Thursday, May 28, 2009

Infiniti By Eurosport St950

Ritornano gli Italialaiset, a grande richiesta

Remember the Italialaiset? Last year we started with the Lombard football tournament at 7-over 'shabby history. Memorable part of my goals in torsion and in elevation a cross from AleBon!

Well, this year we came back, more 'disorganized than ever, and even more 'amazing, I was asked (but will not reveal' the name of principal) to continue blogging about the tournament! The

you have it!

You must first know that this year compared to last year we were organized. That 's all say. This year, the Bureau transferred to Giulio good for non-sporting issues, we do not have a fixed ports and take turns in alphabetical order ...

The initiative is not 'been some of the most' lucky. The first game, and 'was played against a team called Battre Folk, which appears in Swedish means "people better." These people are 'the better it seems that last year they even won the tournament! I campioni in carica!

Mi armo del mio miglior finlandese, e mi informo col loro capitano se e' vero che l'anno scorso abbiano vinto il torneo. Lui mi risponde con lo stesso sguardo, son sicuro, con cui il lupo guardava Cappuccetto Rosso prima di mangiarsela, dicendo, si proprio noi. A questo punto non potevo far altro che rilanciare un "Vittu" d'ordinanza, giusto perche' l'occasione lo richiedeva e il lupo se l'aspettava.

L'inizio e' clamorosamente a sorpresa: un veloce uno due di Salvo e della punta di diamante Luca, che fino all'anno scorso giocava (anche arbitrato da me) addirittura in quarta divisione, portano gli Italialaiset in vantaggio 2-0!!! Contro i campioni in carica! Poi gli avversari si ricordano to be the champions, rely on their better organization, and the game ends with an honorable 11-2. Sigh ... I think the record for goals in league amateur ... At the end of the game, touching someone of the opposing players during the third time, he greeted us with a "thank you" instead of the usual "Kiitos"

The second game has reached the limit of sconquassitudine we were counted in 7 against a team , FC Kalkkaro equally profughesca, who had the merit of having lost "only" 2-0 with Battre Folk. Appealing to all our strengths, while drawing the referee did not see a hidden oxygen bottles, we can, pulling out a specimen worthy of the best bolt Nereo Rocco, to resist Luca at 0-0 with a version of gladiator central defender. Everything 's well that ends well? No! The very last second, the ball came in our area, the center opponent who invents a swing while drunk on good and stabs Luca AleBot goalkeeper cars, the first pole. What a joke!

For the third game, played today, we called for reinforcements. Representatives of the team's seventh president Julius, the poetic name Magnifiga (!). Sconquassatissimo arrived at the pitch without even changing rooms, we expect a trauma. The opposing team, HSP, announced he is fearsome as a full score as well 'as the reigning champions, and' made up of young man palestratissimi, tattooed, and massiccissimi really angry with expressions mo I'll show you! Tipacci big, young, tall team with a serious and complete with the sponsor (which in this series is' a luxury, complete and sponsors) think that the captain had even the band!

were great and many. They had 10 reservations or something like that. We could not even take it for fatigue. One of them, and 'even brought back the girl, in a deadly stangone adhere totally pants and heels (' cause, in a football field?), Which I suspect is another tactic of psychological intimidation, in addition to the tattoos of the players, for deconcentrate opponents from the game. In fact, and not just 'come you, the attention of you and Italialaiset 'moved as if by magic from the bocce ball ...

The game is' mysteriously went well: we defended with order, not forgetting to attack, today's Julius goalkeeper saved the door on several occasions, and on many occasions we have become dangerous. Dominance opponent counterattacks but Italialaiset.

When everything seemed to go in the harbor, just minutes from the end of the game, a cross from the right, our central falls asleep (it seems he was looking at the legs of figona) and striker opponent, a dude with long hair and headbands Dolce and Gabbana (!) invents a wedge to Bettega slaying Julius who was watching the blonde's ass. 1-0, di nuovo, e tutti a casa!

Apprezzabile la vera esultanza con cui hanno salutato il gol, vuol dire che stavano soffrendo! A fine partita, nell'interminabile terzo tempo (ma quanti erano? Facevano i cambi tipo hockey, tutta la squadra in una volta!), immancabile il grazie in italiano.

La prossima andra' meglio. Si spera. Nel frattempo la Longobarda si e' dopata, e ha gia' vinto due partite su tre. Bene cosi'.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Inebrya Ice Cream Hair Products

Helsingin Sanomat, se non ci fosse bisognerebbe inventarlo

Ho perso il conto ormai di quante volte l'Helsingin Sanomat abbia dato notizione da premio Pulitzer. Oggi si e' ripetuto. Se controllate subito, vedrete come tale scoop sia addirittura in prima pagina nell' edizione on line, con tanto Photo supplied.

There I stand on your toes and I say now that the news, unfortunately in Finnish, refers to a fish and 'was caught with a rod from a fisherman at the port of Helsinki! Kats Mika seems to have been the name of the fisherman.

For the record, I must say that the fish and 'the famous "Mustakitatokko, whose scientific name'" Neogobius melanostomus . It seems that the fish living in the Baltic Sea but in the Black Sea / Caspian Sea, and then his capture has earned the first page in this nation so 'harbinger of news events. If

introduce a swordfish of SGAM and pretend that I did catch me, you say, I would do HS l'articolo?

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Carbon Fiber Laser Sailboat

Berlusconi colpisce ancora!

Ritorno dal mio torpore, ma non potevo non bloggare sulla nuova questione finlandese.
Berlusconi ne ha detta un' altra delle sue , affermando che gli piacciono le donne finlandesi, purche' siano maggiorenni, con chiaro riferimento alle accuse di sua moglie di spassarsela con minorenni, ma soprattutto ha scherzato su una sua visita in Finlandia, durante la quale lo hanno portato a vedere una chiesa in legno a tre ore da Helsinki. Berlusconi si e' meravigliato che i finlandesi facessero tanto chiasso per una chiesa di legno, che in Italia sarebbe subito rasa al suolo...

APRITI CIELO. I media hanno iniziato a bagnarci il biscuit, the Helsingin Sanomat International Edition, for once, he abandoned his chronicles about the theft of razor blades to the supermarket to talk about each other , the tabloids have even launched a survey to indicate what's wrong with Italy, which at time to link to the blog has already reached '17 pages of comments (!). Meanwhile

and 'had room for official statements of the Finnish foreign minister, who said that Berlusconi is not' never been on an official visit to Finland, qindi can not 'have never been taken to see that church. And they start the speculation on what might be this mysterious church at 3-hour drive from Helsinki: The candidate more 'important seems to be the wooden church of Petäjävesi , and that' the order, of wood, about 3 hours drive from Helsinki (not 'if specified three hours on foot, by car, plane or ), and above and 'UNESCO world heritage, like St. Peter's in Rome or my S. Giorgio in Ragusa Ibla. The pastor of the church, moved by charity 'Christian, has officially invited Berlusconi to visit the church, and at lunch, which will be' served to gallo rutabaga.

Other speculations (and a journalist of the Republic!) Suggest instead that the church is located in Iceland, and that Berlusconi has confused. Well, if so ', much better than in Finland: Do you want to put the cock to the Swede with the rotted shark preserved underground for months, a typical dish Icelandic?

But the best and 'without doubt the Finnish Centre Party, Keskustie, the same as the prime minister, who took the ball and created campaign posters ahead of the European invite the Finns (and between' Another me too, will vote 'in Finland for Finnish candidate) to vote to prevent Keskustie to go to the European Parliament says that only people like Berlusconi lies. That 's a great way to go up against rivals Kokoomous, the Finnish right, and that' the party identified with Berlusconi. Incidentally, the two parties are both in the government now, so do not be surprised Bossi, Fini and Berlusconi, or if they fight sometimes.

Berlusconi and Taida aina olla Suomen puolella literally means "It seems that Berlusconi is not always on the side of Finland." We have blog, newspaper articles , another slaughter in fact. But what they should tell the Chinese of Mao, in which Berlusconi and 'related with supergiu' these words ?

I'm accused of saying that the communists eat children: read the Black Book of Communism and you will discover that in Mao's China, the Communists did not eat children, but boiled them to fertilize the fields