Saturday, October 24, 2009

Does Cervical Mucus Come From The Overies

Un bel film: Generazione 1000 Euro

As in the movie your whole life ahead, which I have already 'spoken first, but definitely not up to it, this film by Massimo Venier' a realistic, if we are a bit 'stereotype, my generation of Italians.

Generation Euro 1000, based on the book Antonio Incorvaia and Alessandro Rimassa, and 'the story of Matthew, 30, bright graduate with Masters and Ph.D. in mathematics, surviving on € 1000 per month and a precarious contract in a company 'marketing.

Why 'and I' like it? Obviously because it 's the story del percorso che avrei potuto percorrere io se le porte della Finlandia non si fossero aperte, e spesso mi capita di chiedermi cosa farei e dove sarei se fossi rimasto in Italia.

Incentrato intorno ad un gruppo di amici (se non di piu') che condividono un appartamento fatiscente (e devono pagare loro i danni strutturali, ma non e' il padrone di casa a doverlo fare?) e intorno ai problemi di ogni giorno che chi vive in quelle condizioni deve affrontare, il film si dipana veloce fino all'inevitabile bivio finale, in cui Matteo deve scegliere se accettare un super lavoro a Barcellona o rimanere a vivere la solita vita da precario.

Del film mi e' rimasta impressa questa frase di Matteo:
Questa e' l'unica epoca della storia where children are worse than fathers
do not know how true it is, but not sure Matthew had a point

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Suggest Names For Cultural Fest

The best browser in your pocket - Il miglior browser che potreste mai mettervi in tasca

Needless to say, This Was posted from N900 using the ITS browser straight away and not a dedicated application.

Needless to say, this post and 'been done by the browser directly using an N900, not a dedicated application.

Does Indomie Cause Cancer

Nokia N900 interaction videos - Come usare l'N900 al massimo

Hi all,

the N900 is a device full of surprises and you'll never stop finding new features. There's now a YouTube channel created by the team has designed ITS UI That, That shows you all the features. Enjoy it! Once
this demanding baby (N900 you are creating nice but you take lots of my time!) will leave me space, I'll post a list of tips and tricks to help you use the device at its best.

Nokia N900 UI team youtube channel.


the N900 and 'a device full of surprises and never end up discovering new ones. The team that created the specifications for the user interface (yuck translation, sounds much better UI design team) made some videos that allow you to discover the characteristics of the device, and there are often surprises when you least expect it, then watch!
When I have 'a bit' more 'time (yes, the N900 and' a great toy, but its development porta via gran parte del mio tempo) vi svelero' un po' di trucchetti che vi faranno godere di questo device ancora di piu', quindi state sintonizzati sul mio blog!

Canale youtube del Nokia N900 UI design team .