about Serge . But
Carlo Rosselli public intervention in the number of Salvemini of Justice and Freedom June 28 and spread so that a protest embarrasses intellectuals like André Gide (who chaired the session of with André Malraux ) working alongside the communists.
Gide is therefore forced to travel to the Soviet Embassy to inquire about the fate of Serge .
The constellation of "anti-fascist committees unit" was so shock that Stalin decided to close the case Serge expelling the Soviet Union (it will go to Belgium for France and Britain refused to accept it). So it was just
Victor Serge that the fall of fascism, when Togliatti becomes justice minister in the government Bonomi, send an "open letter " Keeper of the Communist writing:

" Minister that it is the anti-Fascist Italian refugees in the USSR from the time when the Russian Revolution generously offered asylum to the persecuted around the world ? .
In particular
Serge asks about Luigi Calligaris .
Calligaris was just the list of Togliatti in 1934.
arrested and deported, he disappeared into thin air.
the last minutes of interrogation carried out the January 8, 1935 appealed to Togliatti- Ercoli.

Togliatti within the party so liquid Serge when someone asks for an explanation:
" A Belgian Trotskyist provocateur who owes his life to the press campaign for its bourgeois liberation from Lubianka incited by Gaetano Salvemini . "

To evaluate these first steps of Togliatti " Italian "should be remembered that on this occasion he released the text of article published in the Italian he wrote his in 1936, in justification of the processes of the thirties, characterized by rain confessions of the accused before the Court in Moscow.
" None - are the words again at the new Ministry of Justice - can doubt the authenticity of facts confirmed by a proof that has always been considered, since there is a justice in the world and the courts as conclusive and irrefutable: the confession of the accused. "
Title of publication:
" The Plot Against the Russian Revolution "(published by Ear). The PCI
after the war, in Unity Anti-Fascist, he played easier than in Paris in 1935, thereby lowering the curtain on the case of anti-Fascist persecution of immigrants in the Soviet Union. A

to echo Togliatti on the goodness of the Moscow trials it is Joseph E. Davies, in 1936-1938, had followed them in person as an "observer" of Franklin D. Roosevelt as ambassador American in Moscow.
In 1945 it was published in Rome on his memoirs - "Mission to Moscow " (De Luigi Donatello, Rome) - in which reassures the West on the Soviet nomenklatura (' leaders of the Soviet Union have convictions sincere and honest intentions ), on the due process of law and the guilt of the accused. Commenting on the process
Radek of 1937 Davies writes:
" Assume that the whole process was a stunt would be to admit the existence of a creative genius as great as Shakespeare and the ability to direct a Belasco. The
historical background and current circumstances also give some credibility to the deposition
. "
To Davies' reasoning " Radek in confessing his criminal activities are perfectly logical. "
" addition " - Judgement of the Trustee Roosevelt - " details come to light have really confirmed the allegations and the conduct of the accused had its weight in my opinion. "

And still on trial in 1938 against Bukharin the Roosevelt endorses the version given to him by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Litvinov :
" Evidently, all defendants are guilty because if they were they would not have confessed to have committed crimes who can be punishable by the death penalty . "
" The other diplomats present at the trial - adds Davies - have become convinced of the existence of a vast conspiracy . "
Moreover, the Soviet diplomat in Italy at the beginning of '44 was in fact the former prosecutor of those processes, Andrei Vyshinsky , appointed by Stalin deputy foreign minister.
the war has always denied the existence of persecution and imprisonment of innocent people, and therefore the fate of the exiled anti-Fascist Italy in the USSR has not devoted any attention except by very narrow circle of anti-anti- . The position
cover PCI did not change substantially even after the death of Stalin , when they began to be freed even the Italian prisoners.
Many of their pension for reasons of safeguarding the assistance they received from the USSR were silent, but also hard was the fate of those who dared to challenge the Communist Party wanted to silence.

Illuminating is the case of the priest Don Pietro Leoni , who had spent ten years of hard labor in the USSR.
returned to Italy in 1955, tries in vain to attract attention. The PCI
reacts orchestrating a campaign of press reports that the true Pedro died in 1948, and the priest was an impostor who has received two million pounds from Pius XII to make anti-communist propaganda.
Don Pietro - as recalled Lehner - is therefore compelled to emigrate to Canada, where he died in 1995. Even
subsequent complaints have always been neutralized. In

1964 Renato Mieli – che dopo le leggi razziali era emigrato e aveva aderito al Pci , rientrato in Italia aveva fondato l’ Ansa ed era poi stato direttore dell’ Unità e responsabile esteri del Pci , da cui era uscito dopo i fatti di Ungheria nel 1957 – pubblica “ Togliatti 1937 ”, un corposo e documentato saggio storico in cui parla in modo organico delle persecuzioni e delle responsabilità di Togliatti .
La Rizzoli per cautelarsi si premura di dare in anteprima a Togliatti il testo attraverso Davide Lajolo .

Sia Lajolo Massimo Caprara is memory converge in their books to remember as the secretary of the Communist Party in private do not challenge the truth of the allegations of the Miel, reaching even to admit that his place Antonio Gramsci would have behaved differently but as an excuse Togliatti invoked the fear of being killed in turn.

A hypocrite exaggeration rather than the active role it played in that context.

The same wife Luigi Longo, Teresa Noce , stressed the primacy of conformist Togliatti in Moscow at that time compared to other communist leaders foreign
" Even the Germans, even Ulbricht and Pieck took care of their missing comrades. Togliatti but the . "How many mitigating
Togliatti invoke to justify their own personal behavior, the fact remains that the PCI systematically hidden his past, erase tracks, you invent a story of light and saving the party and demonize those who say the truth .
With broader understanding. The Rizzoli
fact, when Togliatti few months later he died from Yalta, he refuses to continue to publish the book Mieli despite the success and the second edition is already exhausted :
already printed the third edition is no longer being distributed and if it decides to destroy (unless an amount delivered at the home of the author). Also in 1964

Guelph Zechariah, who was expelled in 1951 by PCI for titismo will be branded a "dog-Zaccaria spy" for arguing - at a meeting of the " Italian Committee for the truth about the crimes of Stalinism "(involving, among others, along with Renato Mieli also Ignazio Silone , Joseph F Ravelli, Giulio Seniga , Antonio Landolfi, Carlo Ripa di Meana and Pier Carlo Masini ) - which were two hundred (about six hundred emigrants between 1928 and 1932) the Italian Communists killed under Stalin .

It was not until the fall of ' USSR and the dissolution of the Communist Party because finally - after thirty years - also a former journalist of' Unit, Romolo Caccavale (which at the instigation of ' former secretary of the Communist Party , Alessandro Natta, has conducted research on the Italians disappeared) claimed that he was right Zaccaria :
" are around two hundred ... estimate of the number of Italian anti-fascists in the USSR affected by the Stalinist terror of the thirties "(" Italian Communists in the Soviet Union, Murcia, Milan, 1995). An admission

troubled, the first glimmer of truth - in a common area and pro-Communist - was recorded only by Paul Spriano in 1970 when he admitted that the Italians came to the victims of the Soviets' 104 people between fallen and missing "adding that the finding on this issue, unfortunately, the archive of the Communist Party is" dumb .

The " glass ceiling" has lasted a long time until the nineties in the dominant historiographical landscape.
The question in fact directly affects the figure of Togliatti.
is significant that the thesis of the absolute strangeness of Togliatti was urgently supported in 1982 by Aldo Agosti in a large essay on the PCI in Moscow in the thirties, published by Feltrinelli Annals , and then reaffirmed by Agosti even after the opening of Soviet archives in the biography dedicated to the leader of the Communist Party published by Utet in 1995.

In Italia è prevalsa la linea di sostenere l’estraneità di Togliatti o addirittura che sarebbe intervenuto a tutela di alcuni, proseguendo sulla linea difensiva che egli si era inventata.

Infatti quando nel corso della campagna elettorale del 1963 l’argomento venne sollevato dal giornalista socialdemocratico nel corso della sua conferenza-stampa televisiva del 22 febbraio, il segretario del Pci aveva replicato :
« Quanto al fatto che ci siano stati degli operai, dei compagni nostri che sono stati perseguitati nell’Unione Sovietica, è verissimo che vi furono simili casi.
Noi, quando lo abbiamo saputo, siamo intervenuti ed abbiamo ottenuto the necessary satisfaction
. "

Yet in recent years has in fact continued this attempt to conceal the direct responsibility of Togliatti in those proceedings as appears, for example, from the book published in 2001 by Einaudi Didi Gnocchi," Odyssey on the story of Red Edmondo Peluso, one of the founders of the Communist Party executed in 1942, which "serves " Togliatti citing a letter in a very formal Togliatti through the Comintern, requested information on the trial Peluso.

Miriam Mafai all’epoca (giugno 2001) ne prese spunto per sostenere su “ la Repubblica ” la tesi di un ruolo umanitario svolto da Togliatti a Mosca.
Una tesi assolutamente falsa e già smentita quasi trent’anni prima da Giorgio Bocca che nella sua biografia dedicata nel 1973 al leader del Pci aveva ricostruito l’episodio raccontando di come Togliatti , quando gli portarono un appello di Peluso , « lo strappasse in pezzi minutissimi e si dimenticasse poi di lui ».

Lehner ha addirittura redatto un “ Dossier Peluso ” in cui reconstructs in detail the story by showing how Togliatti, first to the repeated requests Peluso to hear him as a witness in his defense, he feared to involve maneuvers, and then, through the Comintern , it has accelerated the removal.
In fact even Spriano Paul said that " and does not appear that the [Togliatti, ed] both spoke in favor of a prisoner, a investigated, already in the hands of the NKVD. "

After the opening of Soviet archives, Elena Dundovich in his research among Moscow Togliatti on the sources for the years '36-'38 (in "Between exile and punishment" of 1998, published by Carocci, and "Italians in the camps of Stalin " made Francesca Gori and published by Laterza) found that "not infrequently lead his signature documents found in the archives of the Comintern that deal with the delicate issue of Italian immigrants deemed suspicious by officials of the Third International Italians and Russians, why then investigated and arrested by the NKVD . "

" In first person - continues Dundovich - Togliatti for example, allowing that some of these, and not just random people whose fate was less certain and which is much more grave suspicion, were sent to the Italian Embassy to request the necessary documents for possible expatriation, knowing fully the consequences he could have in the political climate of those years, the slightest contact with the diplomatic fascist. [...]
All these documents prove unequivocally as he was informed of each stage of the tragedy that was hitting the Italian anti-fascists in the USSR and how that tragedy, though not continuously, he took part . »

Lehner enumera i vari documenti che riguardano i procedimenti giudiziari e gli elenchi con relative condanne vistati personalmente da Togliatti , con scritta di suo pugno Soglasen Sono d’accordo »).

Sul piano storico certamente vi sono state evoluzioni, contraddizioni e novità nel Pci e nel suo leader, ma è difficile contestare la sostanziale continuità tra il Togliatti italiano ” e il Togliatti sovietico ” in questa tragica vicenda.
Basti pensare al fatto che nell’ultimo anno di vita, ancora nell’aprile del 1963, il Togliatti italiano ” scriveva al segretario del Pc cecoslovacco, Antonin Novotny , chiedendogli di differire a dopo le elezioni politiche italiane la riabilitazione di Slansky e degli altri dirigenti comunisti impiccati nel 1952 :
« La riabilitazione di Slansky, venendo pochi giorni prima delle elezioni, darebbe luogo a una campagna forsennata contro di noi.
Tutti i temi più stupidi e provocatori dell’anticomunismo verrebbero al centro dell’attenzione pubblica, spostandola dai problemi reali del nostro paese
. »

Ancora nel ’58 non aveva fatto mancare la sua voce per approvare l’impiccagione di Nagy e proprio nello stesso anno aveva dichiarato :
« La destalinizzazione è una di quelle parole che servono per erudire i fessi.
Cioè a creare nozioni cui non corrisponde nulla di reale.

La questione storica posta dal libro di Lehner sulla mancanza di soluzione di continuità prospetta quindi una soluzione antropologica.
E’ cioè un fatto antropologico in quanto – ed è questa l’importanza della ricostruzione di Lehner – vediamo casi in cui sfuma il confine e manca appunto una soluzione di continuità in the same person between executioner and victim. We see that the Communists
live encapsulated in a "human condition" dominated by the Party, Class and History, the good of the cause, the danger of the enemy.

The story of the first co-responsibility, and concealment of these facts and the continuing substantial apology Togliatti (which is the common thread of recent autobiographies of the communist personality very different as Giorgio Napolitano, Pietro Ingrao and Rossana Rossanda ) then takes us back to the origins of the common faith:
reading class in the history of the twentieth century, the theory of the superiority - despite mistakes and flaws - of the Communist Party and Togliatti than their opponents, the primacy of social justice on freedom " bourgeois."

For communists and freedom can wait for this Carlo Rosselli was instead named his movement " Justice and Freedom."

Lehner's book brings us to the conclusion of the historian Richard Pipes :

" Communism was not a good idea that has had a bad outcome;
was a bad idea. "
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