Sunday, April 11, 2010

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" The remedy, which was invented by Lenin and Trochij, the general suppression of democracy is worse than the disease that was supposed to cure ."

This quote from Rosa Luxemburg appears in the introduction of a work literature that is very clearly and objectively what was the Soviet concentration camp universe, on a historiographical writing incontrovertible extrapolating data derived from documents and testimony.
Reading requires attention and commitment, not only for the body of the book, which consists of no less than 780 pages, but also because each paragraph is indicative of historical essences, di estrapolazioni crude e agghiaccianti nelle loro semplici verità, e di analisi eviscerate metodicamente da un intriso di piccoli e grandi particolari.

Mi riferisco a : Il grande Terrore, scritto da Robert Conquest, uno dei più autorevoli studiosi del periodo staliniano e più in generale della storia politica dell’Unione Sovietica.
Dopo la caduta del muro di Berlino, Conquest potè accedere agli archivi degli ex segreti sovietici, e consultare files fino a quel momento top secret.
La concatenazione dei ragionamenti analitici è fluida e avvincente e permette di estrinsecare sintesi soggettivamente caratterizzate da una trasposizione assimilabile in chiave oggettiva, grazie ad una prerogativa development issues universalized and historically objective.

Conquest has made a huge work, giving us unparalleled work, never done before by any other author, or at least not with these characteristics.
The systematic study leaves no room for conjecture, but based on book of data, giving us a vision incontrovertible and fully reliable than considered.
From these assumptions reveals a very important work that stands as a milestone in the deepening of historical periods, the Stalinist Soviet Union, more controversial and less well known.
Now we can finally identify the perpetrators of the genocide of entire ethnic groups, seeing them emerge as key figures in the dense band of followers of the cult of personality of Stalin.
Each award is canonized by the myriad pieces that, together, form a giant puzzle, made up of horror and millions of deaths.

The blood of the victims is the common element that transcends any political consideration or by any logic, which ranks as symptomatic horrible feature of a power system that for years has trampled and crushed whole generations of people, wide ethnic, social, political, religious, or even opportunities for quotas.
I have exceeded the limits of the extermination Soviet borders, registering a growth to 360 degrees every corner of the planet and leaving indelible marks of its passage.

clear that since the October Revolution of 1917 the idea of \u200b\u200bthe uprising was not extended at the "popular", but almost exclusive prerogative of a limited number of Red Guards and a larger group of soldiers Bolshevization.

From the reports of the Bolshevik Central Committee in fact shows that the masses seemed shocked to receive constant appeals to a revolution.

In fact, the conquest of power was, in fact, an almost purely military, while in the civil war that followed, a few thousand "friends" determined and aware of the perspective of their total annihilation in case of failure, they imposed on Russia.
After the conquest of power was necessary to consolidate a system of circumstances that would promote stability.
Lenin then tried to establish a system of impact of industrialization, with success, and achieving success in the economic field.

But it was a result of short-lived, effect of non-harmonic organization, being required to run as a superhuman effort for maximum efficiency, spurred by myth and coercion, rather than rationality and cooperation.
was applied to the "piece" in accordance with the rules, a tool to exploit the workers, for decades to come. It
applied imprisonment for violations of labor discipline.
was issued a decree prohibiting the free movement of workers, and another prohibiting the factories to hire people who had left their previous job without permission.
was abolished on the dole.
were also announced punitive measures against negligence in work followed by a decree that the workers believed responsible for damage to tools and materials.

The notorious period of "terrorism" finds its origins in starting conditions since 1922, when Lenin, survived a stroke, began to meditate on the defects appeared in the revolution accomplished by himself.

Previously, in March 1921, at the Xth Congress of the Party, had remarked:
" We are not able to convince the masses! "

He had felt obliged to excuse the poor quality of many Party members saying
" No deep popular movement throughout history has occurred without its share of filth, not adventurers and rogues, without evidence boastful and turbulent ...
A ruling party inevitably attracts careerists
. "

He had already noted the prevalence of grudges and bitterness Personal committees responsible to purge the Party.
After recovering from that first attack in December uore, observed:
"We live in a sea of \u200b\u200blawlessness", "lacking the common core of general education."
autumn, Lenin criticized the neglect and parasitism.

In his "political testament" Lenin criticized Stalin in 1921, it was clear that yes, after Trotsky, the most able leaders of the Central Committee, but had also concentrated, however, an enormous power in their hands.

Stalin embarked on a very strong belief in the project of agricultural collectivization, the peasants demanding increasing amounts of wheat, depriving them of even that needed for the next planting, and thus causing a terrible famine, between 1932 and 1933.

mortality followed all'holomodor, whose name is mentioned the famine in Ukraine, and the Terror was not less than 6 or 7 million of individuals, while the death toll among the peasants in the whole period from 1930 to 1933 is estimated at about 10 million people.

There is little doubt that the main purpose of Stalin was to destroy the peasantry, exterminating all the inhabitants of Ukraine.

The book then unfolds through unexplored paths, where you can admire the pieces di un gigantesco puzzle che raffigura il grande tragico spettacolo messo in scena da Stalin e dalla sua congraga di pazzi criminali sanguinari.
Si tratta dei vari processi farsa con cui Stalin fece deportare e uccidere milioni di persone, iniziando dai suoi stessi collaboratori, come Kirov,Zinov’ev, ed Enukidze all’inizio, e Bucharin, Pjatakov, Jagoda poi.

Un capitolo interessante e rivelatore è senza dubbio quello che tratta della purga che colpì anche chi si trovava all’estero, per primo Trockij, ucciso da un sicario di Stalin attraverso il lungo braccio del Comintern (di cui Togliatti era il N° 2).

Il ruolo dell’italiano than at home was called "the best" takes on the precise conntotati gloomy and repulsive.

The book, which should be tasted at times, digested and absorbed slowly, it should be reread with a different spirit from that which we approach the first time.
The amount of data and reach of stunning revelations and leads to a voracious reading of thrust in order to engulf the incredible historical statements.
The second time, knowing the content and content with the knowledge that nothing is hidden, you can enjoy a radical and beneficial interplay between the lines written in the chapters of the book and our mental recesses eager for knowledge.
recommend reading even in schools, along with historical books on contemporary history.
Congratulations to Robert Conquest, and thanks!

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