Friday, June 12, 2009

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FC Ysinolla - FC Italialaiset 4-1

A bad FC Italialaiset takes leave from the tournament before the summer break with a defeat against third-placed the ysinolla (novezero). The Italialaiset you have a team with very altered, with only 8 elements against the avveersari really well organized and they deserve the third place.

Porter on duty Simonato, absences and heavy as you Jouni 'was heard in defense, midfield and Savior, that in fact today is not' was not well connected with the attack. Dario and 'still absent. A team very listless today, many errors, softness on your legs, little aggression ', and' a miracle as the first time both finished 0-0. To report a post

opponents, a pair of saves to Garella of Simon and a stunning counter-attack failed by Simon (guest Magnifiga the seventh) that failed a goal that could break the deadlock.

The second time we see the chapter with a pair of goals in the scrum, lineout and a straight up surprising Simoni to make butterflies and easy header into an empty net for 3-0. Then he wakes up Luke, who first insulted the referee, that the grace, with a referee, if you do not want to stay here, you can go home "that resembles the mythical" old referee Go home "that cost 'to AleBon two-match ban last year. Then Luke sent off for a foul by the goalkeeper last man (!) in football at 7, and finally scored in the best period of the Italialaiset 3 - 1.

A lightning counter-attack down the result on 4-1. Bel goals, trade and fast ball in the goal. Hats off, and were also in 6.

Now the next in July, soon the friendly fratricide with the Lombard

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Does Goiter Affect The

Par condicio

I complain is dell'Helsingin Sanomat, but I must point out now for a level playing field of the NOTITIONS Courier this morning.

The summer comes and you do not know how to fill the pages?:)

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Che schifo che schifo che schifo!!!!

After 'Pardon, decriminalization of the various crimes and immunity ', now this .

VenghIno lords delinquents venghIno ...

And to think that we were once the land of Raphael and Michelangelo, Galileo and Leonardo and the Vikings were barbarians compared to our ...

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Hooligans in Finlandia

Football in Finland 'to imagine something as antithetical (I speak as well) as opposed to what' is happening elsewhere, for example in Italy. I live in as referee in this sport, and I can say that there is no 'comparison. Just think that once a player sent off and I 'even come to thank me and no, it was ironic. I never asked if he was in a hurry to go anywhere else but '. Even

boring at times) but it 's so it should be. A show for families, great to see mothers with young children cheer for the father who plays in the field, going to the kiosk is always open to the sidelines to buy or makkara pulla and coffee 'in the plastic cup (all regularly offered' referee and promptly refused because 'is not esttamente indicated during the interval).

All this to indicate that I was quite surprised when I read the news of clashes between Russian and Finnish fans on Yle this morning, yesterday it was played Finland - Russia World Cup qualifiers in 2010. Of course, the communities 'Russia is the' large minority here in Finland, and a large influx of Russian fans era preventivabile. Ma gli scontri un po' meno.

Ancor meno preventivabile che la notizia fosse ripresa dal Corriere , che da' persino una spiegazione politica agli scontri, che non sono riuscito a trovare nei media finlandesi. Non che l'abbia cercata molto pero'... La Finlandia e' stata in passato dominata dalla Russia, con cui e' stata in guerra nello scorso secolo, e tuttora c'e' una diffusa russofobia nel paese, e un velato e malcelato timore che il gigante che dorme possa svegliarsi e decidere di riattaccare la Finlandia.

La discussione se la Finlandia debba unirsi o no alla Nato e' uno dei temi piu' caldi di politica estera qui, e io francamente non capisco che cosa aspettino a finlandesi ad unirsi se hanno fear of Russia. Whatever your budget they spend, they will never face the rival of equal merit.

However, according to the author of the article in the Corriere, some Finnish nationalists have seized the opportunity to go on to the Russian fans. Note the mention of the party and Timo Soini Perussuomalaiset, which are the equivalent of Bossi and the Northern League. I have yet to find the equivalent of Berlusconi pero '... Now I receive '3000 upset of feedback response. Joke, eh? Berlusconi've got it just us, fortunately (unfortunately?).

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

How To Read Screen On A Arc Trainer

Fc Italialaiset - Herpa 5-2

for the second consecutive Italialaiset, fewer sghangherati and more and more 'real team (goalkeeper to turn aside). Second vittoria e senza soffrire contro una squadra che si presentava sulla carta temibile, avendo molti piu' punti di noi.

Arrivati al campo, ci siamo trovati di fronte una squadra di simpatici vecchietti dopolavoristi, quasi rilassante a vedere dopo lo chock dei palestrati di Konala. Si parte ed e' subito bum bum. Luca, davvero sprecato nella lega hobby, segna subito due reti una piu' bella dell'altra, e ispira la rete del 3-0 di AleBot, conclusa in contropiede con un fantastico rimorchio.

Il secondo tempo si apre con il gol degli avversari, a cui subito risponde Zack su assist del solito Luca con un tiro forte e preciso, sul quale il pur bravo portiere avversario compie una papera alla Van der Sar facendosi bucare sul primo palo. 4-2 e risultato fissato da Simoniito che sfrutta in area un rimpallo del portiere avversario e si avventa sulla palla vagante spingendola in rete con un balzo felino che neanche il miglior Inzaghi.

In mezzo tante tantissime occasioni da gol, con ottime parate del portiere avversario, uno sciagurato gol fallito da Salvatore (stoicamente ed eroicamente in campo anche dopo un duro scontro di gioco che ha causato una ferita al capo con copioso spargimento di sangue) dopo un contropiede solitario e la scoperta di Alex che scalza con profitto Jouni dal ruolo di difensore centrale. Jouni, fuori dal suo elemento migliore, la difesa centrale, e' sembrato un po' spaesato e meno gladiatorio del solito. Buona la prova di Rosario, all'esordio in porta.

The next game, the last before the summer break, against the third in the standings: graduation examination for Italialaiset.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Occupational Therapy Soap Notes Examples

FC Sidekicks presi a calci in faccia!

First league win for Italialaiset that sull'immondo ground Konala FC addressed the Sidekicks, which was presented at the meeting back from a 12-1 defeat that made pale even our debut. With the addition of the alien John, came directly from Sicily to give a foot to the team, for once the Italialaiset have won 4-1 and without suffering. The beginning and

'but was' terrible action on the counterattack, an opponent makes up the shot on Sunday and with a diagonal cross to beat Alex to tell the truth, a' s a bit surprised (e non c'erano biondone stavolta a bordo campo). Ma la svolta arriva subito dopo: Simoniito conquista palla a limite dell'area, esegue un dribbling ubriacante e viene steso in area. Per l'arbitro (lo stesso che ha fatto squalificare AleBon a causa del "vecchio arbitro vai a casa") non e' rigore ma punizione dal limite, un po' spostati sulla destra.

Si incarica della battuta lo stesso Simoniito. Si concentra, si ricorda delle tante ore di lezione date ai vari Del Piero e Pirlo, e calcia. La palla compie una parabola perfetta, scavalca docilmente la barriera e va a levare le ragnatele dal sette della porta del portiere avversario, alla sua destra. Un gol che per rara bellezza supera anche il famoso colpo di testa in torsione ed elevazione!

The game is down at this point: immediately after Luke, now literally unstoppable, flies on the right and pierces the goalkeeper with a powerful diagonal. The Italialaiset begin at this point to control, all playing very well, Jouni wall, gladiator, all.

In the second half Luke put the result beyond doubt with a goal after a cross riveted on his previous shot. A little 'fear of a sensational cross a duck then the opponents defensive free version of Luke Inzaghi just before the doors: Luke screams "touch the floor and throws a fireball passing through the network was not even Mark Lenders (the difference' Mark Lenders that the networks were not pierced).

4-1 and below with the next.

PS According to some reconstructions, it seems that the punishment actually 'has slowly climbed over the fence and the ball is rolled with a low shot into the goal keeper of the duck. Other reconstructions say that even Jouni had deflected the ball, but the person concerned has denied. In the absence of certainty, it was thought true with the description given in a ball off the cobwebs from seven opponents.