Saturday, March 12, 2011

Many Calories Grilled Shrimp

Placidochromis and friends

Monday, March 7, 2011

Honeywell Thermostat Rth2310b Manual




The city, every town is a construction of time: it is time that is the space that becomes the houses, streets, squares, horizons, size, depth, views. The immense Mediterranean capital, more classically ancient than Rome itself, and with English Empire and Eastern Europe. The beautiful view of the whole of Roberto Longhi, Caravaggio Naples on inspiration, lights nell'introcata, layered and seamless weave of history, the poetics of time, cultural differences exist side by side and momentous a kind of dissonant harmony, a figure in depth picture of Napoli.Passaggi human uses, habits, not by chance that such terms as "habit", "dress", they have the same root as the word "live". The live shows by default the abode of men, their "star house" in a place that is physical and symbolic, natural and cultural, historical and mythical.

Unlike all other large cities, Naples has no time to exercise the "proper" place. Its differences are its glory, both witnesses, both survivors, insuperably together. In the capital of the South appears to act in a constant compromise between present and past, an endless negotiation between memory and oblivion. How he loved to recall Bartolommeo Capasso, Naples has never been destroyed and, therefore, was never rebuilt, but has grown continuously on itself gradually altering the lines of the original urban body that has remained essentially unchanged. Emerged, imposing a stratification, a contamination, a juxtaposition of time and leave traces that each of them: a weave from which the past does not let neutralize and, above all, do not assign leave no space limit, do not you leave shut in the glass case of memory, does not let museificare. The city life seems caught in a swirling vortex of time where the past seems to be always present and, on the other hand, this often seems to have the appearance of the past.

The presence of the past, this sedimentation of memories, both tangible and intangible, does not mean, however, that Naples is a city firm, immobile, a company "cool" according to the image of Levi - Stratuss. On the contrary, it is the story recombination constant-

mind the factors considered in the very heart of the transformations, such as overlay, an extraordinary ancient permanence, even arc: both tightly woven into modernity, with present and not simply survivors. This simultaneity contributes to make Naples a place in the monumental "widespread", and family where the memory, a sign of a deep, non-academic familiar with the old. A city rests on its myths, its symbolic foundations - which is Onon's knowledge - just as it alights on its foundations materials on "emergencies" only after the time that the collective memory becomes monuments, giving them a meaning "further". This meaning is precisely the lesson of time, to tell us what the tempoha through certain places and certain symbols not by chance that a synonym for an ancient monument was "monimento" both derived from Latin.

Naples is the only city in Europe to have retained in everyday life, that are similar to those of the city antiche. E' una voce, questa, che passa, di bocca in bocca, tra i protagonisti del grand tour: da Goethe a Nietszche, da Rilke a Benjamin. La maggior parte di essi sente il valore, l'importanza che la diversità di Napoli risveglia nell'osservatore, consistente in parte nell'apparire sempre altra, sfuggente rispetto all'imponente mole di immagini e di steriotipi che pretendono di rappresentarla, di affermarne per intero la complessità. Quei visitatori colgono l'intigrata singolarità napoletana, derivante anche dal fatto che quanto altrove è scomparso, qui è custodito e conservato accanto al nuovo. Nasce così il mito di una Napoli "porosa", arcaicamente "meridiana", un'immagine talvolta leziosa e di maniera - che see the reverse in the city, the antidote to the Mediterranean Nordic disembodied reason - but not, however, of a truth. Further test this, the virtuality of the symbolic city of the South, where everyone can find their own truth seeking.

Today, this wealth, common sense, and his aesthetic so common, they see mostly aspects deteriorate, epidermal ones, ie the disorder, dirt: everything that makes it superficially similar to the large urban areas. It is no coincidence that Naples is often seen and portrayed as a degraded body: in fact, the degradation in question, or rather, the Convention is the degradation, are partly the effect of continuous layering of memory and its objects. Escapes so that old unit locations, times, behaviors, fragmented but that time has not stopped.

This case is not only museum conservation of the past, but it is the constant remembrance and heed the continued sound of the time, and in turn translate into memories, places, objects, habits and culture of a city, his way to be, that is the place to live. Naples, which also owns the largest center of Europe, however, is not reduced to an open-air museum: it is also a great time in laboratory work continues to look with eidetic attention. In questo antico crocevia del Mediterraneo il passato non viene totalmente "dimenticato" nel monumento, rimane testimonianza vivente, non muta e quetata allegoria o riserva archeologica concessa all'esilio degli dei.

Raffaele Bruno

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Milena Velba At Kicten

young mbuna aquarium fish jumping

Ehh you had told me in every way, but I, stubborn as a mule, I preferred to do my own thing is not covering the open tank that I set up a couple of months ago ... I result found on the floor of a beautiful female Metriaclima greshakei.
solution .. I bought pexliglass ina transparent plate to be positioned over the tub .. aesthetically is "almost" invisible, as long as it remains fresh, clean then you will see .. plus coverage limits at least in part the strong evaporation which is subject to an open tank.
So in conclusion ... with our friends malawitosi is better not to risk and set up tubs with lids or, as in my case, be sure to cover any open tank ... Small
account del'argomento talking online, I was told that even relatively peaceful fish are likely to fly out of the tank, so in case of construction of new tanks, it is well to ponder well his own choices for !!!... the record, the pool is this:

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Shoulder Implant Pricing

ENOUGH WITH THE SMALL ASSASSINATED hypermarkets trade and crafts!





Mercoledi 2 marzo, alle ore 10,00, fuori alla COOP SATURN, in Via Arenaccia in Naples, there will be a press conference and distribution of leaflets, with megafonaggio and display of billboards, organized by the Provincial Federation of Social Movement Ideas, ask for the block of licenses to hypermarkets that are killing the small trade and crafts.